
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Waytha wants ‘slave MIC’ to leave BN

Waythamoorthy says that the Umno "tuans' have used Indian issues for their own political ends.
p waythamoorthyPETALING JAYA: Former deputy minister P Waythamoorthy wants MIC to leave Barisan Nasional (BN) for acting as a propaganda mouthpiece for the government and sidelining issues affecting the  Indian community.
Waythamoorthy in a press statement said that MIC was founded to protect the rights of the  Malaysian Indians who were then mostly plantation workers but failed to do so.
“All we hear from MIC is that government is doing this and that in the Tamil media.
“But beyond that nothing concrete is done to find permanent and comprehensive solutions to the long standing problems faced by the Indian community.
“Since my resignation, BN has falsely propagated than a sum of RM 500 million has been dispersed to the Indians over the last 5 years.
“On the other hand even if it is true, the RM 500 million never reached the community,” said Waythamoorthy.
He also challenged the government to prove how the RM 500 million allocation was spent.
Government Ministries have failed
On the other hand Waythamoorthy claims that the Education Ministry had failed to disburse scholarships and places in local universities on a fair basis and thousands of deserving Indian students were denied their educational rights.
He adds that even the Agriculture, Housing as well as Human Resources Ministry have failed to provide alternative agriculture ventures, job training opportunities, alternative land and houses nor adequate compensation for the 800,000 displaced plantation workers since 1970’s.
With all these government failures, Waythamoorthy says it has caused the new urban underclass and rise in crime among Indians.
After resigning from his post last week, Waythamoorthy called Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to step down for failing the Indian community and breaching the MoU signed between Barisan Nasional and Hindraf prior to GE 13.

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