
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Rise of Malay Consciousness.

I thought I would like to tell readers something about Raub each time I write on an issue. I am still thinking about the just concluded UMNO general assembly. We are going to take on UMNO for all its sedition talk it allowed in that assembly. Please stop urinating on us Malays. 
To certain readers, we will repeat the same statement that we made several times in the past- we are not interested to talk of UMNO per se. Who wants to talk about an organisation full of celebrated JKKK office bearers?  
Indeed, we look forward to its expulsion from Putrajaya and eventual demise in significance. We would like to leave UMNO alone as if it’s a plague.

We are only interested to talk of UMNO as far as it relates to its self-appointed role as the guardian of Malay interests and everything that is Malay. That idea, dear readers, is a blatant lie that has been shoved down our throats for a long time, by the UMNO bourgeois elite.  It is the Great Lie that all right thinking Malaysian must expose.

That idea, that notion of a supra entity guarding our interests, flies against the concept of the free man that we are. The guardian of our rights is not the political party, but we collectively acting through a government, pursuing our collective legitimate interests and rights.  We shall come back to this issue in a short while, after I tell you something about Raub as  promised earlier.

Kampung SC( Special Constabulary).

There is a settlement in Raub known as Kampung SC in Ulu Gali. SC- stands for special constabulary. This was a group of gendarmes created by the British to fight communists and their sympathisers.

There are about 100 houses there, consisting of homes built on land given to former special constables and ex-servicemen. On these plots of land, probably about half an acre each or less, these people who have defended the nation of ours against communist terrorists and other bandits, built their homes. I would have thought the BN government would pay special attention to these people; remembering that it was a cabinet decision made by Tun Razak a log time ago, that promised that every single ex-serviceman would be given a 20 acre plot of land not for mining or logging . That promised was never honoured.

Today we find ex-servicemen scrounging a living as bank guards, odd-jobbers, those with some skills acquired opened up workshops, foundry works shop etc.

But this particular settlement at Ulu Gali Raub has gained some sort of notoriety. Since 2006- this place has suffered from the lack of water supply. Before 2013, Raub has been the bastion of BN- that idiot of an ADUN, who is the UMNO ketua Bahagian has been there for the last 5 terms and the previous MP was Ng Yen Yen. They have done nothing to alleviate the problem.  Nothing, other than assigning blame to the opposition.

The fact is, this particular constituency is looked after by the ADUN himself and the opposition DAP has only recently controlled the TRAS area which is majority Chinese. All the previous MPs, since 40 years ago have been from BN all the time; the seat is reserved for the ketua wanita MCA or a prominent leader from that wing.

Last week, the people of Kampong SC, without the agitation of anyone, took up it upon themselves to demonstrate against the government for the lack of water supply. As usual, the DAP was blamed for the demonstration. Except, in this case, the blame could not hold water because all the demonstrators were Malays.  It’s impossible for Raub Malays to become stooges of DAP- a Chinese chauvinist, racist, communist party! Impossible.

For God sake! These are Malays, ex security people, sworn enemies of any organisation remotely related to communist terrorists! They rose up in defiance unable to contain the lies that have burdened them since 2006.

Parents have to tell their children not to come back for hari raya because, there is no water supply. The rivers behind have dried up- a PLKN camp built nearby has dammed up the water supply upstream for their own use- letting the effluent and discharge to flow into the river. Of course the people downstream at the Kampung SC cannot consume the water. They won’t take shit from the PLKN camp, built of course by an UMNO crony.

The inhabitants endured the poor dismal water supply patiently since 2006. You see, this is the difference between Malays and non-Malays when faced with this kind of problem. Any housing estate peopled by non-Malays would be up in arms if they don’t have water for more than a day- haranguing all elected reps including the MP to get JBA and now PAIP- the corporatized or privatised JBA to deliver water.

But Malay villagers would endure these shortages in good faith attributing the miserable water supply as a vicissitude of nature.  What to do- its nature’s act. UMNO has been doing the best it could. We must not upset UMNO in its rapacious quest to develop the district. They have cut down trees so that we can inhabit the place, they have mined the area like the surface of the moon to deliver progress, and they have built houses for us to live. What more do we want. We can endure these hardships with the patience of JOB. 
The people in kampong SC have endured it for the last 6 years.

But now the Malays of Kampung SC has acquired a new awareness. There is nothing natural about prolonged breakdown in water supply. The prolonged disruption is simply caused by mismanagement, bad policies and human interference. Nothing to do with nature. Malays are challenging the narration given by UMNO.  Malays have now acquired a new sense of political awareness.And its causing alarm bells withing the UMNO establishment.

This new sense of awareness reflected by the warm reception given to Lim Kit Siang, by about 40Malays at the recent Raub DAP annual dinner, has further shocked the lazy UMNO attitude.

The new awareness, which we must cultivate, is in line with the idea of the free man. For too long the Malays have been enslaved mentally and were drilled with the idea that everything is provided for by UMNO. We must not ask what UMNO can do for us, but instead we must ask what we can do for UMNO.That dear readers, is the Kennedy state of mind of UMNO.

Malays must adopt a different attitude. They must not see interruptions in water supply or for that matter any service or product socially desirable, as caused by nature; they must refuse to accept the narration given by UMNO with muted pliancy.  The must now ask questions as a free man.

And what does the free man do?

I must quote what Milton Friedman said in the 1960s.

The free man regards government as a means, an instrumentality, neither a grantor of favours and gifts, nor a master or god to be blindly worshiped and served. He recognizes no national goal except as it is the consensus of the goals that the citizens severally serve. He recognizes no national purpose except as it is the consensus of the purposes for which the citizens severally strive.

The Malay free man will ask neither what UMNO can do for him nor what he can do for UMNO. He will ask rather "What can I and my compatriots do through government" to help us discharge our individual responsibilities, to achieve our several goals and purposes, and above all, to protect our freedom?  And he will accompany this question with another: How can we keep the government we create from becoming a Frankenstein that will destroy the very freedom we establish it to protect?

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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