
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, January 25, 2013

Burning of “Allah” Bibles! It is just a dirty and cheap political game.

I am really not surprised or taken aback by such issues that are being played by some dirty and cheap political politicians. Me being a Christian am really not offended at all by such issues. The reason is because being a Christian we know that we will undergo such persecution. It is nothing new anyway. It is already expected that such things will happen. The burning of the bibles had already happened in the early era of Christianity where Christians were persecuted in many ways and their Bibles taken away from them and was burnt. This calls for perseverance of Faith.
Are the Christians in Malaysia going to retaliate against the current issue of the burning of the “Allah” Bibles? This is only a cheap and dirty political game that are played by some inconsiderate leaders. Their strategy is to cause a chaos among the Christians and the Muslims. It is to cause a disorder and disunity among one another where such things will lead to riots.
It is a sad thing to see the PERKASA chief Ibrahim Ali behaving in such a in matured manner until the extent to give out orders to burn the bibles that contains the word “Allah.”  Ibrahim Ali is being so petty about such things. How many bibles can they burn? Thousands, millions? Ibrahim Ali can go ahead and give orders to burn the “Allah” Bibles just because the word “Allah” is in the bible. But can he stop the individuals from proclaiming the word “Allah” when there is a church service in Bahasa attended by the Sarawakians, Sabahans and also the Indonesians?
Whatever is currently happening now, it can be clearly seen as a dirty and cheap political game. Political leaders with integrity will never ever behave in such manner. One will know how to respect one another’s religion and not to create hatred among the people of different races and religion. A leader with integrity will take this into account.
My concern is that all Christians should not react in a way that will cause a chaos. That is what some people want the Christians to do. To react and cause some kind of a chaos that will later turn into something very ugly to see. Who ever is behind this issue just want to create a spark that will come into a big flame. Christians, we are called to persevere under all trials. Will our faith be shaken on issues such as this? This is not something new that we cannot digest.
There are so many comments on Facebook regarding about the burning of the “Allah” bibles. Will the faith of the Christians be shaken because of the burning of the “Allah” bibles? If this Ibrahim Ali wants to go on to burn the bibles, he can go ahead. The word of God is written in the hearts and minds of all Christians. Ibrahim Ali can destroy things that can be seen but can he destroy the things that  cannot be seen that is within a believer?
To all Christians, please do not be so upset with such things that we may let the evil one to overtake our mind and react in such a foolish manner. A bible is only a book that is written and published for us to meditate on the word of God. You are the living Bible and the written word of God should be written in your hearts and minds. All we got to do is only to pray and hand this matter up to God.
Be wise to know that whatever is happening is only a propaganda and a provocation to start a spark before the 13 GE. It is really a cheap skate propaganda by cheap skate politicians. They will do everything just to stir something. If we Christians are going to retaliate and do something very foolish we are no different than Ibrahim Ali. Let God deal with Ibrahim Ali. If we want to take action it will only be done through our human strength. But when we let God to handle things, that will be a different matter. Just hope that Ibrahim Ali will realize  it and repent himself or his blood will be upon his own head. Just don’t mess around with God.
Before I end my article, to all my fellow Malaysians. We all live in a country that is rich with multiracial diversity. God had given us this land call Malaysia. It is a beautiful country but the politicians have made it to look so ugly. The 13 GE is just around the corner. Things can just spark up by politicians who want to cause a chaos before the 13 GE. They will use whatever tools they can right from creating racial and religious issues among one another. It is we the “rakyat” that will suffer most because of all the things that the politicians do.
Whether it is the BN/UMNO  or PAKATAN , please whatever you are doing  think about the “rakyat” on the ground. Don’t use race and religion as your bait to attain your political agenda. Don’t do things that will spark up disunity and discord among the people of all races and religion just because of your selfish political agenda. We want peace and unity.
God Bless Malaysia.
- media perak

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