
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 18, 2021

How not to pass off a controversy


From Clement Stanley

I was once told that if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

This would be my advice to minister Idris Ahmad and deputy minister Awang Hashim of PAS who could not take the pressure when pressed for a response from reporter Minderjeet Kaur of FMT on the Kedah government’s decision to close all 4D shops in the state.

Minderjeet had merely sought their views on the decision taken by the PAS-led Kedah government.

Why was there a need to be confrontational when there was absolutely no need to? The reporter was merely doing her job. She was just seeking a response from them. After all, MIC, MCA, DAP and a host of others had slammed the Kedah government on its decision.

So, what was wrong in wanting to hear from the PAS leadership about what the party felt about it?

Wasn’t Minderjeet giving them the opportunity to be heard? And for that, you want to be obnoxious towards her? She wasn’t deliberately provoking anybody, you know.

I think more reporters should ask PAS leaders the same question because despite their leadership repeatedly stating that gambling is against Islam, they are today very much a part of the previous Perikatan Nasional administration that allowed additional 4D draws to be held.

This was after the Pakatan Harapan government took the bold step to reduce the number of special draws when it was in power. So why this reaction towards an honest question?

Whether the spouse of the reporter does punt at 4D outlets or not is nobody’s business. So what if he does? Is that reason enough to ban gambling and punish the entire people of Kedah?

If you are so gung-ho on punishing the people of Kedah, why not apply the same and extend it to the entire country? Close all 4D outlets and not just in selected states.

I am curious. Did Idris actually commission a survey among non-Muslims to gauge whether they were happy or not with the decision to ban gambling? He made a sweeping statement by saying that even the non-Muslims are against gambling. Prove it.

But, judging from the response from MIC, MCA, DAP and others, it does not appear to be so. I think the only way the PAS leadership can do something about gambling in this country – since they now claim that non-Muslims are against gambling – is to ban it completely. It’s a straightforward decision, no?

As for Awang, just because I choose not to ask a question in Bahasa, you question my status as a Malaysian? Where does it say anywhere in the Constitution that you have to speak Bahasa to qualify as a Malaysian?

Some of us were born in an era when Bahasa was not widely used. Does that make us any less Malaysian than Awang?

Our forefathers came to this country to work in rubber estates and tin mines centuries ago. We are all descendants of these migrants, just as some of the leaders in this country are. We have been here for generations contributing towards nation building. Our forefathers slogged just as we do.

Our forefathers fought invaders. They fought the Japanese and the Communists with their blood, sweat and tears to defend this nation, and you have the audacity to ask whether or not we are Malaysians when we choose to ask a question in English and not in Bahasa?

If you do not understand what you are being asked in English, there is always a nicer way of saying it without being rude and condescending.

All politicians must know they are public figures. They are fully aware that when they took up their appointments as ministers and deputy ministers, they would surely be asked uncomfortable questions with regards to government policies. Either they choose to answer in a civil manner immediately or politely say that they are sorry but they have nothing to say at the moment. No one is holding a gun to your head for an immediate answer. So why behave in such a manner?

You may be in a position of power now. You may be a person of privilege. You are enjoying your VIP status for now. But don’t abuse it, please. Greater men than you have fallen along the way. Nothing in life is permanent. - FMT

Clement Stanley is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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