
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Perkasa: Unity council partisan and unqualified

Malay rights pressure group Perkasa has accused the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) of being unqualified to advise Putrajaya on issues of race and religion because some of its members are partisan and not representative of the Malaysian population.

There are “anti-nationalist” members in the council and some are involved in the Coalition of Malaysian NGOs (Comango), Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali said in a press statement issued today.

“Members of the NUCC do not reflect nor represent (all) levels of society. Where is Prof Khoo Kay Kim? The NUCC should not include individuals who are anti-nationalist and partisan. Based on their tone, the NUCC is not independent.

“They are inclined towards the views of their members who have a background (tainted) with anti-nationalist (elements) and are involved in Comango. This does not help (to achieve) the goals set when the NUCC was established,” Ibrahim said.

The NUCC was established in November 2013 by the Najib administration and comprises 29 members. The council is headed by EPF chairperson Samsudin Osman.

Among others, the council's membership includes PAS national unity bureau head Mujahid Yusof Rawa, former Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee, media personality Johan Jaafar, former Human Rights  Commission (Suhakam) member Ramon Navaratnam and social activist Marina Mahathir.

Marina is supportive of some causes that are part of Comango, a coalition of NGOs that took part in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on human rights conducted by the United Nations, after which Comango was accused of advocating issues that are “unconstitutional”.

Since its establishment, the NUCC has made two statements – one urging Putrajaya to make more efforts to promote national unity and another expressing regret over the Selangor religious authorities for confiscating copies of the Bible containing the word Allah - which have irked Muslim groups such as Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma).

Rightfully, Ibrahim said, NUCC's first agenda should be to promote a single stream system of education  in the country.

“If the NUCC does not want to talk about this, then it should not talk about unity at all,” he said.

Ibrahim also proposed a replacement of the NUCC, saying it should comprise Malay NGOs that he dubbed the 'National Unity Front' and that it should “aggressively” propagate “real and true unity”.

“Any NGO that wants to be involved must sign a declaration that it will defend the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara,” he added.

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