
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

PM, why so many trips to Donationland?

YOURSAY | ‘The Saudis could be puzzled why Najib ‘refunded’ the money…’
Unafraid: Clearly the main agenda for PM Najib Razak’s Saudi Arabia trip at this time is obvious.
Besides all those sideshows, the main agenda is perhaps to look for a member of the Saudi royalty to come forward to say that he was the one who ‘donated’ the money.
How much longer will those accomplices in the government keep quiet? Oops! I forgot they have all ‘sold out’.
Res Ipsa: Yes, somehow one can't run away from the gut feeling that this trip is being geared for much more than what meets the eye.
Perhaps he wants to wake the Saudis from their amnesia of having donated the colossal sums into his coffers and also remind them that the monies have been returned, albeit substantially.
Anyone sharing similar feelings?
Negarawan: Herein lies a serious problem for Malaysia when the integrity of the PM has been severely compromised by billions transferred into his bank account allegedly from Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis can now control the PM like a puppet, or even blackmail him. The deployment of Malaysian troops to Saudi Arabia is a clear indication of this.
Malaysia has been a neutral country and has no need to be involved in Saudi Arabia's campaign against the Shiites. We can hardly afford to foot the military bill, especially if there is an escalation.
Saudi Arabia is struggling financially because of the plunge in oil revenues. Is it willing to see its international reputation tarnished by not revealing the facts behind the 2.6 billion?
The noose is tightening around the necks of the culprits behind 1MDB and the so-called donation.
Obiwan: Is Najib going there to beg for forgiveness for dragging the Saudi king's good name into the 1MDB mud? And is sending the Malaysian army to join Saudi Arabia's initiated coalition the compensation?
Hang Babeuf: Another Saudi trip for Najib: once again, trying to “get their stories straight”? Or “just checking in” with the head office boss?
You take their money, you dance to their tune. And when they say “jump!”, you jump – direct to Jeddah and Riyadh.
Democracy: Najib is probably summoned by his master in Saudi Arabia on his claim that he had returned US$650 million to them which they may not have received.
In fact, the Saudis are puzzled why Najib refunded the money which they did not even donate.
FellowMalaysian: Even considering the RM2.6 billion 'donation' as a 'contra payment' to our imports from Saudi Arabia, the trade figures still result in a RM1.51 billion deficit to Malaysia.
Will Najib use this deficit trade figure to justify the donation received from the Saudi royalties?
Roar For Truth: Perhaps Najib is there looking for another Arab donor for GE14?
Shibboleth: "The silence of former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail only shows that he did present former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin evidence on the deposit from state-owned SRC International into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's personal bank accounts."
To determine whether the above statement by PAS MP Mahfuz Omar is true, one has to ask Gani this question: If you don't deny or comment on the above statement within seven days from today, we deem you silence as consent.
Anonymous_1421806811: It looks like attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali has no choice but to submit the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) findings to Parliament since he had said that Najib was innocent; otherwise no one is inclined to believe the fairy tale he gave to the public.
Anyway, for a PM and finance minister to claim that he did not know who was the "donor" of the RM42 million from SRC International (a company under his own Finance Ministry) and yet had no qualms spending it, only shows we have a PM who is devoid of any conscience, morals and principles.
Malaysia certainly doesn't need this kind of man to lead the country.
FairMind: Can an AG or, for that matter an ex-AG, remain quiet when he knows a crime has been committed?
It's shameful for an ex-AG to remain quiet on the matter, and especially so when he was so unceremoniously booted out from his office.
Does he even fear retribution from God? It's time to repent.
Aquinas Says: We all know that (Gani showed evidence of alleged Najib’s wrongdoing to Muhyiddin) to be true given the way this case has been dealt with. Circumstantial evidence is compelling.
But don't expect the AG or the police to take Muhyiddin seriously. They will do everything in their power to avoid dealing with the issue. -Mkini

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