
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, January 24, 2013

MTUC blasts MCA as 'the spokesperson of the wealthy'

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has urged the government not to backtrack on the minimum wage policy, despite the ultimatum issued by MCA president Chua Soi Lek to Human Resources Minister S Subramaniam.

NONECalling MCA "the spokesman of the wealthy", MTUC secretary-general Abdul Halim Mansor (right) said the party "has little choice, but to vocally advocate the demands of industry bosses".

"Understandably, Chua does not care for the needs of workers who slog daily for wages as low as RM500 a month," he said in a statement issued yesterday.

Chua has issued an ultimatum to Subramaniam on Tuesday, for the government to resolve issues arising out of the minimum wage policy before Chinese New Year next month.

Should Subramaniam fail to do so, Chua said, the MCA would support small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in holding a demonstration.

He wanted the government to accept MCA's proposal that the levy, hostel and meal expenses be paid by foreign workers, or many SMEs could go bankrupt under the financial burden.

However, MTUC stressed that the policy on minimum wage implementation and the quantum were under intense debate for over three years before the decision was made in March 2012.

spad meeting mca and jalan sultan shop owners 230811 chua soi lek"The National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 was then passed and gazetted, with the decision on the policy announced by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2012, and the Minimum Wage Order finally gazetted on July 16, 2012," said Abdul Halim.

"That Chua (left), oblivious of all these significant events, has just woken up from a long slumber to issue an ultimatum demanding that the government make a U-turn on minimum wage, is most disturbing.

"MTUC stands firm on the Minimum Wage Order and urges the government not to backtrack its Minimum Wage Policy, proudly announced by Najib previously," he said.

Abdul Halim urged Chua to seek an appointment with the premier as the Minimum Wage Order is approved by the cabinet, which includes MCA representatives that sit in the cabinet, before he takes any action to picket along the side of SMEs against Subramaniam.

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