
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Kisah Amat Sedih Pelarian Islam - Orang Islam Mesti Baca. Muslims Must Read.

 Tuan-Tuan, as you are reading this there is a serious refugee crisis going on in Europe. This crisis has been going for over SIX years already. Right now thousands of migrants from the Middle East - the majority of whom are Muslims - are struggling and fighting to walk, ride inside trucks and finally get onboard small boats, rubber dinghies and other inflatables to get across the English Channel.

This YouTube video below here is from a year ago. 
The second video below that is from a month ago. 

Finally the picture below that is a still from a news report YESTERDAY in the British Daily Mail. You can click on that link to read the short story and watch the video 

Above :  These refugees barely made it across the English Channel sitting overcrowded in such a small rubber inflatable. (From one year ago).

Below : This video is from last month. Refugees in a large rubber inflatable have reached England. They are running to save themselves from being caught by British authorities.  

Here is the link plus a screenshot from a story in the UK's Daily Mail today. 


Below here is YESTERDAY'S news about French Police chasing away about 1,500 refugees from makeshift camps near the beach in Dunkirk.

Ok Tuan-Tuan here is my take. This could happen to us in Malaysia. Or lets put it another way - there is no guarantee that this will NOT happen to the Muslims here in Malaysia.

In the videos and pictures above the majority of the refugees are Muslims from Islamic countries.  That seems to be a common factor. Wherever they are in the majority or wherever they dominate they end up running for their lives from their own 'Islamic' countries.  

Tuan-Tuan we also have a majority Muslim population in our country. And I can see that (I know you will agree) the Muslims here making the same mistakes that these people have made in the Middle East, Africa and other Islamic countries.

They call themselves Islamic countries but they are full of strife and unhappiness. There is a simple reason for this. Their countries suffer a larger than necessary influence of the mullahs. The religious freaks. And their religious indoctrination is based on two main characteristics :  Hatred and saying NO

In Somalia it is one Sufi sect hating and fighting another Sufi sect. In Sudan the Arab speaking Muslims kill the non-Arab speaking Muslims out of pure hatred. They also broke their country into two ie,  Sudan and South Sudan which is majority Christian. They hate each other.  

In the Arab countries it is the same - Sunnis hate Shias, Salafis hate everyone else. It goes on and on. Hate  hate hate.

But the larger problem in these countries is that their Islamic societies are unscientific, not technology based and not based on reasoning. 

So when their society is unscientific and not based on reason they cannot generate enough new wealth in their economies to sustain their growing populations. 

So they suffer a huge handicap. Then there are more handicaps imposed upon them by the mullahs and by their religions. That other huge handicap imposed on them is the word NO. Tak Boleh! 

Their religious leaders really abuse the power of saying NO.   They are control freaks. NO is a cheap and easy tool to control the people.

We have the same naysaying among the religious fraternity in our country. Now they have begun encroaching into the rights of the non-Muslims as well.  

In that northern State NO betting shops are allowed. Another NO.  In the first place Muslims do not have any business in betting shops. I have never been in a betting shop. I would not know what to do. But you cannot restrict the rights of non Muslims. If the non Muslims wish to place bets on numbers that is their right.  But the religious guys are now invading the space of the non Muslims. 

Then the religious fellows kicked up that fuss over that whiskey. It was stupidity compounded. Another NO - and again this impacts non Muslims. It is not a matter for the Muslims. Muslims should not drink alchohol - we all know that. Whether it is called Tembaga, Perak or Emas Muslims should not drink alchohol. Who are the Muslims to encroach on the rights of the non Muslims.

And then in the capital the Minister has banned sundry shops and convenience stores from selling alchohol. Another NO. I suppose some clever Online Retailer will soon start delivering alchohol to peoples' houses.  But why encroach into the rights of the non Muslims again?

It is not just the betting shops or the alchohol. It is the desire to oppress other people according to their whims and fancies.  These are the control freaks. The 'NO' whackos. Tak Boleh!

Believe me, if there are no more betting shops and no more alchohol sales they will still think up other ways to encroach into the rights of others.  Alchohol and betting shops are just low hanging fruit.  Then there are also LGBTs, rearing dogs and many more.

Little by little their HATREDS and their 'NO' insanity suffocates their societies. This is what has happened in the countries from which those refugees are running away.  They are willing to jump into the sea to get away from their 'Islamic'  societies.

Why do they want to get into the UK or into Germany? They want freedom. They want to go to a country where other people will not tell them  what they can and cannot do. 

It is all about freedom. Once these refugees get into the UK they will still be Muslims. They will learn to live in a more civilised manner in the UK. Once they are inside the UK, the same Shias, Sunnis, Sufis, Salafis, Qadianis (who were killing each other in their own countries) will suddenly learn to live peacefully, side by side. How come? Plus they will not be harrased by the religious authorities or be held captive by religious laws.  

So they are jumping into the sea to get away from themselves. They are looking for freedom - the most cherished commodity on the surface of the earth.  The solution is actually very simple. They have to remove the mullahs from the equation. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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