
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reissue MyKads to weed out illegals, says UPKO chief

Tuaran MP Datuk Madius Tangau is in favour of a move to reissue the MyKad to every Sabahan so as to weed out the illegal immigrants who had benefited from Project IC. – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 3, 2014.Tuaran MP Datuk Madius Tangau is in favour of a move to reissue the MyKad to every Sabahan so as to weed out the illegal immigrants who had benefited from Project IC. – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 3, 2014.A Sabah Barisan Nasional component party will demand that the MyKad be reissued to all Sabahans to weed out illegals after the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) had found that syndicates and corrupt officials were part of a scheme that gave out citizenship   in the state in exchange for votes.
United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) acting president Datuk Madius Tangau said the party will present its views and proposed solutions to a committee chaired by Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
"Upko will ensure a comprehensive solution is achieved. And yes, our main proposal – to recall and reissue all the identification cards of our fellow Sabahans – will be the basis of our action plan," he said in a statement today.
The long-awaited RCI report was finally released to the public in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah today, six months after the royal panel handed in its findings to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Najib, and two years after it was formed.
It found that syndicates and those with help from corrupt officials set up Project IC in Sabah for a political agenda and money. However, the report was silent on those whose actions altered the state's demographics and religious balance.
In describing the findings of the report as a "historic day" for Malaysians in Sabah, Madius said it also denotes a real political will to address the influx of illegal foreigners in the north Borneo state.
The party and its leaders had brought up the issue numerous times since 2006 and warned that despite the report's findings, this is not the end of the issue.
The RCI report today also did not deny the existence of Project IC and said it "probably existed" based on the testimonies of witnesses who had admitted to being a part of it.
But the big names formerly in government who took the witness stand never admitted to any wrongdoing, and neither were the witnesses cross-examined, the report stated.
At best, it noted that citizenship documents were unlawfully issued by syndicates and corrupt individuals who exploited a weak system.

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