
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Informal coalition cannot call itself Pakatan

YOURSAY ‘Once married with joint obligations, they'e now dating with no obligations.'

Did we jump the gun on 'Pakatan is dead'?

Anonymous #559621516: Those who do not understand the breaking up of Pakatan Rakyat must be dumb. They have explained many times that Pakatan ceases to exist when there no consensus on its common policy framework.

Now there is a loose coalition supposedly united against the BN government, but each one is entitled to take whatever unilateral action that they deem fit.

PAS has already started the ball rolling with the passing of hudud law in Kelantan and the tabling of the private member’s bill in Parliament.

Once again, no common policy framework means no formal Pakatan but a coalition based on the common ground of opposing BN, especially the corruption and wastage and oppressive sedition laws of BN.

RCZ: Of course, Pakatan is dead. Pakatan has been held out to the rakyat as three parties joining together with a common policy framework. That’s why we voted for these individuals irrespective of which the three parties they were from.

If there is no common policy then there are only three parties forming an informal coalition and they cannot therefore call themselves Pakatan.

To use another analogy posted here, the three parties were indeed married with joint obligations but are now dating with no obligations.

We know how and who to vote for next round and if there are two individuals put up from the same coalition, the votes will be split. I am sure that opposition leaders will do the wise thing.
Jiminy Qrikert: PKR deputy president Azmin Ali is fast becoming a very good double-talker. Does it matter if Pakatan was a formal or informal alliance of three parties?

Formal or informal, who cares? On the ballot papers, it is still DAP, PKR, PAS. If they cannot agree to keep it straight fights in the general election, all will lose and BN will win.

In the last GE, PAS chose to fight PKR in a couple of seats. Is that the action of an alliance partner, regardless of whether the relationship was formal or informal? Come GE14, I will not vote PAS.

PKR is starting to look like they are gutless opportunists. DAP might want to embrace closet Malay supremacists again. So, maybe it is best to stay home and watch TV.

Behsaikong: Pakatan never was formally registered nor has Pakatan ever officially contested a seat. It was partly to do with the three parties not been altogether comfortable with one another as well as the Registrar of Societies’ reluctance to register Pakatan.

You can't get a divorce before your marriage is registered. Perhaps it is just as well. This three are very different in many ways. Courtship is therefore more prudent than marriage.

Before marriage, you need to prove something to one another. So Selangor is where the courtship must be carried on as the test of maturity. To me, the Pakatan courtship beats the Umno-BN marriage any day any time.

As voters, let us be smart too. It isn't easy for the Pakatan courtship to come to marriage when the Umno-BN makes things so difficult for them. Umno-BN does not want a Pakatan marriage for obvious reasons.

Fair Play: Look at the bright side of things. If Selangor DAP must cooperate with Selangor PAS and they both must cooperate with Selangor PKR, wouldn't that be a workable solution free from encumbrances and interference by their respective HQs?

Who knows? The Johor government might take that path, too. The end result could be that Umno might be crippled beyond a full recovery. And GE14 might be their judgement day or day of reckoning.

Wsoi: Repeated violations of the common policy framework by the PAS president spelled the beginning of the end of Pakatan.

This was supported by Hadi missing Pakatan presidential council meetings. In the corporate world, this man’s service would have been terminated without question.

In politics, the result is loss of trust. In business, no one would deal with this kind of character, he’s totally untrustworthy.

Hamzah Paiman: One should only work with PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and his ulama if they want their state government to collapse. Look at what happened in Terengganu, Kedah and to an extent, Selangor.

They are untrustworthy although they masquerade as religious souls. Late spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat was consistently humble and sincere, and that is why Kelantan remained stable when he was MB.

Spinnot: It makes people wonder why PAS talked about "marriage and divorce" with DAP when the three parties were only living together. The relationship ended when PAS decided to cut all ties with DAP.
Anonymous #559621516: Why is it that the only examples and analogies that the ulama can give are about marriage, divorce, etc. Are there no other analogies?
Fairplayer: Why make a simple decision complicated, Azmin? After all, you were made MB by default. Don't be Hadi's ‘right-hand man’.

Be a courageous gentleman with principles, call for a fresh election. That's the best and surest way to prove and determine the wishes of the rakyat.

Over50ABU: DAP, I hope you have learned a lesson about not mixing politics with religion. These so-called ulama from PAS cannot be trusted to rule. Look at all the Middle East countries.

It's better to go alone than with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is still so adamant to associate with PAS after what they have done. Is it because he is so desperate and too proud to say he make a mistake?
Samah: However the politicians want to spin it, there's simply no significant support left for PAS in Selangor. So let's move on to build a new political realignment. -Mkini

1 comment:

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