
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 25, 2021

YOURSAY | Malacca has spoken, biggest losers are the rakyat


YOURSAY | ‘This is a country where the majority tolerates graft…’.

Biggest winners and losers in Malacca polls

Vijay47: To ardent Pakatan Harapan supporters like me, the huge win by Umno and its cohorts is not only disheartening but distasteful - imagine, a leadership-duo like Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Najib Abdul Razak could actually be welcomed with open arms.

Yet, I can lament all I want, the fact remains that Malacca chose Umno.

What does the win by MCA and MIC promise? That they will continue their servile adulation of their masters unmindful of unimaginable corruption, gross 51 percent injustices, and the creeping intrusion of religion into life - you can bet on it but not for long. Like the Good Book says, you reap what you sow.

Anwar Ibrahim with his spineless directionless wandering is nearing the sunset, soon to be swallowed up by the inevitable darkness, taking with him his PKR that once promised so much hope.

And PAS? We cannot count them out yet, not when religion and its excesses is an attractive commodity to many.

DAP took a shocking hit in its own alternate citadel. The blow was severe yet we hope it is not fatal. Are they condemned to be the eternal bridesmaid?

And for those like me who had hoped for some sunshine, it looks like another sad day at the office.

Iammi: The biggest losers are the ordinary rakyat who want this country and our children to be governed by leaders who have vision, integrity and decency to put the country first and not just to enrich themselves, families and cronies.

The rakyat are the biggest losers because the majority chose to elect convicts, those charged with corruption or are known to be corrupt.

The rakyat are the biggest losers as the group who won are those who are busy politicking rather than setting a clear agenda for change and promoting it.

MPJY: I think the perception of the commoner in our country in the election of Malacca is: "Corruption by leaders/parties is okay because voters have no better alternatives."

Anwar, Lim Guan Eng and Mohamad Sabu, for the sake of the rakyat, should strongly consider resigning before the next federal election.

However, the timing of the resignation is important to enable the next tier of younger political leaders to deliver effective political messages of getting rid of corruption, racism, religious bigotry, etc.

This will also force Umno to raid its corrupt political leaders and replace them with better leaders to lead the party into the future. In this way, Malaysia may have hope.

AnakJB: The message of DAP controlling Harapan seems to have rung well in the ears of the Malay electorate, hence Amanah and PKR suffered.

The Malay ground is not ready to give up the ‘ketuanan’ psyche after years and years of indoctrination, while the non-Muslims ground will become a much lesser minority and will have less influence in the upcoming elections.

Their only hope is that Malaysia finds a forward-looking and clean Muslim leader to bring us out of these shenanigans which may not happen in my lifetime.

This is a country where the majority tolerates graft and it is sliding towards a failed state. Imagine Zahid and Najib back in power. God save Malaysia.

BluePanther4725: The Malacca elections is a rude wake-up call for Harapan, especially to Anwar and PKR.

Stand by your principles and don't play dirty political games like Umno and PN. Harapan needs a new strategy for GE15 and it's time for capable, younger leaders to lead.

MarioT: One would perceive this victory being a strong support for corruption and disregard for what is moral and just.

Harapan, on the other hand, has itself to blame for the humiliating defeat with its strategies gone wrong.

Come GE15, the chances for Harapan to gain a stronghold looks dim and unachievable if it does not change within to garner support and trust to lead. Firstly, Anwar should make way for a strong and dynamic leadership.

Jazli Salleh: Those who are celebrating the outcome of the Malacca polls have only reinforced our belief that they have accepted corruption and have now institutionalised it as the “new norm” in Malaysia.

It's a very sad situation indeed.

Scorpion: @Jazli Salleh, I celebrated the outcome while being a Harapan supporter. Why? Because Anwar strayed from their principles and created this concept of principled frogs. Had Harapan won, the message to Anwar would be that it's okay to compromise.

Now that they got trounced, either he learns his lessons or Harapan will be buried in GE15. Better than having Harapan back in power and start doing the same things BN does.

NC: Malacca has spoken. It is time for Anwar to make way for the younger generation to take over.

His style of politics is not working. Kajang Move, Sheraton Move and the latest Shamsul’s Move demonstrate that Anwar is good in rhetoric but zilch in delivery.

Meanwhile, kudos to BN. It looks like PAS will be returning to its old lover Umno soon.

GreenSinga9471: Yes, the biggest losers are Malaysians, especially the young generation who did not have a choice.

Having been through the gross mismanagement of this Covid-19 crisis, 1MDB and alleged corruption charges against Umno leaders, that the voters can still vote for BN is totally unacceptable and irresponsible.

You reap what you sow. Malaysians should not blame others when another 1MDB or Mara scandal happens again. - Mkini

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