
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ANOTHER NAJIB-LINKED MURDER? Was AmBank founder Hussain Najadi killed over Najib's bank accounts

ANOTHER NAJIB-LINKED MURDER? Was AmBank founder Hussain Najadi killed over Najib's bank accounts
This is the fifth day of the grave WSJ allegation of Prime Ministerial misconduct in committing the criminal offence of embezzlement in its report last Friday that Malaysian investigators have found almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) of 1MDB's funds deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts, and Najib’s failure to categorically deny the WSJ allegation.
Malaysians are all asking why Najib finds it so coy or difficult to put to rest once and for all the WSJ allegation of Prime Ministerial misconduct and the grave offence of embezzlement, when all he needs to do is to categorically deny that he ever had personal accounts in his name in AmBank or that some US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) had been deposited into his bank accounts in 2013.
Najib went round the whole world, declaring that he would never “betray the trust of the people” and that he had never “taken” public funds for personal gain, but he had scrupulously and studiously avoided the question for the fifth day whether he has or ever had personal accounts in AmBank which received deposits of some US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) in 2013!
I am mystified by Ministerial calls for action to be taken against WSJ on the ground that it had made a most heinous and baseless allegation against the Prime Minister, when it is very clear that the WSJ report had been based on the government probe by the quartet of investigating authorities, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) on the 1MDB.
No less a person than the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail had publicly admitted that the government probe had produced documents about the deposit of US$700 million into the Prime Minister’s personal banking accounts, as reported by WSJ.
Where did the money go? Was Najadi killed because he wanted to blow the whistle after Bank Negara refused to take action
Pic above shows the late Hussain Najadi: The author of this article Pascal Najadi is the son of the late Hussain Najadi, who was shot dead in broad daylight in July 2013. The assassination had shocked Malaysia. Hussain was the founder of the AmBank group, where PM Najib Razak is alleged to have opened a personal bank account, into which some RM2.6 billion was illicitly channeled, according to the WSJ. Najib has denied the allegation and threatened to sue the paper, which in turn has insisted its report was not political sabotage but based on 'solid info'. - Malaysia Chronicle
Despite incessant and increasingly ferocious attacks by Ministers and Umno/BN political leaders, WSJ has insisted that its Friday report on Najib’s personal bank accounts were based on “solid” and “reliable” documents known to top government officials, including the Prime Minister himself and the Attorney-General.
A WSJ spokesman said it does not know “where the money went” as “Basically, the trail we have ends at the bank account that has the Prime Minister’s name on it.
In this connection, I call on the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to re-open investigations into the murder of founder of AmBank, Hussein Ahmad Najadi who was shot dead in broad daylight in the centre of Kuala Lumpur in Lorong Ceylon in Bukit Bintang on July 29, 2013 to ascertain whether the murder had any links with the 1MDB scandal.
The Police should investigate whether it is true that in March 2013, Hussein had reported to Bank Negara about significant amounts of money deposited into Najib’s personal accounts and subsequently about withdrawal of significant amounts of money from these bank accounts; and that Hussein lodged a police report on the above matters on 28th July 2013 when no actions were taken by Bank Negara.
The 75-year-old Hussain was shot dead in a car park in Kuala Lumpur on 29th July 23, 2013.
Pic: Najib has also been accused of ordering the murder of Mongolian party girl Altantuya Shaariibuu (above), after she allegedly threatened to expose him and his associate Razak Baginda for corruption in the Malaysian government's purchase of two high-cost Scorpene submarines. Najib has denied the allegations while Baginda was acquitted over charges he had abetted the murder. However, 2 of Najib's bodyguards were sentenced to hang for murdering her although they had never met her until the night of her killing and had no apparent motive to do so.  Malaysia Chronicle
Today, we see a gathering of MPs from different opposition parties, but this is not a Pakatan Rakyat meeting as Pakatan Rakyat has already died, but a meeting of progressive MPs, together with NGO representatives, to put our heads together to consider the road ahead for the country in the wake of explosive corruption allegations in WSJ and from the government’s own probe into 1MDB.
I had hoped that there would also be progressive UMNO MPs at this meeting, as I do not believe that there are no progressive UMNO MPs who are not equally disgusted with the rampant corruption, abuses of power and injustices blighting the country.
The time has come for Malaysians to look into the future and conceive of a nation where the top priority agenda must be good governance in the country, where corruption and abuses of power are eradicated and all Malaysians assured of good jobs, a prosperous economy, good schools, hospitals, infrastructure as well as safe and secure environment and a fair and just government.
Lim Kit Siang is the MP for Gelang Patah

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