
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dr M, time for you to take some blame and repent

YOURSAY | ‘How does it feel to be on the other side of the needle, doctor?’
Aries46: It was none other than former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad who created this monster known as Umno Baru and enabled a system that allowed it to undermine the entire public administration system against checks and balances, and rob the nation blind with impunity.
Now that the monster has turned against its own master and given him the middle finger, he turns to Malaysians, the victims of decades of Umno’s abuses and hegemony to oust his hand-picked despot that has wrought untold suffering on the masses and brought global infamy on the nation.
Under the circumstances, ridding Najib without slaying the decadent, corrupted monster that has facilitated, aided and abetted decades of abuses on the nation is an exercise in futility.
Unless Mahathir faces reality and the victims’ general consensus, his rallying call is unlikely to gain traction.
Telestai!: Yes, this "problem" known as Najib was created by the same person who is calling for his removal. You reap what you sow.
Mahathir summarily destroyed all the key public institutions during his premiership, including the royalty. As a result, there is no stopping Najib now.
If Najib is iron-fisted, Mahathir would have been languishing in prison by now.
Vent: Which sane Malaysian doesn’t want “to act and rise up against Najib”? But Dr M, we know you are motivated by revenge and legacy issues more than anything else.
Quite rightly, you are miffed by your son's removal as Kedah MB, but what worries us is the morning after the revolt. If you do live to see the day after, we shudder to think of the aftermath.
You will be installed as advisor to the government, former minister Zainuddin Maidin will gloat over it and your sidekick, A Kadir Jasin, will flood the media with his unsolicited “thots”.
Woe betide us your dopey-eyed uninspiring son will become prime minister and the conduit for your views. Meanwhile, your daughter will reboot her views on everyone else save your sacred family with greater impunity, while all your other sons will continue to astonish us with such business acumen that they will join the ranks of new Malaysian billionaires.
And your sainted wife will become our Ibu Mitali. This is us caught between a rock and a hard place. So perhaps we will wait this one out?
Dr Suresh Kumar: Dear Dr M, unless you apologise to the nation for the bastardisation of the entire democratic process and for removing all checks and balances and vow that you will undo the rot that you created, I will not pledge my support for you.
Otherwise, let Najib continue and you watch from the sidelines. Let this be a lesson to all politicians in future. How does it feel to be on the other side of the needle, doctor?
Milosevic: Knowing how pathetic Umno can get, I am wondering if Mahathir felt he had to do the things he did because any alternative leadership would have been worse.
We curse Mahathir for compromising institutions, and yes, he is culpable. But who would have formed good institutions? Musa Hitam and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah?
Have they really shown the guts and conviction to stand up against the shenanigans of the past and present?
Musa did talk a lot of racist garbage in his time. Razaleigh was more decent. But both are adept at playing games.
Will they have maintained or built good institutions and honoured proper legal, electoral, and administrative procedures if they had faced challenges to their rule from the lot of greedy, hypocritical, and intellectually bankrupt Umnoputras and other deficient Malay sub-elites, who are now in the cabinet?
It is not clear to me they would have. It is too convenient to attack Mahathir. It would be good if he could play a role in ousting the current mafiosi.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Najib, it is clear that you have outstayed your shelf life as PM. For the past six years, you have not done much for the country.
Our life has changed, not for the better. Prices of food, medicines, and other essentials have gone up. To pay for your follies, you imposed GST (Goods and Services Tax), removed subsidies and our currency depreciated substantially causing imported goods going up in price.
In short, you are not performing. Besides, you are saddled with loads of allegations of scandals, which you could not even explained convincingly. As such, the only way for you is the exit. Save all these protest by volunteering to resign.
Whatsup: Mahathir, go apologise to Anwar and tell the world you frame him with Sodomy I. Go. Face the truth for once.
We won't rally behind you for what you've done to him and Malaysia unless you come clean. It's time you repent.
SSDhaliwal: Mahathir, you only want Najib out to save you skin but do not want real change which can only happened with this gangrene called Umno removed.
There is very little the Malays will do to topple him and maybe this is a blessing in disguise that will ultimately be Umno's undoing - by giving them a bigger shovel.
Anticonmen: When you yourself screw up the constitution and mess up the system when you were in power, what are you expecting the people to do now? Undo your stupidity? -Mkini

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