
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Bila Lebai Tak Tahu Tempat Dan Tak Tahu Quran

 I received the following from someone. Quite understandably many people feel that an injustice has been done. A Sarawakian  boy was jailed for 10 years for "insulting" Islam!! 

In comparison despite stealing tens of millions of public funds and abusing his position the Super Moron was only jailed for 12 years. Even the Attorney General's Chambers felt that was not enough and now they are appealing for a stiffer sentence. 

So where is the justice in jailing a young boy for 10 years !! for posting some childish comments on Facebook?  

I hope someone is looking into this and appeals / relooks / re-trials the case and release this boy from jail.  This young boy does not even deserve one day in jail. 

Islam is not a legal entity. Islam is not a physical human being. How does anyone measure 'insult' against something that is not a live physical human or even a legal entity? 

Then for another comparison there was that Pas MP who said some not nice things about the Bible. 

  • KL Aug 29 — Pas MP said no need to apologise for saying Bible corrupted 
  • also said Christians should not be offended, claiming his statement was “fact”.
  • “They have no right to be offended. What I said was not an accusation, but a fact” 
  • “no need to apologise. Why should I?  what I said is right. Why should I apologise?”
  • Association of Churches Sarawak demanded retract remarks in Parliament 
  • tender public apology to all Christians.

My comments :

First of all the Pas fellow does not know his own Quran. 

Surah 6:108 Dan janganlah kamu cerca benda-benda yang mereka seru yang lain dari Allah, kerana mereka kelak, akan mencerca Allah secara melampaui batas dengan ketiadaan pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami memperelokkan pada pandangan tiap-tiap umat akan amal perbuatan mereka, kemudian kepada Pemelihara merekalah tempat kembali mereka, lalu Ia menerangkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka telah lakukan.

You should not go around insulting other peoples' religions. This is what the Quran says.  

If you do not like other people "insulting" your beliefs then why do you insult other peoples' beliefs?

And even if someone insults someone else's religion, certainly there is no punishment of any sort in the Quran for "insulting" someone's religion. 

There is good reason for this - just what exactly is an insult? How exactly do you measure an insult?  

Can the judges of our High Courts answer these simple questions? How did you measure the insult and what exactly was the insult which was measured which justified a 10 year jail sentence? 

For example : 

Can a non Muslim bookshop sell a Quran? Is that an insult or no? What about amazon.com selling Quran online? Insult or not insult? 

What if a non Muslim book seller sells a book that rejects Islamic beliefs ? Insult or not insult? 

For example what if amazon.com sells a book that rejects the existence of prophet Muhammad ? Insult or not insult?

Our Malaysian law does not stop anyone from visiting amazon.com. Or from placing online order for their books from here in Malaysia. So how? Insult or no insult? Can the Judges of the High Court please explain?

The newspapers say that the AG's Chambers prosecuted that Sarawak boy under "Section 298A and Section 505 (c) of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998."

These are 'Civil Laws". Under the jurisdiction of the AG and the Civil Courts.  These are not Syariah Laws.  Meaning these laws apply to all offenders, regardless of religion. Meaning these laws should apply for "insults" against all religions - and not just Islam.

So where are the prosecutions for 'insulting' religions other than Islam? 

The boy in Sarawak posted his comments on Facebook. Anyone with half a brain will know that on Facebook, YouTube, the blogs, Twitter etc people throw brick bats at anything and everything, including at religion. Their own religion, other peoples' religion, at athesists  etc.  There are polite discussions, there are rude and crude discussions. You decide where you want to be. No one can control the discussions. 

So if you go to these places - Facebook, YouTube, blogs, Twitter etc - that is what you should expect. Any and all sorts of discussions. It is the Tower of Babel. No one can control them. Do not be stupid. If you dont like what they say who asked you to go and read what they say in the first place? Why are you so stupid?

Even if you are stupid, Facebook provides avenues for you to complain against anyone who says things "that do not meet their community standards" (I dont know what the hell that means).

It is really stupid if after reading something on Facebook you run crying to your mother. Or you run to the Police Station and made a Police Report. 

And it is a waste of time for the Police to even bother investigating such complaints. 

These are not death threats. Or threats to blow up a beer factory or something violent like that.

Now coming back to that Pas MP, he did not throw his brickbats on Facebook or YouTube during a debate with some christian. He made his comments in Parliament. That is very, very different from the cacophony of the Internet.  

Being an MP he is of course immune from prosecution for whatever he says "inside" Parliament. He cannot and SHOULD NOT be prosecuted for what he says in Parliament (yes even if he "insulted" the "Bible" and the christians). 

But the Speaker of Parliament should have stopped him. Why didnt the Speaker of Parliament stop him? Hello Art Harun, wherefore art thou? I dont see any logical reason where the authenticity of religious books can become part of the debate inside our Parliament.

If you want to question the authenticity of any religious books (christian, hindu, buddhist, "islam", judaism) then please go to the discussions on Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, the blogs, amazon.com, e-groups etc. In the 21st century that is where people discuss and debate these things a lot. They throw all sorts of things at each other.

And if someone says something nasty about your religion on Facebook, YouTube, amazon.com books online etc do not run crying to mommy. Or run crying to make a Police Report. You have the right of reply. You have the right to ignore them.  You have the right to stop being childish.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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