
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 26, 2016

Gani, the RM2.6b question is 'why' were you suddenly removed

YOURSAY | ‘The timing of the removal... cannot all be alluded to fate, but sly human interventions.’
Vijay47: Former attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail, I grant you are indeed telling the truth, it is nothing but the truth, but it is not the whole truth.
You diplomatically mentioned that your "sudden removal as the attorney-general last year was done in accordance with the general orders". I don't think anybody even doubts that. In fact all the convenient 1MDB-linked dismissals followed the required procedure.
The RM2.6 billion question is, why were you suddenly removed, or to put it more bluntly, sacked? Did you rob a bank, kill someone, rape someone, do anything that made you unworthy to continue to be AG? Are our AGs "suddenly" removed? If so, how many before you?
It would be unfair to expect you to take on the full might of the Umno government and fight our battles. But I suppose that in the qualified manner you described your removal, even if on face value it seems to exonerate Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and friends, you intimate that there is more than meets the eye. Because of someone's whim and that you didn't catch his fancy, to put it mildly.
CQ Muar: Wisdom prevailed and an apt answer to your "merciless" removal by Najib and his government. We wish you success in your undertaking, but we also hope you will be brave enough to expose those scoundrels when the time comes, for turning this country into what it is today. This is solely the handiwork of one man whose alleged greed knows no bounds.
Worldly Wise: I disagree - the general orders cannot be used to remove the AG. The AG holds office at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. The pleasure is dependent on what the cabinet says, not what the PM says. Gani Patail seems indebted to someone.
Inworldnotof : Well, going by the significant cases before 1MDB under your watch, Gani, you know, we know. Who was the most malleable and had such ample capacity to be manipulated and to manipulate?
You allegedly served your masters well. Never one to stand alone, strong and firm with courage of your own convictions about what is true, just and right, in accordance with the rule of law, were you?
So what else more is there to say but to play safe and sound and just go along with the evil flow, isn't it? Conscience, duty, accountability, welfare of nation, and ordinary rakyat - all flown out the window. Malaysia on autopilot while misruling entity thrashes in death throes.
Anonymous 2413381470634342: To the rakyat, they feel you allegedly played them out when, after all the investigations, without a word you left under the pretext of medical reasons for early retirement. Isn't that shameful?
Ex-AG, you should do your service right for the rakyat. You must tell the truth about the investigation, unless you allegedly got rewarded.
Kangkung: Abdul Gani Patail, why didn’t you state this fact on day one of your removal? Why do you have to keep this 'wonderful' news till today? Has the animal feed finally arrived or are you afraid …?
Mushiro: Gani should have maintained his silence, rather than come out with this bull. People had some sympathy and respect for him after he was suddenly escorted out of his chambers. His statement just confirms that this is the Gani of old and nothing has changed. Gani is just not capable of the truth.
Restless: "... Whereas this is an issue of over 50 years but nobody raised anything..." Why didn't you then, Gani, raise something if you think you have been unfairly dismissed? I felt something amiss when you were removed rather abruptly. You didn't retaliate, you didn't file for action in court for unfair removal at PM s "whim...” ermm sorry, “and when he deems fit".
Can you enlighten me? Are you afraid and do you have too much at stake that you can’t risk? Your silence after your removal has been most unusual, wherein an AG in any developed nation would never accept such unceremonious dismissal hands down. Well, unless you have reasons only known to yourself and those in authority over you.
Orang Asal: Just the words “deems fit” do not connote a completely free hand. Any decision based on such a phrase is still subject to the rule of natural justice and fairness. More so where reasons were given, in which case those reasons can be challenged if they had no basis or were tainted with bad faith.
Abasir: Gani Patail, if you have read in this comments section all that has been said about you and your most recent response to a simple question, you should know in what low esteem Malaysians seem to hold you.
After being politically hoisted into the seat following your ignominious role in the Anwar Ibrahim persecution and then being unceremoniously dumped by the same political scum, one may simply say that you (as a person) got what you deserved. The real victim in this scandalous affair is the Office of the Attorney-General.
6th Generation Immigrant: The laws may not have been amended, the PM still has the right to remove any appointees, while Gani, reasons only best known to him, is still keeping his cards close to his chest. These are all well and good, if left to fate and time alone to all fatefully congregate at an apex in just days.
However, the timing of the removal, the articulated coincidences in relations to the 1MDB investigations, the medical reasons used, the very sudden removal in the midst of investigations, removal of other staffers, the involvement of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara Malaysia and the quick replacement with the appointment of a new unknown AG who then quickly closed the investigations cannot all be alluded to fate, but to sly human interventions.
Coincidences after coincidences, and circumstances cannot be so precise, even if willed by God's prophets.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: I recall Najib saying that he had not interfered in the investigations but he never explained how a sitting AG was, without warning, suddenly removed. That clearly said that the highest legal office in the country is allegedly controlled by the government so we can forget about its independence and the upholding of justice.
There was a hardly convincing reason given that the AG was unwell. Yet he seems completely healthy. And if it was in fact a health issue, why was his dismissal done in such a manner? So yes, most sensible Malaysians knew he was pushed out by the powers that be, to prevent something from being revealed.
It takes a brave man or woman, to stand up to these roguish politicians with the truth.
Sadirah: When people have spent their life compromising and pleasing their bosses, then it is difficult for them to find their moral compass and do what they should do. When they are trampled upon, there is very little self-respect worth to stand up.
This is where a life of continuous compromises ends. No one allegedly respects this man and he is not worth anything and will suffer for what he has done to Anwar Ibrahim. When your hands are soiled, they are soiled. No moral courage and self-respect left.
JD Lovrenciear: Cut the ‘diplomatic’ language. There are just two words to encapsulate all these judicious and politically correct minting: ‘self-interest’.
Anon1: To challenge the higher powers, one must be squeaky clean. If there's a closet of skeletons that Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) knows about, that would explain why Gani went down meekly.

Anonymous 2415891461978791: The fox is in charge of the henhouse, and in Malaysia even the hens don't complain. - Mkini

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