
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 13, 2021

Mahathir’s, Muhyiddin’s, Najib’s And Zahid’s War Of Words


Today, Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Najib and Zahid are saying nasty things about one another. But what I find most puzzling is why has Najib’s lawyers not called Zahid to testify in his 1MDB trial? Since Zahid had personally travelled to Saudi Arabia to meet the prince who had donated the RM2.6 billion, and had personally seen the documents that proves this is so, his testimony will ensure that Najib is found not guilty.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, Najib Tun Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi appear to be engaged in a war of words as to who is the biggest failure of the lot. And with Najib’s brother, Nazir, adding some spice to the whole thing, the drama is getting to be very interesting indeed.

Actually, the whole thing started eight years ago back in 2013 when Umno-Barisan Nasional performed very badly in the general election (GE13). Mahathir came out with a statement that Najib had focused too much on the Chinese voters (who were never going to vote for Umno-BN anyway, never mind what you do for them) while he had neglected Umno’s traditional support base (the Malay voters).

The Special Branch (meaning Abdul Hamid Bador) had told Mahathir that Umno-BN was going to lose the next general election in 2018 if Najib was still the Prime Minister. The SB’s advice was that, to save Umno-BN, Najib should do what Mahathir did in 2003 — which was to resign as PM and hand power to his Deputy, Pak Lah.

In fact, the 2004 general election a few months later was Umno-BN’s best performance in history — which means the strategy worked.

Najib’s decision to sack Muhyiddin and Mukhriz instead of resigning caused serious damage to Umno-BN

So, Mahathir advised Najib to retire and hand power to his Deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin. But Najib refused. He insisted that he was going to lead Umno-BN in the 2018 general election, and that was that.

Mahathir had to come out with a plot on how to get rid of Najib to save Umno-BN. In fact, there were other personal reasons as well on why Mahathir wanted to oust Najib. One reason involved his son, Mukhriz, and the other reason involved Rosmah Mansor.

When the Singapore leaders joked that Malaysia was run by a husband-and-wife team, Mahathir decided that Najib had to go. Mahathir had forced Pak Lah out because he was pissed-off with Khairy Jamaluddin, and now he wanted Najib out because he was pissed-off with Rosmah Mansor.

In fact, Mahathir was already pissed-off with Rosmah even when Najib was still just the Deputy Prime Minister. So it is mind-boggling as to why Mahathir supported Najib instead of Ku Li for PM. At one time, Mahathir even commented that Najib will have to divorce Rosmah if he wants to become PM.

Anyway, not long after that an opportunity presented itself in the form of the 1MDB scandal. And when Mahathir was told that Rosmah, too, had her hands in the 1MDB matter, Najib’s fate was sealed. At all costs he had to be ousted.

In December 2014 the “Langkah Jatuhkan Najib” was launched. For more than seven months the anti-Najib campaign attacked using the 1MDB issue as the weapon. The message to Najib was: resign, hand power to Muhyiddin, or else go to jail. If Najib resigns he would be left in peace and can retire and enjoy his wealth.

In July 2015, Najib counter-attacked and got rid of those who were a threat to him — such as the Special Branch Director and Deputy Director, the MACC Chief, the Attorney-General, and most important of all, Muhyiddin Yassin.

Zahid was supposed to cover Najib’s back but it did not work and they still lost GE14

Zahid was appointed the new Deputy Prime Minister to replace Muhyiddin and his job was to cover Najib’s back. He travelled all over telling anyone who was interested to know that the RM2.6 billion that Najib received in his personal bank account was not stolen from 1MDB but had come from the Saudi Arabian royal family.

Zahid related how he had travelled to Riyadh and had personally met the donor of the RM2.6 billion and had personally seen all the documents of the transaction. The evidence he had seen proved that the RM2.6 billion came from the Saudis, said Zahid.

Muhyiddin, who was now sacked from Umno, then formed his own party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu. In the meantime, Mahathir resigned from Umno because of what happened to Mukhriz. Muhyiddin then invited Mahathir and Mukhriz to join his new party, which they did.

Then came the 2018 general election and we all know what happened in that very famous GE14. After 63 years in power since 1955 (first as Parti Perikatan and then as Barisan Nasional), Umno got kicked out — as the Special Branch said they would unless Najib resigns and hand power to Muhyiddin.

Today, Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Najib and Zahid are saying nasty things about one another. But what I find most puzzling is why has Najib’s lawyers not called Zahid to testify in his 1MDB trial? Since Zahid had personally travelled to Saudi Arabia to meet the prince who had donated the RM2.6 billion, and had personally seen the documents that proves this is so, his testimony will ensure that Najib is found not guilty.

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