
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 26, 2016

Remember Rescuing Our Students From Egypt? And Syria? Is Saudi Arabia Next?

Did you know that the Ringgit is now at RM1.10 to the Saudi riyal? It used to be 70 sen or 80 sen not too far back in the past.

Our economy and the country is in really deep stuff.  Anyway here is really strange news.


Saudi Arabia offers full scholarships for 100 M'sian male students  

for all programmes except for Medicine. 

open to all male Malaysians

first time full scholarship offered to big number of students

large number of Saudi students in M'sia

Benefits = RM1,842 and RM1,950 for Bachelor and Graduate respectively. 

housing, board, insurance, possibility of visa

This is the first time (ever) that the Saudis are offering 100 scholarships for our students.   I think this is a publicity stunt to show that the Saudis still have money to throw.    There is too much bad press that the Saudis  are really short of cash.

Someone sent me this today (thank you).  It is a notice by the Saudi regime that they are raising visa fees for foreign visitors (starting from 2nd Oct. 2016).

Pilgrimage and umrah visas will cost RM2200 (2nd entry and beyond).  A regular 12 month visa will cost RM5500.  Obviously the Saudis need more revenue.

And yet they are giving out 100 scholarships? Something does not jive.

There are two other points to note. 

Remember when the Arab Boing Boing began in 2011 in Egypt?  We had to send our airforce planes to "rescue" our students who were stuck there. Same thing in Syria but those guys did not want to be rescued (at that time). Dont know what happened to those kids.

Saudi Arabia is now in a very precarious position. There is a very real chance that the Saudi regime will collapse and that chaos will break out. I dont think we should be putting our students at risk (scholarship or no) by sending them to this country.

Saudi Arabia is now engaged in a real shooting war with Yemen.  And listen carefully folks - only the air war is over Yemen. The ground war (the soldiers on the ground) is inside Saudi Arabia. 

The following is from yesterday Sunday :

The Yemenis are entrenched and inching their way into Saudi territory.

And here is the really bad news. Donald Trump is leading Hillary in the polls. If Trump wins I think it will be really bad for the Saudis.  The US selling illegal white phosphorous weapons to the Saudis to bomb Yemen is becoming an issue.  The Yanks are putting themselves in a spot again. Trump may reverse US policy towards the Saudis. If he wins. 

So do we want to send our students to this country? 

The second point was made by Dato Ayub Khan Mydin Pitchay, the Chief of our Counter Terrorism Unit at Bukit Aman.  Ayub Khan has identified that the ISIS terrorists were often found reading the writings of Ibn Taiminyah, which is also the bible of the Wahhabi psychos.

Officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs have stated many times about the dangers of Wahhabism. Here is one example :


Further to this Dato Ayub Khan has also mentioned the dangers of Ibn Tayminya, the Wahhabi ideology and the Shiah.

(Folks, they have NOT banned the writings of Ibn Taiminyah which (according to the Police) is causing so much trouble not only here but around the world. Instead they banned MY book - which points out the dangers of all these extremist psychos.  Siapa bodoh?)

And where is the GROUND ZERO  of the Wahhabi ideology?  It is Saudi Arabia.

You must be out of your mind to allow the Saudis to offer 100 scholarships to our students. That is 100 possible Wahhabis coming back home from Saudi Arabia and having their names put into Police files. 

Pasal apa nak jadi bodoh macam ini?  Orang Melayu yang mula kata 'Jangan dukung biawak hidup'.  In other words 'jangan pi cari pasal'.  Dont go looking for trouble.

You send even ONE student to study in Saudi Arabia, you are looking for trouble.  Instead you want to send 100 students to become future Wahhabis.

Dont say I did not warn you. Jangan jadi bodoh.

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