
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 17, 2020

Rizal kept 'Papagomo' and 'Parpukari' on payroll to spruce Rosmah's image


ROSMAH TRIAL | Bloggers "Papagomo", "Parpukari" and "The Unspinners" were among 40 online activists or "cybertroopers" who were paid to spruce up Rosmah Mansor's image, the Kuala Lumpur High Court heard today.

According to Bernama, Rosmah's former special officer Rizal Mansor (above), 46, testified that the three bloggers were paid RM5,000 a month for nearly six years since 2012.

"They were among three or four team leaders of the cybertrooper team. There were also 12 to 15 bloggers that were paid around RM3,000 and about 30 'Facebookers' of whom all were paid around RM2,000 each during the six years," said Rizal during cross-examination by Rosmah's lawyer Jagjit Singh.

Previously, Rizal had informed the court through his witness statement that Rosmah allegedly gave him RM100,000 a month to pay "cybertroopers" who were tasked with monitoring and countering negative opinions about the former prime minister's wife online.

Rizal is the 21st prosecution witness in the trial against Rosmah, who is accused of soliciting RM187.5 million and two counts of receiving bribes totalling RM6.5 million from Jepak Holdings former managing director Saidi Abang Samsudin.

Rizal joined the First Lady of Malaysia (Flom) division of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) on May 1, 2009. The department was later renamed "special division".

At one juncture, Jagjit asserted that the RM100,000 monthly budget was financed directly by the PMO and was not paid out of pocket by Rosmah, to which Rizal disagreed.

Rizal: I don't know the source, but I collect the money from her (Rosmah).

Jagjit: The money never came personally from her (Rosmah) bank account?.

Rizal: I cannot confirm.

The lawyer further asserted that Rizal did not issue any receipt as proof of payments that were made to the cybertroopers, to which the prosecution key witness agreed.

Jagjit then suggested that the reason the receipt was not issued was because Rizal pocketed most of the monies for himself, which the witness disagreed.

Jagjit: There were cybertroopers who claimed that you did not pay them, you took a large portion of it for your personal use on a monthly basis.

Rizal: I disagree.

Jagjit: I put it to you, there would have been no need to set up a cybertroopers team if you did your job well.

Rizal: It was subjective.

Jagjit: I put it to you, you failed in your duty because you solicited corrupt monies for personal use to support your lavish lifestyle.

Rizal: I disagree.

Rosmah, 68, was alleged to have received the bribes through Rizal as a reward for helping Jepak Holdings secure the Hybrid Photovoltaic Solar System Integrated Project, as well as the maintenance and operation of diesel gensets, for 369 Sarawak rural schools worth RM1.25 billion from the Education Ministry through direct negotiation.

The offences were allegedly committed at Lygon Cafe, Sunway Putra Mall, Jalan Putra; Rosmah’s residence at Jalan Langgak Duta, Taman Duta and at Seri Perdana, Persiaran Seri Perdana, Precinct 10, Putrajaya between January 2016 and September 2017.

The hearing before judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan continues. - Mkini

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