
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 7, 2023

Questions Still Remain : Saudi Kosong, China Donno

 This is from Murray Hunter here

Just one week after return, criticism over China, Saudi trips continue

  • Questions over RM 170 b Chinese investment claim
  • publicly announced Chinese investing unprecedented RM 170 b  
  • 19 MOUs signed between Malaysian and Chinese companies 
  • many have scrutinized the list 
  • details are scant, hurriedly prepared 
  • questions about how many MOUs will actually materialise 
  • MOU signing event hurriedly prepared, staged as showpiece
  • poster back of stage stated “MOU Witnessing Ceremony”.
  • Iris Institute continues to question Saudi Arabia visit
  • questions legitimacy of official visit to Saudi Arabia
  • did not meet any of the Saudi Arabia leadership

My Comments: 

It looks like the thinking folks like the IRIS Institute and Murray Hunter are still not convinced.

I recall Abdullah Badawi after 2003. (Those of you below 40 may not recall). He went around the country announcing those 'development corridors'. Northern corridor, southern corridor, east coast corridor, Sabah corridor etc. Badawi announced that each corridor was worth hundreds of billions of Ringgit. 

I was the only observer at that time who added up the total amounts announced by Badawi for all the corridors and pointed out that it was more than RM1 TRILLION !! 

Our entire Malaysian GDP at that time (since Merdeka in 1957) was also about there or slightly less. The annual government Budget was about RM200b+. So where and how was the gomen going to find a TRILLION RINGGIT for the economic corridors? Duit jatuh dari langit kah? Obviously Badawi was bullshitting.

No one was convinced then. And of course Badawi's corridors never happened.  

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