
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Probe the Hussain Najadi Murder

COMMENT: The Inspector-General of Police, Bank Negara Governor, MACC Chief  Commissioner and Attorney-General must resign from their posts. In stead, we rely on them to investigate the WSJ allegations. What can we expect from them, two of whom, Tan Sri Abu Kassim and Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, are being sued by Lawyer Rosli Dahlan for defamation.
WSJ Task Force
The IGP has a duty to explain why there is no progress on the murder of Banker Hussain Najadi. Like Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani, my late friend Hussain cannot die in vain.
The Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia, cannot plead ignorance on the transfer of nearly USD 700 million from 1MDB to Najib’s personal account at AMBank. By any measure that amount is not peanuts. Go to any bank in Malaysia today to make a money transfer overseas for, say, to pay for a book or two. You will be required to fill and sign a form which requires you to state the purpose of payment. Surely, AMBank had reported this payment by 1MDB to the Prime Minister’s personal account to Bank Negara.
The MACC Chief had said that he needed to be treated like a judge before he can effectively do his job. Grant him this status and he will behave like the Attorney-General.
They all forget that they have been appointed to serve the country and not Prime Minister Najib Razak.  All are duty bound to execute their duties diligently and do it without fear or favour. When they have shown themselves to be partial, they should not be appointed  to the task force.
Something is really rotten with our system of governance and our country is close to being a failed state. Do our Ministers and public officials care? There is no evidence of that.–Din Merican

Probe the Hussein Najadi Murder

Hussian NajadiDAP elder statesman Lim Kit Siang has called on Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar to re-open investigations into the murder of AmBank founder Hussein Ahmad Najadi, 75, and investigate as well the failure of Bank Negara and the police to act on reports that he had lodged on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal accounts with AmBank private banking services.
The next step is for Attorney-General Gani Patail to charge and prosecute Najib for committing an offence in Malaysia, he added in citing a Wall Street Journal report last Friday which carried allegations against the Prime Minister which mentioned his personal bank accounts with AmBank.
Najadi was shot dead in broad daylight in the centre of Kuala Lumpur in Lorong Ceylon in Bukit Bintang on July 29, 2013 a day after he lodged a police report on matters that he had earlier reported to Bank Negara.
The investigations, said Lim who is also DAP Parliamentary Leader and Gelang Patah MP, will be to ascertain whether the murder had any links with the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal.
“There are reasons to re-open the file on the murder given the new information that has emerged in the wake of the Wall Street Journal report last Friday,” said Lim.
Hussein had reported to Bank Negara in March 2013 about significant amounts of money being deposited into Najib’s personal accounts, added Lim. “Subsequently, he reported about the withdrawals of significant amounts of money from these bank accounts.”
Hussain Najadi murder
“Najadi lodged a police report on the same matters on 28 July 2013 when no action was taken by Bank Negara.”
Lim was commenting on the situation faced by Najib and his government since the WSJ report last Friday.It’s described by the Chinese expression “草木皆兵” – which literally means “every bush and tree looks like an enemy soldier”, explained Lim. “The Najib Government is so nervous, suspicious, insecure and panicky about its position that it is virtually ‘jumping at shadows’.”
Gani Patail publicly admitted that the government probe had produced documents about the deposit of USD700 million into the Prime Minister’s personal banking accounts.
As a result, said Lim, any questioning of the WSJ report would be a questioning of the government’s own probe into the 1MDB by the special task force comprising Bank Negara Malaysia, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC), the Royal Malaysian Police and the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
He reminded that Tuesday was the fifth day of the grave WSJ allegation in its report last Friday of Prime Ministerial misconduct i.e. committing the criminal offence of embezzlement. “Malaysian investigators found almost USD700 million (RM2.6 billion) of 1MDB’s funds (were) deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts”.
Keep Calm
Najib has failed to categorically deny the WSJ allegations, said Lim. He noted that the people were asking why the Prime Minister finds it so difficult to put to rest once and for all the allegations of Prime Ministerial misconduct embezzlement alleged in the WSJ report. “All he needs to do is to categorically deny that he ever had personal accounts in his name in AmBank or that some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion) had been deposited into his bank accounts in 2013.”
Instead the Prime Minister went around the whole world, declaring that he would never “betray the trust of the people” and that he had never “taken” public funds for personal gain. “He scrupulously and studiously avoided the question for the fifth day of whether he has or ever had personal accounts in AmBank which received deposits of some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion) in 2013.”
Najib’s threat to sue the WSJ was a most extraordinary story. “He’s still considering whether to sue WSJ and had referred to his lawyers who will advise him on the next course of action in the next few days,” said Lim. “The WSJ meanwhile has defended its reporting and has vowed to vigorously defend any legal suit filed against it.”
If Najib had been defamed by the WSJ report, continued Lim, he should immediately instruct his lawyers to institute legal proceedings instead of seeking legal advice. “What legal advice does Najib want, unless there is room for dispute whether the WSJ report had actually defamed him or not?”

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