
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dr M: School focus on rituals to blame for Malaysians’ poor character

  • Dr Mahathir today called for a revamp of religious and moral studies
  • has failed in producing law-abiding citizens 
  • or employers with commendable work ethics
  • Malaysians might have better ethics if schools focused more on building character
  • less dogmatic on the proper form of religious doctrine 
  • his latest criticism of education system
  • called for a revamp of religious and moral studies
  • teachers..religiously educated but focus on good character building not prioritised 
  • honourable values, not doing bad things... part of Islamic teachings too 
  • we’re focusing on how to pray, how to recite doa, how to ask things from God
  • attitude towards work and sense of responsibility leaves much to be desired
  • don’t seem to have good work ethics
  • rapped Muslims for pursuing spiritual merit over reinforcing education on this world
  • Muslims decided acquiring knowledge not something that will give them merit in next world 
  • “Muslim nations have been invaded and face war, I’m sure their children will not obtain any knowledge at all,” he added.
  • repeated his call to government to resume teaching science and mathematics in English
  • ..urged Putrajaya to pick up the “Look East” policy .
  • Dr Mahathir said Malaysians, especially Malays, have failed to grasp and emulate the “Look East” policy, and in particular the moral values espoused by the Japanese
  • ‘shameless’ even after committing crimes
Tun Dr Mahathir has hit the nail exactly on the head again. 

Before any of you non-thinking minions of the mullahs and ostats lose your cool let us be clear that we are NOT againt Islam. There is a phrase in the Quran which I uphold and which you (dear Muslim reader) should also uphold.

It says, 'Ana awwalu Muslimeen' which means 'I am the earliest among the Muslims' or 'I am the first among the Muslims'. Meaning we all have to strive to be Muslims.

But what is screwing up the Muslims, making them stupid, dumb, poor and violent is NOT Islam. It is your sectarian interpretation of "religion" that is screwing you up. Your tok guru, your imam, your ostat etc are leading you to the Club of Doom. Not Islam.

And this is what they are teaching our kids in the schools. People are now fighting for the right to slaughter cows at the school padang as though it is part of Islamic teachings. It is NOT. Bukan, bukan, bukan. 

Have you been to the jual daging stall at the pasar or pasar borong? Have you noticed those ugly black insects buzzing around the daging and the ayam? They are called flies. Lalat. Even in the pasar there are millions of flies. 

Imagine how many flies you will attract to the school padang when you slaughter cows on the grass and allow the blood and offal to spill on the grass. Boleh gunakan akal tak? 

Folks, if you dont use your akal, you cannot be a good Muslim. Dont believe me? 

Surah Yunus : 100 "Dan tidak ada seorangpun akan beriman kecuali dengan izin Allah; dan Allah menimpakan kekotoran (rijis) kepada orang-orang yang tidak mempergunakan akalnya."

If you dont use your akal, Allah will menimpakan kekotoran on your akal. Nanti jadi dua kali dunggu pula. This is what is happening to the Muslims. This is what Dr Mahathir is complaining about.  And ponder this : rasa-rasa orang dunggu senang masuk jannah ke? 

I dont know how many centuries it is going to take before everyone can see that the most modern and advanced countries in the world today (Korea, Japan, Europe, US, China, Singapore) are the same countries that have separated "religion" from the State and kept "religion" safely at home. This is what we need to do. Keep the religion at home.  

We need a proper scientific, logic based and secular system of education. We must teach the kids about the value of time, dont waste time, what it means when time is wasted, that time is money, we must teach them to be trustworthy, dont cheat, dont lie, dont make empty promises. Why? Because all this will make you poor. 

If you want to be wealthy and happy and stay that way you must earn peoples' trust in business, in anything that you do. We must do things as quickly and as effficiently as possible. Tell the truth, be honest, always keep to the agreed time, promise what you can do and deliver what you promise. These are the real Islamic values. These values make you rich.

And these Islamic values make the advanced nations world leaders. Why do you buy Samsung? Because it works. You buy I Phone because it works. These are good things. 

You will never, never stop eating McDonalds or drinking Coke because it is delicious, clean, efficient and most of all it is also a good thing for you. (Warren Buffet says he has lived so long because of all the Big Macs and Cherry Cokes he has been drinking.) Plus it is affordable. McDonalds dan Coke di Malaysia ada Halal sticker lagi. Truly these are Islamic products.  And all these good things come from Allah.

Surah Al Nisaa : 79  "Apa saja ni'mat yang kamu peroleh adalah dari Allah, dan apa saja bencana yang menimpamu, maka dari dirimu sendiri. Kami mengutusmu menjadi Rasul kepada segenap manusia. Dan cukuplah Allah menjadi saksi."

"Apa saja ni'mat yang kamu peroleh adalah dari Allah.."  anything good that happens to you is from Allah. Surely all the good things must come from Allah. 

Right now all the good things seem to be found in great quantity in countries like China, Japan, Korea, Europe, America and other places. And their surplus is exported to the "Islamic" countries so that we too can rasa seronok main dengan I Phone, rasa seronok main dengan LCD TV and all the other tangible benefits that make our life easier.

These countries can produce so much benefit for mankind because they use their akal. No one argues about slaughtering cows in the padang sekolah as a method to teach about korban to school kids. That is tak masuk akal. They do not slaughter cows in the padang sekolah in Egypt, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Maldives etc. This seems to be a unique Malaysian matter. 

All over the world the value system of the religious people is upside down. Hypocritical. They chase teenagers 'sampai mati terjun dari tingkap' for khalwat. 

But when their 'pemimpin Islam' main dengan pelacur, main dengan sundal, main dengan lelaki homo and get caught on video tape they make all sorts of hypocritical excuses. Munafikoon sungguh. 'Video itu besi', 'itu bukan dia', 'perut dia buncit', 'itu isteri dia, dia sudah kahwin perempuan itu', 'it is a conspiracy' and all sorts of crap. This is also why these people remain poor, violent, stupid and dunggu. 

And that is why they all argue and fight with each other. One fellows sectarianism is another fellows kafir and vice versa. This means that their "sectarian" understanding of religion is far removed from Islam. 

And here is something else that causes them to stumble and fall - they have completely absolutely no proof for their beliefs. Bukti tak ada. Cakap hentam saja. 

If you dont agree with them - what is their solution? Simple. They hentam you. That is all. No need for intelligent discussion. No need to use brains. Err...correction..no need brains at all. 

So they fight. Suicide bombing, shooting each other, arresting people. throwing people in jail, banning this, fatwa that - all because your conjecture and your guessing is different from mine. Akal not needed. 

Other people are planning to go to Mars. Even India - despite their Hindu religious extremism - has fired off a rocket to Mars. 

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