
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 5, 2020

TERCIDUK Oleh Muhammad Ali (Pembaca Blog)

Malaysiakini - MP SPEAKS | Umno's dilemma in the PN coalition government

(popular term used now)
Di bawah PN/MN/BN, saya rasa things will get worse
GLC-GLC akan terciduk. Overhead cost tinggi sbb gaji2 staff sangat tinggi semenjak dasar Najibnomics yang mahukan 'High Income' economy. 
Masalahnya, produktiviti tidak meningkat, masih sama atau menurun pula. Di waktu harga minyak tinggi, ok la boleh tanggung kos2 ni semua. Skg harga minyak sudah jatuh. 'Najibnomics' terpaksa mencari jalan lain utk 'menanggung' kos2 yg tinggi ini. 
Muncullah pula GST. GST dapat bagi duit pada gomen utk sambung dasar 'high income' economy Najib. Masalahnya, GST telah membebankan rakyat B40 terbanyak. Kos perniagaan mencanak naik. Harga barang melambung tinggi. Inilah antara punca utama BN @ Najib tumbang. 
Bab 1MDB terang2 bukan utk kepentingan negara. Lebih menjurus kepada 'duit tepi' Najib. Duit utk dia bermain-main dan berjoli sakan anak beranak. Dan juga utk membeli 'sokongan' sesama pemimpin parti dan juga PAS. Sebab tu la abah dan shafie apdal tercampak keluar. Semua kroni2 abah dan atok ikut terciduk sekali di bawah Najibnomics. Depa serupa belaka. Kita yg baik hati bersangka baik. 
Kita semua tahu cerita GLC terciduk ni bukannya baru. Tetapi sering di 'bail' out oleh tax payers money. Cth: PROTON (dulu), Bank Bumiputra dan MAS. Masa zaman tu gomen KAYA sebab ada Oil Money. Guess what, the world has changed. No more Oil Money to waste. No more free ride. Post-Covid19 is a different world altogether.
PH tried hard to rectify things but too bad Malays are focusing on the wrong things. Wrong priority. PH brought back the Equanimity, renegotiated lopsided overpriced contracts, brought back bilions of 1MDB money, repair Tabung Haji which is on the verge of collapsing, repair FGVh which is also going down, remove the GST which was killing the economy.
While they were busy mending things, as usual, few irresponsible, greedy and shrewed group of politicians and of Malay ethnicity were also busy scheming to grab power. 
Unfortunately, a very large group of Malays supported this dirty works not realising that they are actually digging their own grave. Go and ask the government staffs today and ask them how is those PAS' ministers performance so far. Just to follow a simple quarantine SOP is too difficult for them. They dont have a clue. The worst part is, dah lah bodoh, sombong pulak tu. 
Do you know that Boustead is now selling off their assets? Do you know that Boustead got paid RM6 bilion by the gomen eventhough they did not deliver the 6 vessels contracted to them. Btw, Boustead is also another GLC. 
Do you know that  _______s rugi RM21 bilion?
GLCs are falling down. 99% of employees in the GLCs are Malays. 
Good luck people. Pray hard.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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