
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

OutSyed The Box Has A Solution / Suggestion For The YDP Agong, A Soalan Cepu Mas, But Before That Are You Aware That An Emergency Was Declared On December 16th 2020?

 As usual there is some serious hypocrisy going on. Are you all aware (or have you conveniently forgotten) that an Emergency was declared by the YDP Agong on December 16th 2020 for two areas in Malaysia ie Gerik in Perak and Bugaya in Sabah?

The Member of Parliament for Gerik Mohd Hasbullah had died on 16th November 2020. The following day 17th November, Manis Muka Mohd Darah the State Assembly-woman for the Bugaya State seat in Sabah also died. 

On December 16th, 2020 the YDP Agong agreed to declare an Emergency for the two areas (which is still in place) solely for the purpose of AVOIDING CONDUCTING A BY ELECTION in those areas.  

First the news and then the hypocrisy.

EC took note of emergency in Gerik and Bugaya
thus both by-elections put on hold
KL : EC will not proceed with Gerik and Bugaya by-election 
following proclamation of Emergency in two constituencies
Proclamation of Emergency Clause (1) Article 150 of Federal Constitution 
Clause (2B) of Article 150 to revoke date set for the by-elections

  • by-elections for Gerik and Bugaya scheduled simultaneously 
  • Jan 4 nomination, Jan 16 for polling day
  • Another date will be set for the two by-elections EC said 
  • PM said YDP Agong consented to emergency in two constituencies

Soalan Cepu Mas : How come no one among the Opposition or the Opposition supporters complained  that an Emergency had been declared in TWO seats Gerik and Bugaya and consequently the BY Elections had been postponed? Thereby robbing the people of their democratic rights? I say anna / thambi, yenna dey?

No one screamed 'Bloody murder, denying democracy, destroying democracy bla bla bla'

Hello Opposition people and Opposition supporters why did you keep absolutely mum (and dumb) over Gerik and Bugaya? 

The answer is very simple. Both the Gerik Parliamentary seat and the Bugaya state seat were Barisan Nasional seats (namely UMNO seats.)

Especially Gerik was a solid UMNO Parliamentary seat. If there had been a By Electionm gues who would have won? Do read on. 

If the Gerik Member of Parliament who died had been from the PKR, DAP or other Pakatan Harapan parties and the By Election had been cancelled, the Opposition and their supporters would have been screaming and jumping up and down like Bonobo chimpanzees.

The late YB Mohd Hasbullah was once the political secretary to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when Muhyiddin was Deputy Prime Minister in 2009. So Umno Gerik should be a very Muhyiddin friendly place.

In a By Election for the Parliamentary seat in Gerik, UMNO can win with 100% certainty. Why? Because now BOTH Umno and PAS are on the same side.  In the last General Election, Umno won Gerik with a 5,528 vote majority against PAS - who came out No. 2.  Now with both Umno and Pas on the same side, the majority for an Umno candidate will be super higher.

Here is some news about Gerik.  

IPOH (Nov 16): Gerik MP Hasbullah Osman died in Raub this afternoon 
Gerik Parliamentary constituency located in Hulu Perak
Hasbullah won Temenggor state seat in GE11in 2004
Won against PKR with majority of 4,666 votes
defended Temenggor seat in GE12, defeated PKR majority 4,617 votes

  • GE13 Hasbullah contested Gerik Parliamentary seat 
  • won against PAS with majority 6,216 votes
  • defended seat in GE14 majority 5,528 against PAS 

So the late Hasbullah Osman (of Umno) was a two term Member of Parliament for Gerik. 

So for the critics of the Prime Minister dont you think it is very "stupid" of the "desperate Prime Minister" to declare an Emergency in Gerik and cancel the By Election when UMNO (his ally) can easily win any Parliamentary By Election in Gerik? 

Even in November 16th 2020 the PM had only a two-three seat majority in Parliament. 

And now the PM has only a single seat 'MINORITY' in Parliament (110 MPs supporting him).

If there is a By Election in Gerik, the PM would have at least 111 MPs with him in Parliament.

So here is my advice / suggestion to the DYMM YDP Agong. 

About the By Election in Gerik (and Bugaya in Sabah) the Election Commission has said that :

  • Another date will be set for the two by-elections EC said 

Instead of pondering a highly risky General Election which will endanger the entire country, an easier option would be to allow that By Election for the Gerik Parliamentary constituency.  It should be easier to manage a By Election in just one area. Ban all political gatherings and ceramah. No public campaigning must be allowed. The candidates can use Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. Besides people already know who they want to vote for. I believe it can be done.

If Umno wins the seat (and they will) it means that the PN would be back to having 111 seats in Parliament. Not a majority but certainly NOT a minority either.

This is my humble suggestion to the YDP Agong. Because in six months (come August 1st), the YDP Agong has to decide to dissolve Parliament or not. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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