
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 16, 2023

Science Says 'We Dont Know Lets Find Out', Religion Says 'We have All The Answers'


Here is a short and very interesting video. This man is describing 'science'. Science means "knowledge". In the arabic Quran knowledge is 'ilm. In Malay also ilmu. More importantly this man is describing 'observation'. Gaining knowledge by observation. In the Quran the arabic word for observation is 'rai' (pronounced raa-ee).

Hence the phrase  أَلَمْ تَرَ'   alam-ta-ra which means "dont you see".

Do listen to this short 59 second video.  I do have some comments. 

Click here for the video :  https://youtu.be/DSKKJVF060Y?si=lX_p9I-BFOpv1P-K

In Latin it is 'scientia'. In English we say 'science. Indeed science or knowledge is humble.  

Science begins with 'Well we do not know. So lets see what we can find out. Lets ask some questions. Lets see what exactly is going on. Lets try to understand why?' That is how science begins and continues.

And science adds upon science. Using English, knowledge adds upon knowledge. What we have learned yesterday becomes the foundation to expand our knowledge today. This is called progress as well.  So knowledge or science is not static. In Latin "scientia non est stabilis". Knowledge is always growing. Knowledge is a constant work in progress.

The science of today is already "decades" ahead of the science of just five years ago. Isaac Newton was perhaps the greatest scientific genius of modern times but the science taught in today's high school is light years ahead of what Newton knew. That is how much science or knowledge has progressed. 

So there is no place for arrogance in science. In English, there is no place for arrogance in knowledge. The science of today will become outdated by tomorrow.

Knowledge has to constantly evolve, knowledge has to constantly learn, knowledge has to constantly admit ignorance. "We do not know, we are still learning, we must research more.' This is science. There is no place for arrogance in science.

And how does science share its knowledge. In English, how does knowledge share its science? By asking, 'I have uncovered this, what do you think? Please give me your honest opinion." Also known as peer review.

That is why science is so powerful. In English, that is why "knowledge" is so powerful. Science is unassailable because science is not afraid of being challenged, of being questioned.

This is why everything on this earth depends so much on science or knowledge.  Knowledge aka science is powerful. Knowledge aka science is useful. Knowledge aka science solves our problems. Knowledge aka science does not condemn people to burn in hell, nor does it claim to send people to heaven. It just solves problems and makes peoples' lives easier. This is the ultimate humbleness of science.

Religion on the other hand was born at a time in history when everything was literally in darkness. There was no light except sunlight and maybe oil lamps. 

Even 500 years ago life was basic.  Literacy was quite unheard of.

Death at childbirth was common. Life expectancy for normal people was 45 years or slightly better.

So what about 1,000 years ago? 2,000 years ago? 3,000 years ago?  It was the age of wild horses. People worshipped volcanos. People were afraid of the eclipse of the sun and moon. When there was an eclipse of the sun people offered prayers to make the sun come back.

People did not understand earthquakes, so they worshipped the gods of the earhquakes. They did not understand the storms in the sea so they worshipped the gods of the sea. 

And even if the Egyptians could read and write there was no Encyclopaedia Britannica to read. Even if they could read and write their "educational levels" were basic. So what did they write? This king defeated that king. Bennu the Bird of Fire appeared. Naddaha the Siren of the Nile appeared. Osiris was angry in the year of the elephant etc.   

That was the age of wild horses. And that was also the age of religion. Or the ages of religions. When the world and the human race was at its maximum levels of ignorance and stupidity that was also when religion was invented. 

And what did religion say? 'We have all the answers. There is no need to question anything anymore, there is no need to wonder anymore. We have all the answers. We have the final solutions for all your problems and for all your troubles. Just obey us blindly and dont ask any questions. And by the way if you do not believe us either you will burn eternally, we will burn you in the fire now or both.'

And religion simply loves cloth or textiles. Extra, extra yards or meters of cloth. Hence 'men of the cloth' is religious phraseology. Cloaked in textiles, wrapped in cloth, heads wrapped up in cloth. The yardage of the textiles indicates 'spirituality' ?? Really? So the textile factory is now holy as well?

Complete and utter arrogance.  It is not unlike schizophrenia.

Its a Saturday. We have some time. Lets just play with some words. Just for fun, nothing more serious than that ok.

"Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment."

Now try this:

"Religion is a condition where people interpret reality outside the norms (aka abnormal). Religion may result in some combination of other worldly expectations (aka hallucinations), extreme exceptionalism like 'only we are going to a happy place' (aka delusions) and extremely disordered thinking and behavior (we dress like this, we have to do like that) which impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. People with religion require lifelong reassuring / reinforcement".

Its just a play with words but isnt it eerily similar?

Science was not crafted by the ignorant or by the uneducated, semi-literates. And science is humble. Science does not claim to have all the answers. Science says 'We dont know this. Lets try to find out. Lets ask why?'

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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