
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 28, 2014

COLD FEAR GRIPS DR M, DAIM CAMP:Grand conspiracy for Anwar, PR to help Najib govern Malaysia?

COLD FEAR GRIPS DR M, DAIM CAMP:Grand conspiracy for Anwar, PR to help Najib govern M'sia?
Our theory revolves around the much talked about reconciliation talk that, according to some pundits, will bring together two former friends turned foes – the Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak and the Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim.
Kajang By-election A Red Herring?
What if all the hogwash about Anwar’s candidacy in Kajang State Legislative Assembly by-election and his taking over the Selangor Menteri Besar post are in fact a red herring intended to hide the backroom manoeuvring involving his camp and the PM’s operators?
What if a very influential aide to the PKR’s General Leader had already called on an equally influential member of the PM’s inner chamber to work out a deal whereby the “Ketua Umum” will join the Cabinet and be given a portfolio that makes him very powerful?
Anwar and Mohd Najib Were Once Umno Friends (Pic is an internet spoof Left to Right: Dr Mahathir, Anwar, Najib, PAS' Nik Aziz Nik Mat)
So powerful that it sends the shiver (in this dry burning weather) down the spine of his enemies and the PM’s critics or even gotten rid of them for good.
With the problem in the Selangor Government continuing to fester, Anwar knows the risk of his own people jumping ship. It’s a mistake to underestimate Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s resources and resourcefulness.
He was a business and a manager. He knows merger and acquisition better than Anwar and Mohd Azmin Ali. He could apply his M&A skills to politics.
He has the ability to swing Selangor away from PR if he feels that he is on the losing end. So entering into a deal with the PM is a good way for Anwar to checkmate Abdul Khalid if he harbours such an idea.
Abdul Khalid Was A Businessman, He knows M&A
The picture of Abdul Khalid, Mohd Najib and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin beaming away during the signing of the memorandum of understanding on the Langat 2 water supply project on Wednesday could be telling a thousand words.
The Way To Fight Dr M and Daim
For the PM and members of his inner circle, if they believe that the criticisms by (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad and (Tun) Daim Zainuddin can hurt them, a merger with Anwar is a grand strategy. They can count on Anwar to do battle with Dr Mahathir and Daim.
In one brilliant stroke, the PM strengthens his position, destroys the Pakatan Rakyat and rids himself of his critics. Anwar gets to enjoy the privileges and protection as a member of the government. And they can live happily ever after.
Think of this. Has Anwar ever attacked the PM directly and has the PM done the same to Anwar? Yes, Anwar viciously attacked the government, the Barisan Nasional and Umno. Yes he attacked Dr Mahathir and Daim. Dr Mahathir and Daim in turn attacked him and criticized the PM.
Think also of the animosity between Anwar and Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra and Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. How Anwar led a series of demonstrations against them and was incarcerated under the ISA during Abdul Razak’s and (Tun) Hussein Onn’s administrations.
Remember he was freed from detention when Dr Mahathir became PM in 1981 and, in early 1982 Dr Mahathir proudly paraded him before the Press and the newest member of Umno.

March 29, 1982: Introducing The Newest Member of Umno
I was there covering the event and foolishly demanded that he proved his membership of Umno by citing his membership number and, for the next 16 years, promoted him as the crown prince of Umno and the successor to Dr Mahathir.
Remember also that many Umno rebels left the party but later came back to the fold and some went on to be appointed to the cabinet despite having burnt the bridges. So why not Anwar?

But has the DAP got wind of this so as to prompt its supremo, Lim Kit Siang, to ask in his blog: "Who drafted this national reconciliation plan and who had been consulted? This is still a great mystery up to now."
So, I will be the last person to dismiss the reconciliation talk and of seeing Anwar being mainstream and politically correct once again. Politics, according to German Prussian politician, Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898), is the art of the possible.
FOOT NOTE: The PM is believed to have appointed a new media adviser to replace Jalaluddin Bahaudin who left last year. The new man is believed to be a journalist and former MP, Abdul Rahman Sulaiman, among whose tasks is to “pujuk” Dr Mahathir to be friendly towards Mohd Najib. This is what Mubarak people told me. - http://kadirjasin.blogspot.com/

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