
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 29, 2024



Abang Jo welcomed suggestion for RM2m deposit from West M'sian businessmen who wish to migrate to Sarawak.

Abang Johari said the state is open to giving permanent resident status to business folk as long as they are willing to deposit RM2 million or purchase property with a value of no less than RM1.5 million

“Sarawak is like a gem, and if you look at our performance, we have overtaken Johor. We are among the top three (in economic development), and soon maybe we can overtake Selangor (the most developed state).

“That’s why, many people expressed their interest in wanting to move here,” The Borneo Post quoted him as saying.

restricted to permanent resident status, not Sarawak citizenship, Abang Johari added.

proposed making it mandatory for West Malaysian businessmen to deposit RM2 million into a state-owned bank in order to migrate to Sarawak.

My Comments :

So by the same token Sarawakian businessmen who wish to migrate to "West Malaysia" or "Malaya" should pay RM4.0 million deposit. This is just my suggestion - just like Abang Jo's suggestion.

Why RM4.0 million? Because "West Malaysia" or "Malaya" is so much more developed than Sarawak. In the early 1990s I financed Sarawak property developers who were involved in property development here. The shopping plaza is still there in Cheras. I am sure there are many more Sarawak businessmen who have invested here in "West Malaysia".

What the hell is the meaning of Sarawak citizenship? There is no Sarawak citizenship. Either you are a Malaysian citizen or you are not.

I think Abang Jo is getting too carried away with this 'We are better than you' crap. 

Over the decades hundreds of thousands of "West Malaysians" have been sent to "East Malaysia" to serve as teachers, policemen, soldiers, civil servants, doctors, nurses, engineers, technicians. My son served two years in "East Malaysia" as a doctor.  So Abang Joe can we send you a bill? My wife and I spent years, so much time and energy to educate my sons.

All these "West Malaysians" helped to develop Sarawak. Thousands of Sarawakians also came to "West Malaysia" to study at "our" schools in "West Malaysia" and "our" universities and "our" colleges. Also to work here and gain experiences here which they took back to Sarawak. 

All of us developed together as one country. Now Sarawak has become a little developed and you want RM2.0 million deposit from "West Malaysian" businessmen? Banyak cantik.

Well the Sarawak Chinese business community, which controls business in Sarawak, should be happy. This will certainly curb competition from the 'West Malaysian' Chinese business community who may be interested in doing business in Sarawak. These "protectionist barriers" will help protect their turf.

I say Abang Joe this is big money talk. Who controls the big money in Sarawak? What about the Dayak people in Sarawak - those who live in the long houses and go to church every Sunday to help them forget their troubles? How will they benefit? Do the Dayak people in the longhouses control the big money?

Abang Joe this is quite disappointing. For a while some people were saying that you have the potential to be Malaysia's Prime Minister. The first Malaysian PM from Sarawak. Now it looks like you will remain the prime minister of Gunung Santubong. Apa lah lu.

Sometime in the late 70s or early 80s we stopped using the name 'West Malaysia' and 'East Malaysia'.  I remember the TV, radio and the media in Malaysia were told to use Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak instead. This was to help create a more Malaysian identity. 

But in the 21st century it looks like Abang Joe and friends are still hung up on using "West Malaysia", Malaya, East Malaysia bla bla bla.

Abang Joe, if you really want to leave Malaysia then dont waste any more time. Just do a referendum in Sarawak and if the majority say they want out then get out. Apa susah sangat Abang Joe? Whatever will be will be lah. Que sera sera.

But if you lose the referendum then duduk diam-diam lah. Or if you dont want to do the referendum then also duduk diam-diam lah. What is the point of talking about 'RM2.0 million deposit, Sarawak citizenship bla bla'.  Bikin tension saja.

People say that 'when things get tough then the tough get going'. But in your case it looks like 'when things get a little tough you start running away'. Granted that we are facing some "political" issues in "West Malaysia". But when things get difficult we pull together as a society and try to solve our problems. We try to overcome our issues. We dont simply quit and run away. Sikit-sikit susah mahu lari kah? Agi idup agi ngelaban lah wei.

Abang Joe kalau lu mahu keluar, keluarlah. What else is there to say? I will miss Sarawak and the Sarawak people. Such a fantastic place, fantasic people. 

I had high hopes that the people of Sarawak AND Sabah will show the way for the rest of Malaysia. I will be honest - I also thought that Abang Joe could be the PM of Malaysia. Also Shafie Apdal. We really need new thinking. Tapi lu mau lari pula.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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