
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Najib guilty! Najib guilty?

The story so far ……………. we think!
Guilty as charged!
By all accounts, taking into account your feedback on FMT you have already declared your verdict on Prime Minister Najib Razak.
He has to go, you say. He took almost US$700 million you say. At least US$700 million, you correct yourself.
Misappropriated. Spent it all. On plush properties, diamond rings, designer handbags (for his wife, of course), a lavish wedding for their dear daughter, a movie for the son,………
The poor taxpayers’ money. All spent!
The evidence is clear, you argue. It is damning. It is incontrovertible. The documents clearly show it. Wall Street Journal, no less, has published it. Case closed. Or is it?
Yesterday, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin called it Malaysia’s first coup de tat.
Likening it to the one engineered half a century ago by six army generals in Indonesia, he suggested that six Tan Sris were behind it, openly naming four of them and challenging Malaysians to guess the other two.
“[T]his is all a perception war,” he writes, a “trial by media in a court of public opinion.”
That perception, he claims, is being shaped by the leaking of investigation documents and information just sufficient to shape public opinion.
“The anti-Najib forces do not want to wait for the task force or PAC to complete their investigations,” he claims, for fear that they may, albeit inadvertently, find Najib innocent of all allegations.
No. They want him to go now! Forced out by public opinion. And you agree.
It is better that he goes now, you say, and be replaced by …………….. Oops! You stumble! You realise have painted them all with the same brush.
Or perhaps, as Raja Petra also suggests, there is still a counter-coup waiting to happen – when Najib’s forces wake up to fight back from the jaws of defeat to the ecstasy of victory.
The coming days will be crucial.

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