
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 8, 2014

Kit Siang blames Dr M for MAS’ woes

But he agrees with the former PM that the company should not be headed by a foreigner.
lim kit siang_mas_300KUALA LUMPUR: DAP strongman Lim Kit Siang shares Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s objection to the appointment of a foreigner as CEO of a revamped MAS, but blames the former prime minister for the national airlines’ troubles.
“Mahathir is the one person who must bear the greatest responsibility for the woes and misfortunes of the national airline, as he had single-handedly trampled a very profitable national carrier, which had made billions in profits during the 1980s, into the ground with his disastrous privatisation decision in 1994 and choice of the fake Towering Malaysian, Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli, to carry out the privatisation,” Lim said in a media statement today.
The MAS privatisation deal saw Tajudin taking out a RM1.79 billion loan in 1994 to buy a 32 per cent majority stake in the airline.
In 2001, Tajudin sold his stake to Putrajaya for RM1.79 billion – or RM8 a share, the same amount that he had originally paid. At the time, the company’s closing share price was RM3.68.
“In the years since,” Lim pointed out, “MAS has undergone three business turnarounds at an estimated cost of nearly RM20 billion to the government.”
He urged the government to stay the appointment of German national Christoph Mueller as MAS CEO and to immediately appoint a parliamentary select committee to scout for Malaysians who could be entrusted with saving and turning around the national airline.
He proposed that the recently passed Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Bill be held back from submission for royal assent to allow the same select committee to study it and make new recommendations to resolve matters concerning the rights and wellbeing of MAS employees.
“The position and future of the existing employee trade unions and their rights must also be resolved,” he added.
He said the bill was “rammed through” Parliament without giving MPs, the trade unions and workers enough time to study its “far-reaching” implications.
“The Malaysian government must respect and ensure that worker and trade union rights are among the top priorities in the exercise to save the national carrier as the employees cannot be blamed for the repeated crises faced by the airline and which have put MAS in its present financial straits,” he said.
“The government should guarantee to MAS employees that in the ‘Save MAS’ campaign, their right to regular employment until retirement will not be sacrificed in favour of precarious employment relationships and practices to the detriment of workers and their unions.”
Referring to Mahathir’s recent remark that “Malaysians are stupid; they don’t know how to manage aviation,” Lim said the former prime minister “must have suffered another attack of his infamous and selective amnesia” for not realising that “he was also condemning himself for his role and responsibility for the gargantuan losses and travails suffered by MAS.”

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