
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kenapa Harga Gula Murah Di Sungai Limau?

Harga Gula Turun Hanya Waktu Pilihanraya

Tahniah kepada PAS Kedah dan pengundi DUN Sungai Limau kerana telah berjaya mengekalkan kerusi DUN Sungai Limau semasa pilihanraya kecil yang lalu. Semasa pilihanraya kecil DUN Sungai Limau harga gula diturunkan sehingga RM1 sekilo. Walaupun kerajaan telah menghentikan subsidi gula sebanyak 34 sen dengan alasan untuk mengelakkan penyakit diabetes (kencing manis) tapi semasa  pilihanraya kecil (PRK) Sungai Limau gula dijual dengan harga yang murah.

Sungguh beruntung penduduk di Sungai Limau kerana dapat membeli gula dengan harga murah. Mengapa hanya semasa kempen PRK Sungai Limau kerajaan dapat menurunkan harga gula tetapi selepas itu harga gula naik semula seperti biasa.

Mengapa hanya semasa PRK harga gula boleh diturunkan sedangkan apabila tiada PRK harga gula susah hendak diturunkan walaupun harga gula dunia sudah jatuh? Dimana keikhlasan kerajaan untuk menjaga kesihatan rakyat? Disini jelas menunjukkan betapa tidak ikhlasnya kerajaan BN terhadap rakyat kerana mereka hanya mementingkan undi dan kekuasaan dari menjaga kesihatan rakyat.

Sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dalam menjaga kebajikan dan kesihatan rakyat, sepatutnya kerajaan tidak mempermainkan perasaan rakyat dengan menipu rakyat semasa berkempen dengan menggunakan segala kemudahan jentera kerajaan dan menganggap rakyat Malaysia seolah-olah seperti anak-anak kecil yang tidak mengerti untuk menjaga kesihatan diri sendiri.

Contohnya harga gula boleh diturunkan semasa PRK tetapi selepas itu naik semula tanpa memberi sebarang sebab mengapa harga gula hanya turun semasa pilihanraya saja. Ini jelas satu penipuan yang nyata terhadap rakyat kononnya kerajaan menaikkan harga gula sebab hendak menjaga kesihatan rakyat tetapi semasa PRK semua masalah kesihatan diketepikan begitu saja.

Kita mengesa pihak kerajaan segera menurunkan semula harga gula pada harga sebelumnya atau lebih murah lagi.  Penyakit diabetes tiada kena mengena dengan kenaikan harga gula.
Walaupun harga gula naik, penyakit diabetes masih juga berlaku selagi ada orang yang mengambil guna secara berlebihan dalam makanan dan juga minuman.

Adalah lebih baik pihak kerajaan memberi penerangan tentang menjaga kesihatan serta mengawal bahan makanan dan minuman yang menggunakan gula secara berlebihan dari menaikkan harga gula. Akibat kenaikan harga gula, hampir semua makanan seperti roti dan minuman juga naik. Kenaikan harga gula hanya membebankan kehidupan rakyat biasa.

Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Sarawak

English version

Sugar Price Drops Election Time Only

Congratulations to PAS Kedah and Sungai Limau constituency voters for retaining the Sungai Limau state assembly seat during the last election. During by-election of Sungai Limau Assembly the sugar price was reduced to RM1 per kilo. Although the government has stop the subsidizing sugar by 34 cent with reason to prevent diabetes (diabetes mellitus), but during the by-election of Sungai Limau the sugar sold with cheap price.

Sungai Limau residents are lucky enough to be able to buy the sugar with cheap price. Why only during the campaign by-election of Sungai Limau the government is able to reduce the price of the sugar, but after that the price of sugar rose again as usual. Why only during by-election the sugar prices can be lowered while when there is no by-election the sugar prices is difficult to be lowered.

Although the world sugar prices have been fallen? Where is the sincerity of the government to take care of people's health? Here clearly show that how the BN government is not sincere to the people because they are only concerned about the votes and power from taking care of the people's health.

As a government that is responsible for the welfare and health of the people, the government supposed not to trot people's feelings by mislead the people during the campaign by using all government facilities and assume that Malaysians is seem like small children who do not understand how to take care of their own health.

For example, the price of sugar can be lowered during by-election but then rose again without giving any reason why the price of sugar fell only during the election time. This is clearly a real fraud against the people that the government raised the price of sugar reason is to protecting the health of people but during by-election all the health problems put aside so easily.

We urge the government immediately reduce the price of sugar at the previous price or much cheaper. Diabetes has nothing to do with the sugar price hike. Although the price of sugar goes up, diabetes still occurs as long as there are people who take excessive use in food and beverages.

It is better for the government provides information about health care as well as controls the foodstuffs and drinks that use sugar excessively from raising the price of sugar. Due to the increase of sugar prices, nearly all foods such as bread and drinks also rose. Sugar price hike only burden the common people's life.

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