
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 20, 2014

Zul raps 'insolent' Anwar and church

Once again, Zulkifli Noordin has a bone to pick with Anwar Ibrahim. But this time, he also castigated the action of a church in Kajang.

The Perkasa vice-president was livid that the "insolent" opposition leader had raised the 'Allah' issue during a talk at the Holy Family Church (HFC) after Sunday mass on Feb 16.

Training his guns on the church, Zulkifli questioned how HFC had allowed political activities to take place in its premises.

"Does this lend credence to the claim by former DAP activist Razali Abdul Rahman of a conspiracy involving the church and Christian evangelists to turn Malaysia into a Christian state?" he asked in his blog posting, titled 'Kalimah De'Liwat'.

He said HFC must have been aware that Anwar is the PKR candidate for the March 23 Kajang by-election, and so the church appears to be directly involved in his campaign to garner votes.

"Imagine if a mosque in Kajang calls an Umno leader to speak or campaign after Friday prayers. I am sure opposition leaders and their supporters would be screaming all the way to the United Nations," he added.

The former PKR MP also asked if HFC would permit others, including those from Umno, Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) to hold talks in the church afer Sunday mass.

"Perhaps Umno, Perkasa or (Perkasa president) Ibrahim Ali should ask HFC for space to do so (ahead of the by-election) and we shall see how they respond.

"(Then it would be known) if they are political hypocrites or if they truly practice democracy and freedom of expression?" he added.

Zulkifili also criticised Anwar for stating during his talk at the church that following the restriction on the usage of the term 'Allah', Christians would have to cite "alhamduliLord" instead of "alhamdulillah".

"This statement shows how shallow and ignorant Anwar is in this matter.

"Either it reveals his stupidity, which is of the highest level, or his politicking style executed in a manner that would even make Machiavelli cry in shock," he said.

The Perkasa leader claimed that Anwar's remarks could also be seen as belittling the Sultan of Selangor's decree regarding the usage of the term 'Allah'.

Furthermore, he pointed out that Anwar and HFC had violated Section 9 of the Selangor Enactment which prohibited the use of the word.

On top of that, Zulkifli said Anwar's remarks could be interpreted as inciting Christians to break the law, disrespect the sultan and ignore the Court of Appeal ruling on this matter.

"Anwar's insolent behaviour and the involvement of HFC is bound to upset Muslims as this is a matter of faith for the Muslims. If this is not curbed, it could lead to a serious religious conflict," he warned.

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