
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

PM Najib being obtuse in saying 1MDB ‘not directly involved’

YOURSAY | ‘As usual, twisting and turning the words around. This time, it's ‘not directly involved’.’
Odin Tajué: It is correct to say that 1MDB is not directly involved in the report because 1MDB is a company and not a person. As it is not a person, it cannot do anything. Therefore, it cannot be involved.
Companies are considered persons, i.e. individuals, only for income tax purposes pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act. However, I stand corrected by any accountant or tax consultant who may be reading this.
But the fact remains, and one that is of import, that all but one of the people who have allegedly stolen monies from 1MDB were and/or are employed or directly connected to, or have had dealings with, the company.
These are individuals referred to by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) as1MDB Officers 1, 2 and 3, Malaysian Official 1 (MO1), Jho Low, Khadem al-Qubaisi and Mohammed Badawy al Husseini, while Riza Aziz is related to MO1.
The American authorities needed not to have consulted the Malaysian government and/or its officials for the simple reason that the offences of concern to them were perpetrated in the United States.
Nor have they needed to seek the views of, and/or explanations from, the Malaysian authorities for the obvious reason that they were aware that the latter authorities were highly unlikely to be cooperative.
The reports published by various established, respected publications in the US and elsewhere - reports that have implicated, even if indirectly, the top official of the land - gave more than sufficient indication of this possibility.
The American authorities did not say that 1MDB had any assets in the US. They said that the assets concerned were acquired by the named individuals with “money stolen from 1MDB”.
Those are two completely different things. Bringing in of a totally irrelevant matter is obviously a pathetic attempt to cloud the issue and to cast doubts on the quality of the findings of the American authorities.
In asking whether the findings of the American authorities were just a compilation of media reports, the particular reporter was what I believe in a trial would be called ‘asking a leading question’, id est, asking of a respondent a question calculated to elicit an answer to his (the respondent’s) favour. Then again, when you consider the organisation he represented (Bernama), this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
The fact that you have been indicated by means of a phrase instead of a name does in no way vindicate you of your criminality, especially when the phrase used and the attendant details, id est, the details attached to the phrase, point to no one else but you.
It is foolish - nay, infantile - to pretend you and the person alluded to by the phrase are two different individuals.
Richard-D: What on earth is he smoking? "Only those specifically named in the report are mentioned in the report. This means that 1MDB is not directly involved in the report," said PM Najib Razak.
But paragraph three in the DOJ court filing clearly states, "According to the complaints, from 2009 through 2015, more than $3.5 billion in funds belonging to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) was allegedly misappropriated by high-level officials of 1MDB and their associates."
Anonymous_3e86: As usual, twisting and turning the words around. This time, it's "not directly involved".
Of course, the money was not transferred directly into the accounts of those involved. It allegedly went through one bank after another to create a smokescreen before reaching those accounts.
Hearty Malaysian: I just can't believe Najib still hope the people would accept his latest spins. So pathetic yet so unforgivable, hence we want justice to prevail.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Indeed, of course, 1MDB does not have any assets in the US. The money was taken by individuals to purchase properties, fund movies and finance their obscenely extravagant lifestyles.
And that includes you, Mr Prime Minister. Yours looks to be in cash. So stop trying to detract from the real crimes here.
Anonymous #44199885: I would have expected our PM to at least show a modicum of intelligence. 1MDB assets are in the US, the cash was taken into the US and allegedly used by crooks to purchase assets and that in law, it is called conversion.
The assets of 1MDB are there just not in cash. The US attorney-general and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) need not bother getting any views from our government since they have all the documents.
In any case, where is proof that they did not get the information they needed from our previous AG and Bank Negara since they have been investigating the scandal more than a year ago.
CQ Muar: Mr PM, except those rural folks who had been kept ignorant from the actual situation in this country, we urge you to make a survey. You just need to question anyone in town or city throughout Malaysia whether they believe your denial and that the money in your bank account had nothing to do with 1MDB.
My word, you must be the world's finest actor ever. Even Leonardo DiCaprio will nod his head in agreement. However, no matter what you do or how you behave and act, your destiny as PM will be grim.
There's no reason whatsoever that DOJ will let you off the hook.
Legit: MO1 is so desperate he is looking for every other excuse to hide himself from the law. Just remember, you can run but you cannot hide.
You are given some time to create all the comedy acts you want, but the hammer is coming down hard on you and there is no escape.
Vijay47: I have to salute you, sir, there is no one around who can beat you in going into a state of total delusion except perhaps minister Salleh Said Keruak, your new party treasurer.
So now you are claiming total ignorance regarding who MO1 is, notwithstanding all the solid clues pointing to a stout gentleman staying in Pekan and Putrajaya. You attempt to hide behind the fact that the DOJ report did not contain any input from the Malaysian side.
Which views are you referring to, that your AG promptly declared that you did not commit anything wrong despite a cool billion dancing through your personal account?
Perhaps it does not occur to you that the DOJ is of the opinion that views and explanations of the Malaysian government are totally unreliable. And you are proud of it? By the way, why should you "view the matter seriously" since 1MDB or you are not mentioned?

What a real pity, Najib, that there is no Nobel prize for chutzpah. Guess who would win hands down. - Mkini

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