
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rogue agents causing rift in PAS

A fake PAS Facebook page has been attacking the moderate party leaders and trying to confuse the delegates before the Muktamar next week
The PAS party polls will be held during the Muktamar (general assembly) from Nov 22 to 24. However, long before this event is held, there is already a fake PAS Facebook page attacking the moderate leaders.
The moderate leaders who have come under attack are Dzulkefly Ahmad (former Kuala Selangor MP), Khalid Samad (Shah Alam MP) and Husam Musa (vice-president and Salor assemblyman).
The others include Mat Sabu (deputy president), Salahuddin Ayub (vice-president), Hatta Ramli (Kuala Krai MP) and Mujahid Yusof Rawa (Parit Buntar MP).
“This Facebook page is rude and crude and definitely not the work of a PAS member.
“No one in PAS is campaigning via Facebook,” said PAS Kota Raja MP Siti Mariah Mahumud when asked to comment, adding that the fake page is missing intellectual discussion from the Al-Quran and the Hadith.
This is the first time that enemy forces have so boldly and blatantly attacked the PAS moderate leaders and impersonating ulama members. This is highly unethical and simply a case of hitting below the belt.
“The rogue agents who created the fake Facebook account are ‘stupid blokes’ who are engaging in an evil psych-war with the twin objectives of deceiving the delegates and causing a rift in PAS,” said Khalid Samad, a PAS central working committee member.
The attacks on PAS have been fast and furious as Umno strategists know that if the Islamic party were to join BN, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is finished.
The enemies of PAS are disguising themselves as the ulama in a so-called mission to steer the party back to the right path as they claim that the moderates have deviated from the original struggle of turning Malaysia into an Islamic state.
This fake Facebook page also accuses the moderates of being subservient to DAP and PKR.
In the meantime, although it is only a week away from the Muktamar, it is difficult to predict which way the vote will swing and whether all the moderates will be voted into the CWC again. The outcome of the voting is still too close to call.
Still, the outcome will be closely monitored by DAP and PKR because if the ulama wins more seats in the CWC, then there is a slight chance of them pushing for PAS to leave Pakatan Rakyat.
In the hands of delegates
The ulama think that PAS is losing clout in Pakatan. Moreover PAS only won 21 seats in the 13th general election compared with 23 in 2008.
PAS won the least number of seats compared with DAP who won 38 and PKR 30.
But it must be said that PAS won more state seats in Selangor and Terengganu this time around with 15 in each of the two state assemblies.
It is certainly a gain for PAS to be in Pakatan because in pre-Pakatan days they were only strong in Kelantan. Thus after joining Pakatan, PAS has made great strides.
The motive of PAS’ enemies is clear enough. They want to cause a rift in PAS hoping it will escalate into a full-blown civil war. If such a situation arises, the PAS delegates will be confused as to whom to vote.
“However, PAS delegates are wise and will vote wisely, InsyaAllah,” added Siti Mariah.
The outcome of the party polls will also affect the Pakatan-friendly NGOs because PAS is a good crowd supplier. A win for the moderates will at least go to some small way to ensuring that the next Bersih event will have a good crowd.
PAS research director Dzulkefly Ahmad said: “I trust that the Muktamar delegates will not be easily influenced and hoodwinked by the divisive campaign of our political nemesis.
“Our delegates are wise enough to choose a leadership team that can propel PAS to greater heights and remain stronger in Pakatan,” said Dzulkefly who is one of the economic experts in the party.
At the end of the day, PAS must realise that staying put in Pakatan is the best way forward. PAS must certainly not regress into the past by being closed and exclusive.
After all the party slogan is “PAS For All”. PAS will only fail in its objectives if it were to lose the non-Muslim votes.
Selena Tay is a DAP member and a FMT columnist.

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