YOURSAY | ‘If Tian Chua wasn't considered a hero previously, he is now.’
Yet, Malaysia is one of the few former colonies still using it to suppress the democratic process. It had become a useful tool to suppress freedom of information, speech and dissent. Its use against activists and opposition MPs is nothing short of suppressing the truth.
On appeal I hope the higher courts will see that this is an infringement of the Federal Constitution.
SteveOh: So how will elected representatives and the media and concerned citizens be able to do their jobs and voice out their concerns if the Sedition Act is used on them because they are critical of the government? It is a travesty of justice and abuse of power.
What's wrong with telling the disgruntled to take to the streets in peaceful protest? How can that be seditious? The facts of the case were that PKR vice-president Tian Chua was merely doing what he was elected to do to represent the concerns of the people.
Replace the BN government with the British government and rewind the clock back to 1956 before Merdeka. Would the Tunku and pro-Merdeka politicians and citizens asking for independence be guilty of sedition?
If yes, then the British were dictators. If no, then why should Tian Chua be guilty? Democracy was on trial and given a punch below the waist.
Vijay47: Tian Chua is the latest opposition member to learn that you speak only through the charity of Umno. Others already in line for this useful lesson on how the world spins are Pakatan Harapan leaders Lim Guan Eng, Rafizi Ramli, Jeff Ooi, Tony Pua and others whose names skip me and also those like Teresa Kok who somehow escaped the net.
People who criticise these acts of prosecution should realise that they are, like inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar would readily explain, only for the preservation of parliamentary democracy.
Words that seem innocent, like ‘adios’, can be dangerous. Others who should be made to toe the line include opposition elected representatives Lim Kit Siang, Mahfuz Omar, M Kula Segaran, Gobind Singh Deo, Teo Nie Ching, Nurul Izzah Anwar and Baru Bian.
The public must remember that such action by the authorities is necessary for ensuring Malaysia's continued harmony and it would be mischievous of anyone to suggest that they are to secure BN's victory in the elections. That would be as untrue as accusing the Elections Commission of being unfair.
Aziz Kader: I am not a law graduate but funny how could the words 'bangkit' (rise up) and 'turun ke jalan raya' become sedition? Unless 'bangkit' (rise up) and 'turun ke jalan raya' if the phrase continues to mention kill or harm someone, only then can it be classified as sedition. If the phrase continues to fight for justice against regime, how could that be sedition?
Oscar Kilo: The allegedly seditious remarks were over three years ago. Since then, has there been any material damage caused by or attributed to the said allegedly seditious remarks?
CQ Muar: In relation and comparison to this case, if an ex-menteri besar of Malacca was fined RM1,900 for insulting a sultan's son, which was indeed serious in nature, why resort to such extremes against an opposition leader? Is there no more law in this country?
StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: Quote: "Looking at the facts of the case, I am satisfied that the accused (Tian Chua) had uttered remarks with seditious tendencies," he said. The judge specifically pointed to the words 'bangkit' (rise up) and 'turun ke jalan raya' (take to the streets), used by Tian Chua during the forum, as being seditious in nature."
How is it possible to infer ‘tendencies’, and then from there make the inferred ‘tendencies’ the very basis for a judgment on sedition? Does ‘tendencies’ not imply uncertainty?
Should a firm judgment be made on the basis of uncertainty? Isn't it possible to infer a number of outcomes from those words ‘bangkit’ and ‘turun ke jalan raya’ other than what is now inferred?
And, how does one go from ‘(seditious) tendencies’ to ‘(seditious in) nature’ in making a judgment? I am expressing my own confusion, I guess.
Gerard Lourdesamy: How can these words be seditious? ‘Turun ke jalan’ and ‘bangkit’ can refer to taking to the streets to protest against the government which is permitted under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. The accused did not say “turun ke jalan dan gulingkan kerajaan”.
The former CM of Malacca can accuse the Raja Muda of Selangor of being a murtad and get away with a fine. Does this mean that Umno politicians are above the law?
The attorney-general (AG) should explain these double standards in decisions to prosecute. To accuse a Muslim of being a murtad without a shred of proof is not only a grave sin in Islam but clearly seditious since it has the tendency to encourage disloyalty and disdain for the future ruler of Selangor.
The law is increasingly becoming an ass in Malaysia.
Ferdtan: The judge had found that the words used by Tian Chua as seditious, then we might as well ban such words from Malaysian dictionary from being used. That would save the courts’ time to judge on cases that would serve ‘real’ justice, instead of making such decisions on political cases that are seen to benefit the ruling government.
The words, 'bangkit' (rise up) and 'turun ke jalan raya' (take to the streets), from now onward should not be spoken and written. Period. Comedy? Malaysians just don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.
Even if those words are in different contexts, completely non-political, it is still not-advisable; the reason is that the people in-charge of enforcement agencies are often seen to lack in language proficiency - especially English.
Lone_star: Will someone shouting "kueh bangkit" have consequences to pay?
Gggg: Mahatma Gandhi, too, faced similar difficulties dealing with the colonial British. He refused to pay the fine and spent his time in jail.
Headhunter: If Tian Chua wasn't considered a hero previously, he is now. They are turning him into a national icon. - Mkini
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