
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fatwa : Can Marry Sister, Aunt. Fatwa : Can Marry Daughter Too. Fatwa : Sex Jihad.

I met a couple of young ostats the other day (the usual blurry type) and listened to find out what was new among the brain dead. I was not to be disappointed. 

One fellow happily shared some info that in the masjid (he did not say which one) they were saying that in the 'jihad in Syria', women can be "married" for as little as RM250. They were excited about this. Maybe they had ideas of going to Syria with RM250 to "jihad" with all their might !!

I also received some link references in the email from a reader and found this. Which then led to the other videos here. First the link. I have truncated it for quick reading. This portion only is in Malay. You can click on the link and read the full article. 

  • Ditengah ketegangan yang berlaku di Syria, timbul isu Jihad al-Nikah 
  • "perkahwinan" dan sex yang tiba-tiba muncul di tengah  pergolakan di Syria
  • jihad al-nikah mula dikesan apabila wanita muda dan janda pergi ke Syria berkahwin dengan pemberontak 
  • sepasang suami isteri Tunisia telah bersetuju bercerai dan kedua-duanya pergi ke Syria untuk berjihad, sang suami mengangkat senjata dan bekas isteri melakukan jihad al-nikah.
  • "Berikutan Fatwa (fatwa) oleh mufti Wahhabi mengenai Jihad al-Nikah, 90 wanita Chechnyan pergi ke Hatai 
  • Sekurang-kurangnya dua ulamak salafi di Saudi telah mengeluarkan fatwa menghalalkannya iaitu Dr Mohammad Abdul Rahman al Areefe dan Mufti Nasser Bin Sulayman al Omar. Mereka berdua menyeru kaum wanita tampil kedepan melakukan jihad al-nikah untuk menyokong semangat golongan lelaki yang berperang di Syria. 
  • Lebih mengelirukan apabila *****Mufti Nasser Sulayman Al-Omar membenar perkahwinan dengan muhrim sekiranya tiada perempuan  bukan muhrim.*****
  • Pernikahan ...dilakukan dengan pihak lelaki meletakan tangan  diatas kepala perempuan dan menyebut "Allahu Akbar" tiga kali
  • Selepas itu, perempuan berkenaan akan melakukan misi sex jihad (jihad al-nikah)dengan lelaki lain
  • juga telah berlaku pergaduhan diantara dua kumpulan salafi kerana berebut perempuan yang bersedia melakukan jihad al-nikah.
That last sentence is so funny. Instead of "fighting the enemy" in Syria the jihadis are fighting each other to sleep with these 'sex jihad' girls. 

It does sound like a barn yard doesnt it? This is insane mad. And they call this jihad?Folks, the satan truly rules supreme in the Middle East.

I want to ask the Muslim readers - do you really think that this is Islam? If your answer is yes, you must be nuts. This is prostitution. Dont bullshit ok.  Prostitution in the name of their religion. 

And here is another guy from Tunisia, also a Mufti, who says point blank that this 'sex jihad' is nothing more than prostitution :

Remember I have said this many, many times before. Just when you thought that these folks have hit the bottom of the pit, they can dig a hole at the bottom and fall in even deeper. 

I am aware of the opinion in the Shafiee sect that a father can marry his own biological daughter, provided his daughter is illegitimate - born out of wedlock. 

Because Imam Shafie has opined that legally a daughter born out of wedlock is not recognised as the legal daughter of the biological father. Hence the father can marry his own illegitimate daughter. 

There is a video here about this too. It is all based on ignorance about the Quran. Do read on. I have provided the reference from the Quran.   But what was truly shocking was this statement above :  
  • Lebih mengelirukan apabila *****Mufti Nasser Sulayman Al-Omar membenar perkahwinan dengan muhrim sekiranya tiada perempuan  bukan muhrim.*****
For non Muslims, please fasten your seat belts ok. In the context of marriage the word "muhrim" means your blood relations like your sister, mother, aunty, grandmother with whom you CANNOT marry and have sexual relations. Hence you will not be arrested for khalwat if you sit with your mother, sister, aunt or grandma in a room or house. 

I know this line of thinking indicates extreme moron tendencies but that is what we are dealing with in the Islamic countries. You do not have to be a Christian, Jew or Buddhist to know basic things like this. You do not need a religion to tell you that you cannot marry your sister, aunty or grandmother.  

However even that has now been overturned by a fatwa by one of these turbanites. The writer of this article mentions this insane fatwa by one "Mufti Nasser Sulayman Al-Omar" of Saudi Arabia. It has to be the Saudis - the sickest of the whole lot.

searched for this nutcase and yes he exists and yes he did make this fatwa. First here is the guy :
Village idiot

And here is some bio on the guy :  
  • Sheikh Prof. Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman al Omar from the tribe Bani Khalid
  • born in 1952 in the village of al Maridisiyah 
  • university studies in the Faculty of Sharia in 1394 H. 
  • lecturer at Islamic University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud 
  • master's degree from the Faculty of Theology in 1979. 
  • doctorate degree from the Faculty of Theology in 1984. 
  • appointed assistant professor in 1984
  • promoted to the degree of Associate Professor in 1989
  • promoted to the degree of Professor in 1993.
Then I checked Youtube for any videos on this satanic idea that you can marry your own sister. I found this video which shows some Pakistani morons shouting at each other in Urdu and calling each other kafir over this 'it is halal to marry your sister' fatwa. 

What does this mean? It means this 'halal to marry your sister' satanism has now reached Pakistan. It is a question of time before it comes to Malaysia. The khalwat guys will go nuts. Now they will have to spy on brothers, fathers, uncles, sisters, aunties, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers for khalwat. 

Do watch the video now. It is short. 

I cannot speak Urdu but I can make out just enough of what they are saying and can get the gist of this shouting match. In the first video here, a younger beardo is screaming 'KAFIR' at the top of his voice at another beardo by the name of Talib Ur Rahman for publishing a pamphlet that says the same thing 'you can marry your own sister'.  Do watch the short shouting match.

Then I found this other video. It is the same shouting match above, taken with another camera. Just that in this second video, the beardo who says that 'yes you can marry your sister' actually wins the argument. Club of Doom.

He holds up some religious book by one Abdul Qadir Jailani (it is certainly NOT the Quran ok) and proclaims that "marrying your sister" is indeed allowed in his religious book. Do watch.  Unless you understand Urdu you dont have to watch the whole video. Just the first three minutes will do.

These are insane people. 

Now here is another video, in Arabic with no subs unfortunately, where the beardo talks about that opinion in the Shafiee sect which says that a father is NOT a blood relation to his own biological daughter if the daughter was born out of adultery ('maa-i zina laa yuharrim'). Meaning a father can marry his own daughter born from his adultery. 

Folks, a barnyard is not very different from what these beardos are saying. Can marry sister, aunt, grandma, daughter; sex jihad etc.

And what does the Quran say? The answer is in Surah 4:23 as follows:

Prohibited for you ("hurrimat alaykum") are your : 
  1. mothers
  2. your daughters
  3. your sisters
  4. the sisters of your fathers
  5. the sisters of your mothers
  6. the daughters of your brother
  7. the daughters of your sister
  8. your nursing mothers, 
  9. the girls who nursed from the same woman as you
  10. the mothers of your wives
  11. the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage
  12. if the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter. 
  13. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. 
  14. Also, you shall not be married to two sisters at the same time - but do not break up existing marriages. 
  15. Allah is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
Now obviously this list DOES NOT refer a legal definition of mother, sister, nursing mother, nursing sister. 

This is clearly a biological definition. The Quran is detailed in this area. You may not even marry the girls who nursed from the same nursing mother as you. You may not marry the daughters of your wives (from their previous marriages) if you have consummated your own marriage with your wife.

All this indicates a biological relationship. If you transgress this biological relationship then it becomes incest.  And incest is bad. At no time can incest become good. There is no such thing.

This list in Surah 4:23 is very detailed. So how can anyone say that you can marry your sister, your mother, your aunt, your grandma if extreme circumstances exist. What extreme circumstances? Dont bullshit.

If you enter incestuous breeding by marrying your own sisters and mothers, you will give birth to genetically mutated offspring. We all know this. Even people who engage in close family marriages (first cousins etc) have suffered these problems.

The most famous case in modern times was the inbreeding among the European royals which caused haemophilia among the Romanovs of Russia.

So there can be NO circumstances where you can marry your sisters or daughters. The Quran is crystal clear in Surah 4:23 above. You cannot marry your biological sister or daughter. 

And the Quran does not say one thing in one place and then say the opposite thing in another place. The Quran is crystal clear about that as well :

Surah 61:2  "O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do?"
Surah 61:3  "Most abominable in the sight of Allah is that you say what you do not do."

In other words jangan cakap tak serupa bikin. 

Akhir kalam here is a message for the Muslims - if you believe the Quran fine. If you dont believe the Quran then you become a kafir. It is as simple as that.

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