
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Barisan, not Malaysians, stupid for failed policies, says DAP

AirAsia is doing well and is run by Malaysians, which proves locals do know how to manage the aviation industry. – Pic courtesy of Airbus, December 7, 2014.AirAsia is doing well and is run by Malaysians, which proves locals do know how to manage the aviation industry. – Pic courtesy of Airbus, December 7, 2014.
It’s Barisan Nasional that is stupid, not Malaysians, DAP said, disagreeing with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's view that the appointment of a foreign chief executive of Malaysia Airlines proved locals do not know how to manage aviation.
The party’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said MAS suffered losses because it was BN “who is stupid for relying on racism to cloak incompetent cronies instead of spotting talented Malaysians before their very eyes such as the AirAsia team of Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Datuk Kamarudin Meranun and Azran Osman Rani”.
“The success of AirAsia is well-known internationally. Without a single sen in government support and subsidies, they have transformed the airline industry by offering affordable fares," he said in a statement today.
MAS had recorded huge losses, despite charging higher fares and getting billions from the federal government. Whereas AirAsia recorded huge profits while charging budget fares.
"The secret of AirAsia's success is simple and found in all excellent companies – a relentless and rigorous focus on competency, honesty and talent spotting regardless of race or religion," Lim said.
He said Air Asia was also doing well because it employed the "best and brightest Malaysian and foreigners" while the government adopted a "failed approach of not punishing and sometimes even rewarding bad behaviour".
"There is great concern whether this failed approach will be repeated in the 1Malaysia Development Board (1MDB), with RM41.9 billion in debts and some doubts whether its assets can continue to retain its value.
"Malaysians hopes that the new MAS CEO will be given the free hand to clean up the national carrier by focusing on mismanagement first, instead of taking the easy way out by blaming the 20,000 staff and reducing it by 6,000.
"Malaysians are also curious as to the terms and benefits accruing to the new foreign CEO and that should be revealed to demonstrate MAS’s new-found commitment to transparency and accountability," he added.
In a comment on the appointment of Christoph Mueller's appointment as the chief executive officer-designate of Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS NewCo), Dr Mahathir had reportedly said yesterday that MAS incurred losses because Malaysians did not know how to manage aviation.
He said those responsible for the losses of the ailing national carrier were now trying to make things right.
Mueller's appointment, to be effective January 1, was announced by MAS main shareholder Khazanah Nasional Berhad in on Friday.
Mueller, who was formerly Aer Lingus chief, will be the first non-Malaysian chief executive of MAS. He will also join the board as a non-executive director.

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