
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 8, 2023



mythomania n.

1. a tendency to elaborate, exaggerate, and tell lies, including reports of imagined experiences, often involving self-deception. See also factitious disorder; pathological lying.

2. an abnormal interest in myths, in which the individual may believe fantasy to be reality, and a tendency to fabricate incredible stories. Also called pseudologia fantastica.

Factitious disorder 

Factitious disorder is a serious mental health disorder in which a person appears sick or produces physical or mental illness. People with factitious disorder deliberately produce symptoms of an illness for the purpose of receiving care and attention

My Comments:

I think we have seen all these behaviours. 

Just to clarify it is not the Court's decision to classify a criminal case as DNAA.

The decision to classify a criminal case for a DNAA lies solely with the Attorney General. Not the Courts.

It is solely and strictly the Attorney General who can decide to prosecute or not prosecute or stop the prosecution of any criminal case.

If the Attorney General decides to prosecute a case the AG goes to Court and begins his prosecution. The Court will ask for the AG's Opening Arguments.

If the Attorney General decides to discontinue a case the AG will tell the Court 'We are discontinuing our case'. The Court will record the 'discharging'. 

The DNAA is a decision of the AG. It is NOT a decision of the Court.  

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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