
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sedition probe on Selangor lawmaker for questioning Rosmah’s Permata programme

Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is patron of the government-funded Permata early childhood education programme. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 6, 2014.Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is patron of the government-funded Permata early childhood education programme. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 6, 2014.
A sedition probe has been opened against a Selangor lawmaker for questioning the government-funded Permata early childhood education programme of which Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is patron.
Taman Medan assemblyman Haniza Talha is to have a statement recorded at the Petaling Jaya police headquarters on Monday over the matter, news portal Malaysiakini reported.
She was given a notice to present herself for questioning and investigating officer Hasbuhullah Muda had told the portal that the case involved sedition.
“I am quite sure it is related to that as the officer had shown me a copy of the article where my statement was reported,” she was quoted as saying.
Keadilan Daily quoted Haniza as saying that government subsidies should not be cut just so that RM711 million can be allocated to Permata.
Rosmah, Permata's patron, is the wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
The programme runs 600 pre-school centres across the country for children aged one to four.
Haniza said she was only calling for greater transparency in the budget's allocation for Permata and stressed her right as a people's representative to question the use of public funds.
“It is harassment," she said.
In October, Permata lodged a police report over an article that appeared on a portal, entitled "Subsidi dipotong demi Permata Rosmah RM711 juta" (Subsidy cut over RM711 million for Rosmah's Permata).
The Permata officer who made the report said the article had raised confusion among the public and undermined her image and credibility as the officer responsible for managing the programme.
She also said that the article tarnished the name of Permata’s patron, Rosmah.
The article, according to the complainant, had also tarnished the name of the Permata officer responsible for managing allocations for Permata.
The complainant wanted the police to conduct an investigation and take appropriate action against those who had uploaded the article.

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