
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Science And Secular Humanism Creates Wealth And Happiness


The following is a short comment by an acquaintance of mine.

A Quick Comment By Sadey The Oil Man

The world is riding on waves of wealth and rapid development by hitching on to science and its brethren - secular governance. Humanity is going to Mars. The Chinese landed on the moon in 2018, which is only about 45 years after the end of Mao's disastrous cultural revolution in 1976 that killed tens of millions and impoverished China. 1976 - the same year that Mahathir became DPM, and then PM in 1981 and introduced us to "penerapan nilai-nilai Islam". 

Within less than half of our lifetime, Singapore went from a colonial backwater port to a developed nation after divorce from "ketuanan Melayu" and "ketuanan Islam" in just 30 years. 

So did South Korea from a war torn nation in 1953 into a global powerhouse. China practically wiped out poverty for a billion people to become the world's biggest economy in just one generation. 

Every one of these countries made great leaps forward by grabbing onto secular and scientific principles. Malaysia is still in the rain clouds endlessly talking this and that about "religion". 

I am sorry. We are going nowhere. The world is not waiting for us. We are just being left behind in the dust of progress by the 21st century whilst Malay 'intellectuals' and lebai discuss which particular religious rule or regulation we should follow. 

The rest of the world needs only one set of values - secular humanism. No need to waste time debating things too much. And off they go into their offices, laboratories and garages to invent, create and produce unbelievably useful things for their society, their nation and the entire humanity to progress and be wealthy. 

Malays waste time arguing and making a big issue out of insignificant things that are already part of everyday life in other countries. They debate till the cows come home and cannot agree which is the right interpretation of the ancient arab tales. 

The halal stamp industry appears to be a growth sector in the economy. Besides the other staple of collecting rent-seeking fees and making the so called ummah poorer. It amazes me how much the arab tales have made the Malays dumb and dumber, and poor and poorer. And they are dragging the rest of Malaysian society into the gutter with them. 

Que sera sera. Tepuk dada tanya selera.

The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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