
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 6, 2014

MAKE NO MISTAKE! The RCI TWISTER unleashed by Dr M can blow Sabah out of Malaysia

MAKE NO MISTAKE! The RCI TWISTER unleashed by Dr M can blow Sabah out of Malaysia
Financially motivated!
So this is the kind of explanation given by the chief secretary to the Government, Ali Hamsa, when asked whether there was political motivation behind the Project IC.
How incredulous can this get? Ali should know better that Malaysians are no longer in a mood to swallow everything that is dished out from a civil servant or a politician.
It is as good as telling us that Humpty Dumpty managed to piece himself together again, and forever reigned as King of England.
Or that Bujang Lapuk finally found the flight MH370!
The way how the report had been downgraded to become a “Commission of Enquiry on Immigrants in Sabah” speaks volume about the lack of credibility of the BN Government.
Even the ordinary man on the street know the difference between an RCI and one which has the “royal” label dropped. One has the endorsement of the royalty, while the other is nothing but scrap paper.
This is, in fact, an insult to the former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak, whose position warrants a full RCI. How then can Ali Hamsa justify the drop of the label, “Royal” from the report unless the Government has the intention to play down on the report?
What was meant to be a royal commission of inquiry for something as important as Project IC is now turned into a mockery.
A lot of questions are still left unanswered, despite the evidence unearthed during the inquiry that there was indeed political involvement. My bet is that political motives were largely behind Project IC, which is also dubbed as Project M, implying the involvement of the then prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Otherwise, a civil servant has no business in mass conversion of illegal immigrants into voters, probably also with the help of the Election Commission.
If Dr Mahathir had not given the greenlight, the Operasi Durian Buruk (1993-1995) would not have taken place so successfully. If it had been the sole effort of the then Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) chief, Ramli Kamaruddin, then he should be tried for being a traitor.
Singlehandedly, even with his own department, Ramli could not have successfully registered the illegals and turned them into citizens.
How else would you explain when a quarter of the population in Sabah today can trace their origins to the Philippines and Indonesia?
How is it that within a short period of time these illegal immigrants were given the Identity Cards, when in Peninsular Malaysia, children born to parents with foreign spouses are denied the same blue ICs?
If the NRD had acted on its accord for financial gains, the people involved should not be let off the hook. In other words, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) would have to swing into action to investigate the allegations that the registration of illegals was done for financial gains.
Why has the Government decided not to take any actions against the officers who were involved in the so-called Project IC?
These are the questions most people will be asking in the months, if not years to come, when Sabahans discuss about the state of affairs.
Tough for BN
As far as we know, the people of Sabah (and the rest of the country’s population) have always wanted a RCI to identify the culprits behind the large influx of foreigners into Sabah.
The purpose is to officially identify who is behind the entire episode. The Sabahans know the answers even before the commission was formed, but they merely wanted an independent body to conduct an inquiry into the matter.
Now that the truth is swept under the carpet, Sabahans are not going to be contented with the outcome of the Commission of Enquiry (COE) report.
I will not be surprised that Sabahans are now angry with the way how things turn out to be. Even West Malaysians like me who follow through the RCI are perplexed how much whitewashing can be done just to make the Barisan Nasional Government look good.
Question is who would believe it! Come General Election, this issue will be another sore point for Sabahans, who may ditch the BN for the Opposition parties.
Tough for Pairin
Pairin Kitingan has much to answer to the people of Sabah, especially after he switched camp to join BN.
As the founder and president of Parti Bersatu Sabah, would he speak up now, and make his voice heard?
Remaining silent is not an option for Pairin, as his own people are the ones most badly affected by the emergence of new Malaysians within the past two decades; to remain within the BN framework would mean his own people turning their back on PBS.
The political development within the next few weeks, if not months, would be interesting to watch, after the release of the COE. - MAIL BAG

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