
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Really Salleh Keruak, who’s betraying who?

YOURSAY | ‘The selling of our power plants by 1MDB to China is the ultimate betrayal.’
FellowMalaysian: Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak expressed annoyance over the constant attacks by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and others, but claimed that the BN government and the PM grow stronger after each of these bombardments.
If that is so, then Salleh and his fellow ministers should welcome such 'sorties' as PM Najib Razak will certainly be pleased to see such moves, especially those coming from Western countries, which will help mend the country's tattered image.
In the same breadth, why then complain about 1MDB's IPO (initial public offering) being sabotaged by elements linked to foreign media if at the end of the day, the ‘futile’ effort by these saboteurs will only make Najib and BN stronger and more powerful?
Salleh ought to be reminded that the press in the West operates in an manner different from the mainstream media in Bolehland, where news reports are often dictated by government controls and interventions.
Anonymous 568201438363345: The Department of Justice (DOJ) taking action against money laundering that happened in the US is interpreted as foreign interference?
Malaysians should understand that the selling of our power plants by 1MDB to China is the ultimate betrayal of our country. These power plants generate a significant portion of our required energy. Don't you people realised how serious this issue is?
Inworldnotof: The level of delusion is astonishing. You would think that at this stage of the expose, Najib’s appointees would have become quieter and more real.
But this is the reality of these who strut the corridors of power - entrenched in their lies and self-deception for so long they now truly believe in their invincibility and that of their chosen one.
The day is coming soon surely when we wake up to hear that the bubble has burst and guts are pouring forth from the broken seams because the loot is too heavy for any of them to carry.
MalaysianCowsDoFlies: What is the point of pointing out who betrayed who? The fact is Malaysians are indeed betrayed for many years by unscrupulous leaders out to enrich themselves.
The rakyat will now need to search for a leader who work for the rakyat, and not take from the rakyat.
Kangkung: Salleh, I am sure for you that Najib allegedly stealing more than RM2.6 billion of the rakyat's money is not the ultimate betrayal of Malaysia
Negarawan: Instead of pursuing justice for the people of Malaysia, and championing the recovery of assets stolen from 1MDB, attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali has done nothing and left his responsibilities to the AGs of the US and other countries that are conducting investigations on 1MDB.
Malaysians have to be very thankful for the legal actions taken by the US DOJ and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), for without their involvement, the massive corruption behind 1MDB would have been completely covered up by the Umno regime.
The 1MDB scandal has been described by the US government as the largest money laundering case in US history. Any AG with integrity will be kept extremely busy with this case alone.
Kingfisher: It is most unfortunate for Malaysians from all walks of life as they possibly continue to ponder if there prevails an entitlement mentality in the fabric of our national leadership.
And for what sad consequences for an otherwise lucky country. There was a flysheet/poster during a recent youth rally that had two words "Shameless dude" displayed. One wonders if there was something amiss in that.
Monty: Why all the fuss about the AG now. It was clear from the very beginning of his appointment that he was an Umno man.
What the public should be concerned about is how and why he was appointed. But it is all academic now. Apandi will only go when Najib and Umno are thrown out.
Headhunter: This is reminiscent of the story of a former top judicial official who went for a holiday with a senior lawyer-fixer in New Zealand.
He should submit his resignation if he has any dignity left. But we all know he has none.
Spinning: Our AG has "investigated" and was satisfied the monies in our PM account is a donation from Saudi Arabia.
The DOJ has "investigated" and was satisfied the monies in our PM account originate from 1MDB. So who do we believe?
Cogito Ergo Sum: As AG, the chief prosecutor in the nation, his duty is to ensure that the state charges wrongdoers, of whatever colour or creed.

He has abdicated this paramount duty so blatantly that I verily believe, he is ignorant of the functions of his office. - Mkini

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