
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, January 24, 2013

A case of shooting the messenger?

YOURSAY 'The alleged offence took place on June 6, 2012 and it's only now - seven months later - that Bank Islam makes a police report.'

Bank Islam files police reports against its economist

your sayWak Kanto: What type of bank is this? Had Bank Islam chief economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin not given his opinion at the Singapore forum, there would not have been this so-called breach of confidential documents.

Come Bank Islam, be Islamic. If ever he had done it, you should have discovered it a long time ago - with or without his revelations in Singapore.

Clearwater: The alleged offence took place on June 6, 2012 and it's only now - seven months later in January 2013 - that Bank Islam makes a police report.

What gives? That so sensitive corporate exercise is probably dead and buried. Why are you hounding this young man? Spend your time finding out how and why your documents were leaked?

Cantabrigian: If the suspension is due to Azrul's violation of Bank Islam's internal policies, then why do you need to file a police report?

Do you think the police should be bothered with internal company matters?

Ah Boss: The police should pick up former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad for sedition for questioning the rights of non-Malay citizens. Why is it they have no time for that but plenty of time for this?

It's a case of killing the messenger. Typical, isn't it?

Bijan: Azrul was suspended long before the so-called show-cause letter, which was handed over to him on Jan 17, 2013.

Not politically motivated? My foot! See how powerful BN is. Whoever is not in line with them will be punished.

Those who want to vote for BN, hope you don't cry when your children or grandchildren end up like Azrul.

We want a government who is scared of the rakyat and listens to them, not a government which will bulldoze through whatever it likes.

Curious Observer: "The email was entitled 'Top Secret'," mentioned the report. I really laughed out loud at this part. What a way to send out a top secret, confidential document, by titling it as ‘Top Secret'!

SKT: If Azrul is really so dumb to send an ‘Top Secret'-titled email using the company's email, then Bank Islam should ask themselves how did they select this candidate to be chief economist?

2LAN: They will be happy if you change your opinion and tell them BN will win back all the seats lost so that they can continue to steal happily after.

Aishah: Yes, it is intimidation. We urge Azrul not to resign. Let the bank sack you and then take legal action.

Ruben: I am sure that political involvement was at a very high level here. Imagine, just because he is a member of an opposition party, he gets victimised so cruelly. This shows the arrogance, cruelty and highhandedness of the powers-that-be.

Cala: If you study Umno long enough, you would realise that this organisation has a high tolerance level for mediocrity, but not on the issue of party loyalty. Bank Islam is inheriting the same culture.

Ex-wfw: Surely as the chief economist of the bank, he is involved in analysing and making projections.

His prediction of BN's performance is only an opinion. Nothing more. The action of the bank is clearly a sign of a drowning man about to go under.

Personally, I think such an action is good for the opposition, the powers-that-be are clearly suicidal in trying to grab hold of anything, just to survive. It cannot be a sign of a party looking for two-thirds majority, it is a sign of near death.

Anonymous #32993250: This is purely intimidation by hidden hands in the name of the Islamic Bank. Azrul is the chief economist and it's his job to examine the economic and political scenario of the country.

What he projected was his opinion on the Malaysian situation in different scenarios. Is he wrong to dare predict that opposition would win and how it could affect the economic situation?

Any intelligent person will study all the possible scenarios to protect his business and wealth.

Taikohtai: First they went for the top opposition leaders. Then they went for the opposition MPs. Then they went for their lawyers. Then they went for the whistleblowers.

Now they go for one of their own. Nobody is safe from a vindictive BN. They have turned cannibalistic.

Louis: I am sure the police will be lightning fast to act. Just about the same time, I believe someone has reported Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali's inflammatory statement regarding the burning of Bahasa Malaysia bibles.

Let us see whether it will be just as fast to act. The clock starts now. - Malaysiakini

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