
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 2, 2017

UUM lecturer flogging a dead horse over ‘Christian agenda’

YOURSAY | ‘Kamarul Zaman must be the biggest embarrassment to Universiti Utara Malaysia.’
Anonymous 759201436321741: In a way, I really feel sorry for Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusoff.
He might have an education up to the tertiary level. But that doesn't mean he is educated. His career might be in a rut. Apparently, the only way he knows how to jump start it is to use religion or other related issues sensitive to his community.
Therefore, he thinks DAP Christian politicians are easy meat. And he even dragged DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang (who is not a Christian) in, just because he is the father of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who is a Christian.
UUM, as his employer, do you realise this lecturer is really an embarrassment to your august institution?
Anonymous 706151436780066: Indeed, Kamarul Zaman must be the biggest embarrassment to UUM. No sane man, let alone a university lecturer, would go out on a limb with unproven allegations and insist on defending them.
Kamarul Zaman would embarrass me to death if I were his student. As they say, stupid teachers can’t produce clever students.
Aries46: Kamarul Zaman has run out of substance to sustain his nonsensical diatribe on Selangor Assembly speaker Hannah Yeoh and now expands his agenda to Kit Siang and DAP to give it a political twist to cover up his embarrassing bungle that has made a mockery of an entire tertiary institution.
A case of ‘bodoh sombong’? All that needs to has been said and anything more is akin to flogging a dead horse.
Kamarul Zaman comes across as nothing more than a purveyor of religious hatred desperately twisting his gaff for a political agenda for support from similar desperadoes waiting to jump into the slime wagon.
Clever Voter: Yes, Kamarul Zaman is a desperate man fighting for his dignity. He chose to confront rather than to reconcile. Don't even bother to seek apologies for there isn't any.
He is also blind as he cannot see what's ahead of him. He is deaf because he has turned off his receiver. What do we have is a man who will continue to make all sort of nonsensical accusations.
It's a no win. Whatever it is, this country is getting nowhere as long as we have such attention-seeking bigots.
We are cursed as long as we try to outdo each other using religion. There are no winners except the extremists and opportunists.
JayWai: It is so hard to believe that we have the likes of Kamarul Zaman as a lecturer in our institution of higher learning.
The lies that he continues to spew, and his pathetic effort to spin something out of nothing clearly shows how desperate some people are to make Christians and DAP the bogeyman.
Odin Tajué: This man exhibits an incontrovertible proof that the possessing of a university degree does not necessarily mean that the holder is intelligent.
In retired academic Lim Teck Ghee’s latest article, it is seen that the fellow has produced hardly any outputs and none of which is inspiring.
In this news report, Kamarul Zaman has exhibited his inability to argue his case. For example, he has stated that Guan Eng had often sat down with DAP leaders Tony Pua and Anthony Loke, all of whom are Christians, for discussions and to strategise. One asks, discuss and strategise what?
It is pointless to get upset over his imbecility. And it is not hard to guess why he has brought up this issue - and has done so a long two years and four months after Hannah Yeoh’s autobiography was published - and stubbornly persists in exhibiting his cretinous constitution.
Anonymous #40538199: Is the lecturer saying that it was politically wrong for Christians to become politicians in Malaysia?
Vent: This beggars belief and is beyond logic. I'm no believer or DAP member, but how is it permissible or possible for a Muslim to profess his faith in any capacity in Malaysia political or otherwise, while it is 'unlawful' for a Christian MP to do the same?
That's just what this pathetic excuse for an academician would have us believe. If this is not the hate speech of religious apartheid, what is it?
And what if a politician is a Christian or Hindu, or whatever? After all, the "executive powers" of the country are in the hands of a Muslim kleptocrat.
The Mask: By his reasoning, those BN ministers who are Christians, like Paul Low and the others in Sabah and Sarawak, all harbour a Christian agenda.
Why don’t you go after them, otherwise they will influence the government? In all my life as an educator, I have never come across such a stupid character as this man, and a lecturer at that.
Voice: Kamarul Zaman still could not come out with any evidence to prove his allegation except saying that DAP has a Christian agenda because Guan Eng is a Christian and Yeoh says something good about herself and her religion in a book.
Without evidence, all this are constituted wild, baseless and damaging allegation and the person who utter all this allegation should be probed for sedition.
Ipohcrite: This lecturer obviously lacks intellectual acumen or is, figuratively, an ostrich.
His arguments and observations are so personally biased that one shudders to think that he is actually a senior lecturer in a public university.
Anonymous 706151436780066: While tenacity in adversity may be an admirable trait, Kamarul Zaman's tenacity in defending his stupidity puts the good lecturer in the same class as the village idiot who doesn't know when he has been knocked out by his opponent.

Kamarul would save his tattered reputation by just graciously backing off a little. He would make a few friends and restore some dignity to his loudly-touted academic credentials.- Mkini

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