
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

After Nazri, who’s next to embarrass the PM?

YOURSAY ‘Najib surrounds himself with people who do him more harm than good.’

Crown prince: Focus on 1MDB, not me
LKT: It is indeed heartening that we now have two persons (namely former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim) with qualified immunity sharing their disgust together with the ordinary Malaysian at PM Najib Razak and his dubious 1MBD outfit.

It has to be tortuous and nightmarish for Najib that a new nemesis appears every now and then, demanding accountability and baying for his blood.

Even the ever reliable and ready-to-serve @KBAB51 (police chief Khalid Abu Bakar) is at wits end when it comes to helping Najib. Karma does work in a mysterious way.

Pah Cik: I am really proud of TMJ (Tunku Ismail) to speak his mind honestly and openly. We wish all other members of the royalty follow his courageous example.

Vietnam Mari: I am Anak Johor and supportive of TMJ. But I am ambivalent on this as it is a double-edged sword and can cut both ways. Cases in point are Perak in 2009 and Selangor in 2014.

Myrights: While I agree with TMJ in this case, but I disagree that Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz should be charged.

This must be a battle of principle, between right and wrong, and not one where just because a royalty speaks up, everyone must bow to it.

It does not bode well for a country to be in absolute monarchy mode as even royalties are human. Today Tunku Ismail may be right, but tomorrow he could be wrong.

Johor exco hits out at Nazri, reports made

Anonymous_1421806811: It seems to me Najib has a penchant for surrounding himself with people who do him more harm than good.

Take Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan for example. He put the blame of price increases on middlemen. Didn't he anticipate this before implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?

Next we have 1MDB president Arul Kanda and his infamous "miscommunication" with the Finance Ministry. Did he really think he can get away with lying?

After that, there was a bunch of lawyers who thought they could help Najib by having a ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum. Didn't these clowns think of all the security requirements before the event?

Now we have Nazri, who in a desperate attempt to support his boss, chose a fight he could not possibly win. I wonder who will be next to embarrass the PM?

Fair Play: Nazri, now you get a taste of your own medicine. The empire has decided to strike back. Can you take on the entire Johor rakyat?

'Johoreans' chide Nazri for his remarks on prince

Common Good of Society: Nazri, I've already said that you have bitten off more than you could chew and you are going to choke real bad.

In defiance, you challenged the people to face you in person. Wait till a thousand busloads of Johoreans come down to Kuala Lumpur to look for you. Had you used proper gentleman's language, there would have been no confrontation.

As you can see, none of your Umno ministers are saying anything, and none of them are backing you. They have chosen to be silent. Perhaps you might want to consider an apology.

Little Sparrow: Johor should bar Nazri from stepping into Johor and teach him a lesson not to disrespect the royalty. The royalty have every right, like any other citizens, to freedom of speech as enshrined in our constitution.

Just because the prince speaks against Umno does not give Nazri the right to condemn him. If the prince has spoken against the opposition, would Nazri condemn the prince?

Sabahan: Umno has been using the royalty as an excuse to prosecute opposition politicians under the Sedition Act. Nazri showed the rakyat the true colours of Umno leaders. They have no respect for the royalty at all.

The late Karpal Singh was prosecuted for offering a legal opinion involving the late Perak sultan, but Nazri can threaten to whack a crown prince and the police and AG (attorney-general) are all quiet as a mouse.

Cops launch 'public mischief' probe on Nazri 

Kangkung: When will Nazri be made to wear the purple prison clothes, handcuffed, paraded barefooted and remanded for three days for 'investigation'?

Discovery: Is the IGP (inspector-general of police) going to send balaclava clad UTK (Special Action Unit) personnel to intercept Nazri?

Come on, Mr IGP, of all the remarks made against the royalty, the statement uttered by Nazri is the most serious and offensive. We, the rakyat, are waiting eagerly for your next move.

Anonymous_3e86: Of course, every rakyat knows Nazri will get away with it. The law must be applied fairly, even on ministers who have broken the law.

The courts must make an example of him and jail him for at least six months. When that is done, the next person to be arrested and jailed for many other suspected crimes is his boss.

Doc: It’s great to start the day reading this joke that PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) will be investigating Nazri for his seditious remarks on the Johor royalty.

PDRM may not be too great in law enforcement but they seem to be doing well these days in the field of ‘comedy’. -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. "After Nazri, who’s next to embarrass the PM?"

    After Hassan M..., Ahmad S..., Ahmad M..., now this fella...!

    As the saying goes - "Be friends with stupid people...Feel like a Genius...!"

    "...Nevertheless, one has to admit Jho Low is a genius, single-handedly conned the old fox and seasoned politician former chief minister of Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud of his fortune.

    If Taib was just an ordinary tycoon without the political strings, we bet our last penny that Mr Low Taek Jho wouldn’t have much problem cleaning up billionaire Taib Mahmud’s coffer, every single penny of them."


    You be the judge.


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