
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Malaysia has shown a "tendency to promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members". Majlis Keselamatan Negara Please Tender Your Resignation ! !

Thank you to the reader who sent me this link  from the United States Department of Homeland Security.    It is dated 2011. 

This is a Report prepared for the Dept of Homeland Security that deals with "Supervision of Aliens Commensurate With Risk".  

Basically they talk about how to deal with undesirable aliens (what RTM would designate as 'anasir-anasir yang tidak diingini' when talking about communist terrorist sympathisers).  Meaning people with links to terrorist activities.

On Page 21 of this report they have a list of 35 countries that have been labelled as SDC or 'Specifically Designated Countries'.  Malaysia is on this list, since 2011 !!

 What is a Specially Designated Country  or SDC ?  They define an SDC as follows :

".. (SDCs)  that have shown a tendency to promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members "  ! ! 

Malaysia has been labelled a country that has shown a tendency to promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members !  So Malaysia is pro-terrorist.  

This is coming from a country that is so loved by our Prime Minister who claims to play golf with Obama and Trump and whose kampong wife boasted to everyone that she stayed up until 2 am in the morning to make a phone call to Trump. 

Malulah Malaysia. Malulah Melayu. 

The fact that Malaysia was put on the list at all in 2011 is bad enough. Our Majlis Keselamatan Negara should resign and go away. Shame on you. 

And why wasnt the Malaysian public informed by the gomen about this? 
Takkan gomen tidur, tak tahu nama Malaysia telah masuk senarai negara 'Muslims Under Influence of Satan' (MUIS) ?

Most certainly other countries around the world have read this report by the US Department of Homeland Security. 

Maybe it affects their policies towards Malaysia, maybe it affects their policies towards students from Malaysia wanting to study in their countries or investments from their countries coming to Malaysia?  

Who wants to deal with a country that has  :
'.. shown a tendency to promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members'
Kenapalah ngko orang semua bodoh sampai boleh jadi macam ini ? Please stop being so damn stupid.  
Just get rid of all the foreign religious types who now infest Malaysia like rats - the foreign religious preachers, foreign "Salafi" lecturers, foreign bulan puasa imams, foreign "religious" NGOs, foreign members of organisations declared terrorist by other countries and foreign religious types who are banned from entering other countries.  

We do not need these people in our beautiful and peaceful Malaysia. Now we have been listed as a country that has a "tendency to promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members".

Kononnya educated, kononnya ada PhD, kononnya PTD.  

Exactly how stupid are you people?    

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