
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 27, 2016


First off, let me repeat what I have suggested from a long time ago. To be a truly united Malaysian people, the laws must be amended to grant a larger 'federational outlook' on all the States.
The States have authority over their land. Land is always a state matter. Land cannot be moved or transported. It will be difficult to federalise land matters. However I feel that the National Land Code (a wonderful law that has contributed immensely to the development of Malaysia) must be further developed as the 'standard' throughout Malaysia.
States can have authority over land but why is it that non Kelantanese cannot buy and own land in Kelantan whereas Kelantanese can buy land in other States? If we follow natural justice, aka tit for tat, Kelantanese should not be able to buy land in other states. Is this a fair statement or not? Can any Kelantanese care to comment? Do you think these types of restrictions contribute towards building a truly Malaysian identity?
Or you dont really want this to happen? Meaning you folks can buy houses anywhere you want but your state is only reserved for yourselves?
How do you hope to create a Malaysian nation if 28 million Malaysians cannot buy and own land or houses in Kelantan?
Is this a touchy subject? No it is not. These are real issues. It is not touchy or controversial. People are just too lazy to think.
Then we have the 20 point agreement etc with Sabah and I dont know how many points with Sarawak, but isnt it ridiculous that people from the Peninsula need a work permit to work in Sabah and Sarawak but people from the two states DO NOT need a work permit to work on the Peninsula?
Why do Malaysians from the Peninsula need to show your passport or IC to get into Sabah and Sarawak? Weird bro. Lu masuk semenanjung tak pakai apa pun bah ! Pakai baju saja !
Arent we all Malaysians? But again the simple concept of reciprocity aka tit for tat aka natural justice requires that if Sabahans do not need a work permit to work on the Peninsula, then why do the Peninsula people need a work permit to work in Sabah (or Sarawak). Can any Sabahans or Sarawakians care to comment?
And tell us honestly how this contributes towards our nation building? How does requiring people from one part of the country to get a work permit or show their passports to get into another part of the country contribute towards building a truly Malaysian identity?
This is where after 59 years of Independence and 53 years as Malaysia we really need to relook some of these rusty and outdated fears and worries that our founding fathers had in their minds. Jangan takut lagi bah ! Sekarang kita sudah dewasa.
And let us also be clear about our Independence Day. It falls on August 31. We became Independent on 31st August 1957. Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak joined the Federation later.
Ok so we call it Malaysia Day. But when Singapore left, should it have become Malaysia Day Minus 1? Because "states" can be added or removed. Brunei did not join in 1963. What if Brunei joins Malaysia? My belief is one day Brunei will join Malaysia. Just wait and see. If it happens do we change the date for Malaysia Day? But our independence day will still remain 31 August 1957.
Hawaii 'joined' the United States on August 21, 1959 to become the 50th state in the Union. Louisiana (a French colony) joined the US in 1803. But the American independence day is still July 4th, 1776. There is no 'America Day'.
My view is you cannot become a united nation if you insist on highlighting our differences.
Coming back to the federal versus states issues, my view is that water can be placed under Federal jurisdiction. Water meaning authority over the rivers, lakes and groundwater. I worked on a project once to develop a water treatment plant in Kedah. The project needed a 'water storage' reservoir as a standby storage. There was a natural lake very close by which suited the purpose very well. But it was just across the border in Penang (Seberang Prai) and so it was out of bounds.
Unlike land, water is a movable quantity and it can be put under federal jurisdiction. This is my view.
We are also not "natural continents" like India, China, Russia or Brazil where huge numbers of different language groups, races or tribes populate the territories which perpetuates distinct identities.
But even in these huge countries, the awareness that unity builds strength and that great unity builds great strength and great societies has spawned enlightened leaders who strove to unite their diverse peoples under some commonality.
"Unity in diversity" is therefore a very old saying.
In Latin it is 'E pluribus unum'.
In Indonesia, they use the Sanskrit version "Bhineka Tunggal Ika".
They all mean the same thing 'unity in diversity'.
If we unite despite the diversity, then ultimately the diversities will disappear. A truly Malaysian identity will arise, naturally by itself.
Who knows, maybe in the far future the Malays will eat kway teow. The Chinese may eat up all the thosai at Bala's and the Indians may eat up all the sambal petai in the country.You never know.
Hence the Mahatma travelled the width of India to tell the Indian people that they were one people, despite their diversity. Bhinneka tunggal ika. The Indians united for independence. But it has been work-in-progress since then.
The rise of great societies has often been preceded by the unification of a diverse people.
Italy was united only in the late 19th century by Victor Emmanuele, Giuseppe Garibaldi and others. Rome became the capital of Italy in 1871, just 89 years before I was born.
Germany was united as one German nation under one common emperor Wilhelm 1st around that time as well. Germany was reunited again in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
China was united again as one nation in 1949. They are now unstoppable. There are hundreds of 'nationalities' within China and hundreds of languages. There are even mamak type people from Xinjiang. Some of them sell kebab and roti naan in Beijing. They all speak Mandarin.
The good thing is these modern societies (I use the word "modern") have remained united. They have worked to overcome their differences. Or they sought to highlight common factors and similarities. And they have done very well as a united people.
The Peninsula is very small - 500 miles north to south and 250 miles at its maximum width (I still think in miles and pounds - old school ok). Even with the huge landmass of Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia's geographical area is still 'medium'. We are not a natural continent with really major differences.
Although the Federation was established in 1948, there was already a Malayan identity from long before that. Migrants who came to Malaya did not say they were going to Perak, Kelantan, Singapore or Pahang. They were headed to "Malaya". The Peninsula had an identity.
Imagine what would happen if the Federation of Malay States on the Peninsula were to unfederate? Or even Sarawak and Sabah. There will be so many new flags, so many new passports and so many new national anthems.
I will go back to Perak. My roots are in Ipoh, Matang and Taiping. But it will be such a bore to have my passport stamped by my old classmate Lim Guan Eng when I go to Penang.
Kecek Kelate may become a school subject in Kelantan. How will the Minangs handle Nogori?
Another thing that will happen for sure is that 'international trade' will increase exponentially. Keropok lekor will be imported from Terengganu. Pahang will export Camerons vegetables via Perak.
And imagine the number of Prime Ministers that will be needed? Plus Cabinet Ministers? There will not be Menteri Besars anymore or Chief Ministers. They will all become Prime Ministers.
And there will certainly be different currencies. And postage stamps. Maybe Perak will put my face on a stamp - for dreaming up an "unfederated" Peninsula.
After a while, the unfederated states may get tired. They may want to federate again. There are many ways of doing this.
A common currency would certainly help. Maybe a common flag, a common national anthem, a common celebration of a common Independence Day (and not two or three different days).
Maybe one Prime Minister (like Wilhelm the 1st). Maybe also a common postage system.
Other things too like you can buy land and houses anywhere in the new federated country. Or work and live anywhere inside the new federated country without a work permit.
It may take some time, but eventually the people may decide to 'unite in diversity' or 'bhinneka tunggal ika' or 'e pluribus unum'.
So what do you think folks? Shall we start on this journey? Unfederate, see how things develop and then federate again?
Who shall be the Garibaldi? Or the Wilhelm the 1st?
Do you recall a time when a man called Mahathir was our prime minister? We did not have as much idle time to think up all these things. I was looking for a natural reservoir over the state boundary in Seberang Prai. I was born in Perak. - http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/

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