
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 29, 2021



What is visionary leadership?

The term “visionary leadership” applies to people who have often bold ideas about how the world and how various facets and functions of it should be. It is possible to be a visionary without having a formal leadership role, but many visionaries do inspire others to follow their ideals and help them accomplish these goals. By definition, visionary leaders are not satisfied with the status quo and instead see better ways of doing things. They have a picture of what the future could look like and want to make it so.

Why is visionary leadership important?

Visionary leaders are not perfect; in fact, sometimes, their so-called visions are not practical. However, there is an important place for the leadership style. 

Visionary leadership causes change to occur, often improving organizations, practices, people and even the world. And change must occur to keep society moving forward and evolving. Moreover, they inspire others to work toward a purpose and find meaning and purpose in their work, goals and ideals. These are the people who create new innovations and find solutions to problems, which the world needs. 

The characteristics of a visionary leader.

There are numerous characteristics that an individual must possess in order to be a visionary leader. For example:-

They are innovative.

Creativity and, more to the point, the ability to innovate are important qualities in a visionary leader. This person has new ideas about how to solve problems and contribute to a better world, so it stands to reason that they must be able to think beyond the status quo. They also must be able to consider different ways of using the world and its resources.

They are persistent.

Everybody encounters obstacles. A visionary must be able to power through them in pursuit of the larger goal of making the world a better place. Without persevering, an individual will get stuck and will be unable to accomplish what they initially set out to do. A visionary cannot spend too much time taking challenges and hiccups personally and or letting them hold them back from what they want to accomplish.

They are willing to take risks.

Change cannot occur without a willingness to take risks. Sometimes, risks mean setbacks, but a visionary leader would not let them stop him from pursuing goals. He must be willing to both think outside the box and take steps that are not guaranteed to pay off. However, that does not mean the visionary is reckless - the risks he takes must be well-thought-out and reasoned.

They are organized.

Organization is critical to a visionary leader’s success. They must be able to mobilize others, such as employees or followers, in an organized way to carry out their vision of how things should be. That is because a visionary has mapped out a path to achieving his ideals rather than leaving them to chance. 

They are enthusiastic.

Visionary leaders are nothing if not passionate about their cause. Not only must they have the drive to work toward their goals, but they also need to demonstrate enthusiasm in order to, in turn, rally support from others. 

They are focused.

Focus is critical for achieving any mission. This type of leader would not be sidetracked by distractions but will remain committed to their cause, sometimes to a fault. They must also ensure that their followers or employees remain focused on the end goal and do not get distracted by less important issues as well.

They are willing to listen to others.

While a visionary leader is focused on his passion and dream, that does not mean he ignores input from others. In fact, this leader will take into account the opinions of others in order to better hone the path toward achieving the vision. Visionaries need to be able to collaborate and take advice where it comes, as well as rely on teamwork.

They have charisma.

These leaders must be able to inspire others, and that requires a certain personality type. These are the people who seem to draw others to them, and they are the most likely to carry out their visions because they are able to encourage others to believe in their dreams, too. That does not mean that people without “big personalities” cannot be visionary leaders, but they still need to have the charm to draw people to them and their ideals.

They have a sense of responsibility.

While a visionary leader rallies other people to support his dream, at the end of the day, he understands that he is responsible for its success or failure. The setbacks of the team rest on his shoulders. Moreover, the leader must put safeguards in place for ensuring minimizing the risk of failure and ensuring that his followers are not shouldering too much of the burden.

They are optimistic.

If a leader does not believe in the mission they are trying to achieve, how will they encourage others to work toward it? While visionary leaders are usually realistic, they are also optimistic, believing that their vision can truly be realized. 

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