
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 28, 2014

Gerakan raps 'Malaysia for Malays' Isma

Gerakan has condemned Islamic NGO Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) for claiming that Malaysia is the land of the Malays and telling other races not to question this.

Party deputy president Cheah Soon Hai said that the statement was not only racist in nature but also reflected the mentality of Isma vice-president Abdul Rahman Dali.

Cheah stressed that all Malaysians must accept the political modernity of the day with realistic reference to citizenship and national sovereignty.

"While freedom of speech should be respected, it does not mean that one can utilise scholarly findings irresponsibly that could lead to the spread of degrading ethnocentrism and racial supremacy. As it could incite racial mistrust and tension," he added in a statement.

He cautioned that the National Reconciliation Plan should not be sidetracked or undermined by irresponsible antagonists.

"I firmly believe that more focus and effort should be directed towards the building of social unity instead of condemning ourselves into acts of damaging racial politicking and sectarianism for selfish political gains.

"Extremist groups should repent and stop the irresponsible incitement,” he added.

Yesterday, Isma demanded global recognition that Malaysia is theland of the Malays, claiming that scientific study proved that the Malay civilisation was older than Angkor Wat or Borobudur.

"Like how the world recognises that China is for Chinese, India is for Indians, England for the English, Ireland is for the Irish, and Germany is for Germans, surely Malays have their own land," said Abdul Rahman.

Claiming unspecified "scientific research", Isma said that the Malay gene has been proven to exist before that of the Chinese.

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