
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bilangan pengundi Cina 7% saja, Najib syiok sakan, konon orang Cina dah sokong BN...

 UMNO kalah teruk, MCA menang besar...

Apakah benar Umno pihak yang paling kalah paling teruk manakala MCA adalah pihak yang menang paling besar dalam pilihan raya kecil (PRK) Sungai Limau?

Jika pemimpin MCA boleh dipercayai, inilah realitinya, kata Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang (gambar) dalam kenyataannya.

Menurut Kit Siang, bakal Exco Kedah dari MCA,  Dr. Leong Yong Kong telah memberitahu media Cina, BN berjaya mendapat 75.27 % undi Cina dalam PRK Sungai Limau iaitu 892 undi daripada 1,185 pengundi Cina yang membuang undi dalam PRK itu.

 Ini adalah peningkatan sebanyak 732 undi Cina untuk BN berbanding pilihan raya umum lalu kerana MCA mendakwa BN mendapat tidak sampai 10 % undi daripada  1,600 pengundi Cina yang mengundi pada 5 Mei lalu.

Walaupun berbelanja sebanyak RM15 juta, calon BN Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim hanya mendapat penambahan undi sebanyak 465 undi sahaja dalam PRK ini iaitu 10,985 undi berbanding 10,520 undi semasa pilihan raya umum.

"Jika pemimpin MCA boleh dipercayai, BN telah hilang 267 undi Melayu dalam pilihan raya ini selepas undi Cina meningkat 732 undi.

"Ini bermakna, Umno adalah pihak yang kalah teruk manakala MCA pemenang paling besar dalam PRK Sungai Limau ini," kata Kit Siang.

Bagaimanapun, Kit Siang menyerahkan kepada pemimpin Umno dan BN untuk menentukan sama ada analisa yang dibuat MCA benar atau tidak.

Menurut beliau, Sungai Limau adalah ujian besar kepada PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat. Mereka terbukti berjaya dalam ujian ini apabila menang dalam keadaan begitu banyak wang yang dibelanjakan BN untuk pilihan raya ini.-TMI.

Sementara itu, pakar strategi DAP dan ahli Parlimen Serdang, Ong Kian Ming berpendapat, adalah sukar untuk menilai sama ada undi Cina sudah kembali ke pangkuan BN kerana pengundi2 Cina hanya berjumlah 7% daripada jumlah pengundi di situ.

"Tidak ada tempat mengundi di mana majoriti pengundinya adalah orang Cina, yang paling tinggi bilangannya di Simpang Tiga dengan 26%," kata beliau.

Empat pusat pengundian yang lain - Sungai Limau , Kabu Sepuluh , Batu Enam Belas dan Kampung Titi Batu, hanya mempunyai antara 10% dan 19% pengundi Cina.

"Anda tidak boleh mengatakan bahawa pengundi Cina telah kembali kepada BN terutama apabila mereka (Cina) yang keluar mengundi hanya kira-kira 50%, " kata Ong.

Beliau berkata, ramai orang Cina tidak keluar mengundi kerana pilihan raya kecil itu tidak mempunyai apa2 signifikan terhadap suasana keseluruhan politik negara.

Beliau menambah bahawa Sungai Limau tidak boleh menjadi kayu pengukur untuk menganalisis sentimen kebangsaan Cina kerana masyarakat Cina adalah kecil di kawasan itu .

"Ia adalah sukar untuk membuat sebarang keputusan, " katanya.

Calon BN,Ahmad Sohaimi juga tidak terlalu yakin bahawa orang Cina di Sungai Limau sokong beliau kerana beliau dilaporkan berkata beliau "tidak menerima 600 undi" daripada mereka.

"Saya boleh menang jika pengundi Cina memilih saya tetapi saya tidak mendapat 600 undi itu. Ia bukan sahaja kerana mereka mengundi PAS tetapi ramai daripada mereka gagal untuk keluar mengundi. Saya tertanya-tanya mengapa? "beliau dilaporkan berkata.

Oleh kerana undi adalah rahsia dan peratusan kecil pengundi Cina yang ada sukar untuk dikesan, hasilnya terpulang kepada tafsiran individu.-fmt

PRK Sungai Limau: Blogger Umno 'belasah' Khairy

Mengapa harga gula hanya turun di Sungai Limau?

Sg Limau: Is BN gaining Chinese support...

The dust has settled on the Sungai Limau by-election but questions abound as to whether Barisan Nasional is slowly regaining the Chinese votes.

PAS retained the seat with its candidate, Mohd Azam Abdul Samat, polling 12,069 votes against BN’s Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim who received 10,985.

The victory was, however, a bitter one because Mohd Azam won it with a reduced majority of 1,084 votes, down from 2,774 in May 5 general election. PAS lost in some polling stations where Chinese make up 10% – 26% of voters.

There are 27,787 voters in Sungai Limau, of which 7% are Chinese.

Does an increase in BN votes in these polling stations mean a growing Chinese support for the ruling coalition?

Gerakan deputy president and Kedah chief Cheah Soon Hai said BN had boosted its Chinese support to 60% -70%, up from 10%-15% in the last general election.

He said this was evident as the increase in BN votes came from polling stations where Chinese form the significant number of voters such as Sungai Limau, Kabo Sepuluh and Simpang Tiga.

He said for example BN lost the Sungai Limau station by 12 votes in the last general election, but won by 265 votes on Monday.

“If you say the increase was due to Malay votes, then it should be in the areas with overwhelming Malay voters.

“There is a return of Chinese votes and you cannot deny the fact,” he said, expressing his disappointment that certain Umno leaders still doubted the figures.

Yesterday, Jerai MCA division chief Huang Keng Chow said BN bagged 892 out of the 1,185 Chinese votes cast on Monday.

Some 480 Chinese voted for BN in Sungai Limau Dalam, 204 in Sungai Limau Luar and 208 in Batu 17.

Cheah said among the reasons for the community’s swing were the hope for development, the subsiding regime change mood and various handouts given during the campaign.

DAP: Hard to judge

DAP strategist and Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming however said it was hard to judge whether the Chinese votes had indeed gone back to BN because they only make up 7% of the voters.

“There is no polling station where the majority are Chinese, the highest is Simpang Tiga with 26%,” he said.

Four other polling stations – Sungai Limau, Kabu Sepuluh, Batu Enam Belas and Kampung Titi Batu, only have between 10% and 19% Chinese voters.

“You cannot say the Chinese voters have gone back to BN especially when the (Chinese) turnout is only about 50%,” said Ong.

He said many Chinese did not turn up to vote because the by-election had no significance on the overall state or national political situation.

He added that Sungai Limau could not be a yardstick to analyse the national Chinese sentiment because the community was small in the constituency.

“It is hard to conclude the result,” he added.

Ahmad Sohaimi was also not too convinced that the Chinese in Sungai Limau backed him as he reportedly said he “hardly received 600 votes” from them.

“I could have won if the Chinese voters chose me but I hardly got 600 votes. It wasn’t only because they voted PAS but many of them failed to vote. I wonder why?” he was reported of saying.

As the ballot is secret and the small percentage of Chinese votes remain hard to trace, the result is up for individual interpretations.

Umno biggest loser then?

DAP’s veteran leader Lim Kit Siang meanwhile asked if the figures being quoted by MCA leaders on the Chinese support were accurate at all.

He said that MCA leaders, including the Kedah state exco-designate Leong Yong Kong had been reported in the Chinese media as saying that BN had secured 75.27% of the Chinese votes – 892 out of 1,185 Chinese votes cast – and that BN did not win a single extra Malay vote in the by-election.

“If MCA leaders are to be believed, that BN had an addition of over 732 Chinese votes in the by-election as compared to the 13GE, this could only mean that the BN had lost at least 267 Malay votes, as BN vote in the by-election would have fallen from 10,530 to 10,253 without the increase of at least 732 Chinese votes.

“So, is Umno the greatest loser and MCA the greatest winner in the Sungai Limau by-election?” asked Lim in a statement.

He said he left it to Umno and BN leaders to decide whether to accept the MCA’s analysis of the voting trends in the Sungai Limau by-election as there could be different interpretations in the absence of specific information about the voting.

He also said that PAS and Pakatan Rakyat had emerged with a significant victory considering the money politics and the “mountain of lies and falsehoods mobilised during the by-election to hold both the Malay and Chinese voters to ransom”.

He added PAS and Pakatan Rakyat must cherish the victory in the Sungai Limau by-election and learn from the electoral weaknesses highlighted by the by-election.-fmt


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