
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Kartel Daging : 'ada Menteri terlibat' kata penjual daging, monopoli orang kaya 'tycoon' naikkan harga daging, cekik darah orang biasa

 1.  Hari ini 5hb Januari 2021 Malay Mail melaporkan berita bahawa orang kaya dan syarikat besar terlibat kartel daging 'haram'.

Sila baca dua laporan berita berikut :

KL Jan 5 — MACC not ruling out reputable companies in smuggling meat  

thorough investigation to prove involvement of certain parties in meat cartel 

we believe there must be a ‘tycoon’ or a reputable company involved 

MACC will investigate and no one will be spared

However name of company or tycoon cannot be revealed because under investigation

MACC will look at data to confirm the matter he said.

media reported on cartel smuggling frozen meat, repackaging meat using halal logo 

syndicate bribed senior officials   Bernama

My comments : Tuan-tuan sekali lagi orang kaya terlibat, Menteri terlibat, pegawai kerajaan yang korup terlibat.  Mereka pegang lesen, mereka pegang monopoli, mereka pegang kuasa. 

Mereka tipu tuan-tuan. Akhir sekali harga daging mahal. Tuan-tuan kena bayar lebih, dan tuan-tuan jadi miskin dulu.  

Yang lebih sedih ialah keluarga orang biasa sudah tidak mampu makan daging. Harga daging begitu mahal. 

Yang berikut adalah laporan berita satu lagi:

2.  Semalam 4hb Januari 2021 akhbar Malay Mail laporkan berita berikut : 

KL Jan 4 — “meat cartel”  no surprise to many local butchers polled by Malay Mail

Speaking during our visit to wet markets, butchers said suffering in silence for years

knowing existence of cartel and disappointed with lackadaisical attitude towards syndicate

Zamry Shahbhari in PJ Old Town market related butchers aware companies bringing in more meat than they practically could, but said no action was taken despite them lodging complaints.

“I’m sorry to say but I feel what the government is doing right now to tackle this issue is a load of crap. 

I don’t want to mention which minister but we know who it is and they were doing a piss pot job of it.

local breeders have made police reports but nothing came of them,” Zamry lamented.

“Instead we’re hearing about this company in Johor and the husband and wife being charged for involvement in this illegal business. What’s the point? These are small fries, the bigger culprits are still out there,” he added.

media exposé of syndicate that repackaged non-halal meat with halal meat.

When asked how the butchers became suspicious, Zamry said authorities only allow foreign companies to bring in a certain amount of frozen meat on a monthly basis — but the amount they brought it allegedly have always exceeded the amount approved by Islamic authorities which enforce the halal certification.

“Then suddenly we hear of this company bringing 50 to 70 containers per month to Malaysia for several months. This is way too many for one company. Usually it’s around 20 to 30 containers per month or less,” said Zamry

“I think we need to look at the Customs and Immigration departments, as well as other agencies involved more closely. Many butchers are not willing to talk for fear of repercussions but I feel this is an important issue and if it’s true you need not be afraid,” he said.

Sulong Mohd says corrupt officials and poor governance in government agencies have resulted in officers being corrupt for years. 

Another butcher located in Seksyen 16 Market in Shah Alam, Sulong Mohd, also lamented the fact that the possibility that the purported cartel has lasted for years meant that many of the corrupt staff involved from the authorities have likely been leading very comfortable lives with their ill-gotten gains.

“If they said that this meat cartel issue has been going on for 40 years, the officers involved probably have retired and are enjoying their life.

meat cartel scandal smuggling of frozen meat from China, Ukraine, Brazil and Argentina 

IGP said police have opened several investigation papers over the issue based on reports lodged by several individuals and non-governmental organisations.

the one and only factor was corruption among government officials and lastly, the people are the ones who are going to pay for the price,” Abu said when met.

Deputy Minister even vouched for the top three frozen meat brands: A..., A..., and A.. all from India. 

My comments :

Kartel Daging ini pun adalah akibat dasar yang utamakan monopoli  lesen impot, monopoli AP dsbnya yang semuanya dikemut oleh orang kaya, orang politik, orang yang ada kabel, orang yang berkuasa dan sebegitu. Dan yang seringkali (atau selalu) melibatkan salahguna dan rasuah.

Kita tidak perlu kepada kartel daging, atau monopoli impot daging. Sesiapa nak impot daging, biar mereka impot daging. Cuma pastikan semua pengimpot daging patuhi syarat-syarat, ikut SOP, ikut undang-undang negara ekspot (Australia, Argentina dsbnya) dan negara kita. Apa susah sangat?

Sebaliknya lesen monopoli di kemut oleh orang kaya. Dan apa yang berlaku ialah tuan-tuan pengguna terpaksa bayar harga cekik darah, terpaksa makan produk sampah dan dibebani servis cincai.   

Kalau tiada monopoli untuk lesen impot daging, tiada kartel dsbnya dan sesiapa pun boleh impot daging maka penipuan seperti ini sangat susah untuk berlaku. 

Sebab jika ada sesiapa yang mengimpot daging kangaroo dan daging kuda untuk dijual sebagai daging halal maka pengimpot daging lain yang bukan penipu akan pecahkan rahsia pengimpot penipu daripada awal lagi dan memalukan mereka sehingga mereka terpaksa tutup bisnes. 

Inilah kekuatan dan kelebihan sistem pasaran terbuka. Pesaing kita (competitors) senantiasa awasi keadaan pasaran dan sentiasa tunggu peluang untuk membocorkan sebarang penipuan dalam pasaran. 

Bila pasaran terbuka maka harga daging impot akan bantu kurangkan harga daging tempatan yang lebih mahal. Jika harga daging tempatan naik terlalu tinggi maka pengguna akan beli daging impot yang lebih murah pula dan memberi tekanan untuk harga jualan dikurangkan. 

Tetapi apabila kita kekalkan dasar ekonomi monopoli, oligopoli, lesen terhad, lesen terkawal, AP impot dsbnya inilah yang akan berlaku.

Orang kaya, orang tycoon, orang yang ada pengaruh akan guna pengaruh mereka, akan guna rasuah untuk monopoli bisness. Kartel daging ini adalah satu lagi contoh.

Lesen monopoli memberi mereka peluang menjadi cepat kaya tanpa perlu takut kepada persaingan (competition) maka mereka akan melakukan perbuatan setan seperti jual daging kangaroo, kuda dan daging kualiti rendah untuk mendapat lagi banyak untung. 

Tuan-tuan, dengar baik-baik ya. Sudah tiba masanya kita hapuskan sistem ekonomi bebal yang beri lesen monopoli dan oligopoli kepada orang kaya, orang berpengaruh, orang besar yang gunakan kedudukan mereka untuk mencekik darah rakyat marhaen.

Saya tak tahulah berapa puluh tahun lagi perlu berlalu sebelum tuan-tuan akan sedar bahawa tuan-tuan sudah pun dimiskinkan oleh dasar-dasar goblok yang hanya menguntungkan sedikit orang kaya dengan menghisap darah dan duit majoriti orang susah. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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