
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 29, 2016


After more than a year in development and testing, Facebook has expanded its popular “Like” button to include other “reactions”. Four days ago, people can see and choose “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad,”and “angry” gesture. There’s no “Dislike” button as requested because Facebook claims that the new mix of reactions has proven popular with users during testing in Spain and Ireland.
Since the newly introduced emojis, users wasted no time and have been busy expressing their opinions on public figures. Earlier today (Feb 28), Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying or popularly known as CY Leung has emerged as a winner, for the wrong reason. Highly unpopular in Hong Kong by virtue of him being a mainland China’s puppet, he had gained 150,000 scowling faces.
However, when we checked late evening today, his popularity, or rather unpopularity climbs to more than 170,000. What this means is CY Leung is more than 100-times unpopular than US presidential candidate Donald Trump despite Trump being called a racist for calling on the United States to ban Muslims from entering the country.
Hong Kong CY Leung Corrupt Scandal - Evil Looking Photo
Facebook New Emojis
The measurement is based on the leaders’ Facebook profile picture or photo. On the same profile photo, CY Leung only garnered 5,400+ “Like” and 1,160+ “Sad” emojis. It’s not difficult to understand why the Hong Kong chief executive is presently so unpopular. He got the job for allegely “kow-tow” to mainland China and has been doing all the dirty work on their behalf.
After failure in using police to break the protesters last weekend, Hong Kong chief CY Leung decided to use triad gangs to intimidate them
CY Leung was accused of taking orders from China in suppressing and oppressing Hong Kong’s democracy hence was called an underground communist. During a crackdown on protesters in Oct 2014, he was accused of endorsing Hong Kong police in using pepper spray and tear gas, something rarely used on peaceful demonstrators.
If that was not bad enough, CY Leung had also allegedly used triad gangswho sexually assaulted and intimidated protesters. In a contract dated Dec 2, 2011, he was also exposed in corruption by receiving HKD 50 million from an Australian engineering company UGL. Beijing, of course, has since chosen to look the other way.
Hong Kong CY Leung Corrupt Scandal - Wiping Sweat
While there’s little doubt that CY Leung is Asia’s worst and most hated leader as far as Facebook angry emoji is concerned, for now, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak comfortably secured the most hated leader in South-east Asia or ASEAN. So far the most notorious prime minister Malaysia has ever produced – Najib Razak – is not far behind with 74,000 angry emojis, and counting.
As amusing as it may look, both CY Leung and Najib Razak are in a race towards an embarrassing award – who will be the most unpopular or hated leader in Asia, if not the world. Najib could give CY Leung a run for his money because earlier of the day, the Malaysian prime minister Facebook profile photo only saw about 10,000 angry emojis.
Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor - Thumb Down
Towards evening on the same day (Feb 28), Najib’s “angry-face” button skyrockets to more than 74,000, and climbing. Just like CY Leung, Najib is highly unpopular in the social media due to his multiple scandals which attracted not only domestic attention, but also international community so much so that even his own brother Nazir Razak was ashamed and distanced himself.
However, the timing of the Facebook new buttons couldn’t come at a worst time when Najib Razak suspended his former deputy Prime Minster Muhyiddin Yassin as the UMNO deputy president until the next party elections – with immediate effect 2-day ago. In his latest outburst, Muhyiddin claims former Attorney General Gani Patail had briefed him on a “charge sheet” (warrant of arrest) for PM Najib.
Facebook New Emoji - Najib Razak 74000 Angry Emoji - CY Leung 170000 Angry Emoji
Clearly, the suspension of Muhyiddin was taken as a retaliation towards critics who questioned Najib’s involvement in corruption, money laundering and misappropriation in the 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt scandal, RM2.6 billion donation and SRC’s RM42 million found in his personal bank accounts. Will Najib Razak overtake CY Leung in the “Unpopularity Contest”?
- http://www.financetwitter.com/

Saifuddin: Dr M unable to force a strong Najib out

By quitting the party again, Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not likely to succeed in forcing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to step down as he had done in the case of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi eight years ago.
“There was a lot of dissatisfaction against Abdullah then. It is the same now with Najib's leadership,” said former Umno supreme council member Saifuddin Abdullah who has since joined the opposition.
“Mahathir quits the party, hoping to pressure Najib to step down.
“However, both Najib and Abdullah have different characteristics and styles of leadership. I am not saying Abdullah was weak, but Najib is a stronger president with extra control on the party's power structure,” he said.
Mahathir had announced his exit from the party together with his wife Siti Hasmah today.
This was the second time Mahathir quit party. The first was in 2008.
The fact that Najib never left the cabinet and he once led Umno Youth has secured his position in Umno as many of Umno division leaders were Najib's contemporaries in the youth wing, noted Saifuddin.
“Najib may just ignore Mahathir,” Saifuddin told Malaysiakini, adding that Mahathir has been out of power for too long now to be able to shake Najib.
“Najib will only be affected morally but not politically as he is holding Umno's power structure,” said the chief secretary of Pakatan Harapan.
He said the opposition was waiting to see if Mahathir would champion a course to bring change to the country.
'Umno critical'
Former information minister Zainuddin Maidin, meanwhile, said Mahathir quitting the party would destroy the support Malays had for the party.
He said he expected the party to face difficulties in the next general election.
“Umno is now in a critical state. It is very hard for the party to recover,” he said in a blog posting.
He likened Mahathir's announcement to a huge slap against Najib.
“This would definitely tarnish Najib's already bruised damage,” he said, adding that the world would look upon's Najib's leadership badly.
Zainuddin, who is known as Mahathir's supporter, said his former boss was ready to lead a campaign to topple Najib.
“I am sure Mahathir will not return to Umno this time,” he said. -Mkini


Bekas Perdana Menteri paling lama, Tun Mahathir Mohamad hari ini membuat keputusan yang mengejutkan iaitu sekali lagi keluar daripada UMNO sebagai tanda protes terhadap kepimpinan Najib Razak.

Katanya, beliau terpaksa keluar UMNO kerana parti itu kini hanya digunakan untuk mempertahankan presidennya sahaja.

UMNO yang ada sekarang bukan lagi UMNO yang dulu, saya tidak boleh lagi jadi ahli parti yang begini, kata Tun Mahathir lagi.

Pada 2008 lalu, Tun Mahathir juga meninggalkan UMNO sebagai tanda protes terhadap kepimpinan Tun Abdullah Badawi yang ketika itu sarat dibelenggu dengan masalah dan karenah  "budak-budak tingkat 4" dalam pentadbiran kerajaan.

Berikutan tindakannya itu, BN gagal mengekalkan majoriti dua pertiga pada pilihanraya umum kemudiannya dan Tun Abdullah akhirnya setuju untuk berundur pada 2009. 

Sebaik saja Najib mengambil alih kelimpinan negara, Tun Mahathir turut kembali menyertai UMNO semula.

Selepas berbulan-bulan menekan dan mengasak Najib berundur berikutan isu skandal kewangan yang melibatkan dirinya, keluarnya Tun Mahathir daripada UMNO kali ini tidak lain sebagai  isyarat bahawa beliau tidak lagi mahu menggunakan saluran parti itu dalam usahanya menyingkirkan Perdana Menteri.

Tun Mahathir melalui tindakannya ini dengan jelas mahukan UMNO dikalah dan ditumbangkan dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang yang akan diadakan kira-kira dua tahun daripada sekarang.

Sudah tentu dalam tempoh mulai sekarang hingga tarikh pilihanraya yang dijangka diadakan pada 2018 nanti, beliau akan terus bekerja kerja menjelalah ke seluruh negara bagi memastikan matlamatnya itu tercapai.

Secara langsung juga, Tun Mahathir sebenarnya mahu membuktikan siapa yang lebih diterima rakyat, sama ada dirinya atau pun Najib.

Maka, Najib seharusnya jangan mengalah dan teruslah memimpin UMNO dan negara sehingga keputusan pilihanraya diumumkan agar apabila tumbangnya UMNO dan BN nanti, namanya akan tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai punca runtuhnya sebuah kerajaan serta bakal menjadi sebutan anak cucu sehingga hari kiamat.

Oleh itu, siapa yang akan mengikut Tun Mahathir keluar UMNO tidaklah penting kerana yang jauh lebih mustahak ialah berapa ramai di kalangan rakyat dan pengundi yang sedia bersama-sama beliau dalam memastikan UMNO dan BN dapat dikalahkan dalam pilihanraya nanti.

Jika semasa beliau keluar UMNO pada kali pertama, keputusan pilihanraya merudum daripada 198 kerusi pada 2004 kepada 140 kerusi pada pilihanraya 2008, berbekalkan 133 kerusi pada 2013 lalu, berapakah yang tinggal pada 2018 nanti?

Di tangan rakyat dalam pilihanraya 2018 nantilah kata putus sama ada kerosakan yang sedang berlaku sekarang mahu terus dikekalkan atau dipulihkan secara total melalui pembentukan sebuah kerajaan baru. (SH).

Mahathir leaves UMNO- a short comment.

A friend who attended a meeting with Dr Mahathir called me.  He said to watch out for a statement from Dr Mahathir. At that time Dr Mahathir was making a press conference. He announced he is leaving UMNO. 

He has left UMNO. He was its president for 22 years. 

The man responsible for the action of DR Mahathir is Najib Razak. Many UMNO members will blame Najib for this.

FONs- friends of Najib however, will be dismissive of the announcement. They will come out and denounce the old man. There will be copious vitriolic. Chief Nazri Aziz will play a dominant role. I once told him that the reason why Najib keeps him around is because he is a useful attack dog. I am using the term dog in the same spirit as he used the term on Muhyidin. 

Salleh Said Keruak said Dr M made the right decision. He meant Dr Mahathir is not significant. His other colleague, the newly minted UMNO information chief sees it differently. He acknowledges the significance of Mahathir when he accuses Mahathir of willing to kill UMNO because of Najib. If Mahathir is not significant, his exit will not kill UMNO.  

If Najib is the cause of this, then the UMNO supreme council must suspend its president. 

As to the attacks expected towards Mahathir, I hope they will do that with extreme vehemence. Because that will alienate the Malays more. You see, what they failed to realise is Dr Mahathir ‘owns’ the reservoir of Malay support. If you ask 10 people whether they support Najib or Mahathir, 11 people will say they support Mahathir.

They, the FONs, have overestimated their own importance. That is expected of people who share the same narcissistic traits like the Commandeer-in-Chief. That is the man who can never answer the 1MDB issue, the RM42 million SRC money that mysteriously got into his personal account. Then there is the RM2.6 million donation issue. It was donated to UMNO and so Najib cannot unilaterally decide to return it.  Najib has denied UMNO of RM2 billion.

The buffoon hiding out somewhere in the UK will be recounting the 1001 sins of DR Mahathir.  I hope he will say it again that he is ashamed to call himself a Malay. The Malay idiom suitable for him is, masuk tak menambah, keluar tak mengurang.

Dr Mahathir can now become the eminence grise behind a move to unseat Najib and then undo the unjust structures that have imprisoned us all.  He has said it. He will not lead. 
And I hope this action by Dr Mahathir will awaken a particular someone who lives a hermit way of life somewhere in the leafy suburbs of KL.

Newborn baby thrown from 18th floor of flats

Police arrest a woman, 39, found bleeding in a bathroom by housemates.
KUALA LUMPUR: A newborn baby girl was found dead after she was believed to have been thrown from the 18th floor of a block of flats in Danau Kota, Setapak, here today, said police.
Wangsa Maju police chief Supt Mohamad Roy Suhaimi Sarif said the baby, with the umbilical cord still attached, was believed to have been thrown by her mother about 3am.
“Police also found a placenta 30 metres from where the baby was found,” he told a press conference.
Mohamad Roy Suhaimi said police had arrested a 39-year-old woman who was found bleeding in a bathroom by housemates on an 18th floor unit at 3.20am.
A trail of blood was found leading from the toilet to the balcony, he said.
The housemates, two couples, heard screams of pain and found the woman bleeding, he said.
He said the body of the baby was taken to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital.
The woman had been staying at a rented room of the unit since November last year with her five-year-old daughter and was believed to be going through a divorce, he said.
Police are trying to locate her husband to facilitate the investigation, he added.

Ibrahim Ali says Dr M acted like a gentleman

Perkasa chief says he believes more will follow in Mahathir’s footsteps and quit Umno.
ibrahim ali
KUALA LUMPUR: Dr Mahathir Mohamad acted like a gentleman by deciding to leave Umno, according to Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali.
Speaking to reporters today, Ibrahim said that leaving Umno was the right thing for Mahathir to do as he had been vocal about his disagreement with the party’s leadership.
“The question now is whether others will follow in his footsteps because those dissatisfied with the Umno leadership will only become a group of troublemakers if they choose to stay, especially when the party has made it obvious that they are not wanted.”
He hinted at former Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and ex-Kedah Chief Minister Mukhriz Mahathir as some of the members who were no longer welcome in Umno.
“Umno leaders will be more comfortable if they are not bothered by the rebels in their party and will be free to do whatever they wish to do, waiting only for the outcome of their decisions come the next general election .”
Ibrahim pointed out that Mahathir and his followers should think about their next step if they wished to continue their struggle.
He added that he would not be surprised if more followed in Mahathir’s footsteps as he had his own loyal followers as well as the support of many people because of his previous service to the nation.
“Tun is a statesman and has led the country for 22 years and it is not hard to predict that more will follow in his footsteps.”


So the 27th of March gathering is very crucial to gauge how far they can go with this. They are hoping that not only those from the ANC, or those who oppose Najib, would attend, but that those from the NGO’s, associations, etc., would also come. And if it looks like there is a response then expect a new anti-najib political party led by Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin to burst onto the scenes soon.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
This was what Lim Kit Siang said today:
“But this will not be in the best interests of the nation, for Malaysia would have descended further in the next two years down the slope towards a failed and a rogue state.”
“Even Dr Mahathir seemed to have come around to the view first, that the best way is for the country to have two political parties as this would ensure that one or the other would win a majority to form the government and second, everybody should act as patriotic citizens, irrespective of party affiliation or loyalties, to save the nation from heading towards perdition.”
“Is the country ready for a realignment of progressive and patriotic political forces to save Malaysia and to keep faith with the vision of a united, inclusive, moderate, democratic and prosperous Malaysia? The coming weeks will seek to give an answer to this question.”
Zaid Ibrahim is planning a gathering of like-minded people on the 27th of March 2016. According to Zaid, it is not going to be a demonstration or protest rally but a sort of forum or maybe even a brain-storming session. It is a platform to discuss and not a platform to oppose. It is a gathering for those who aspire to see change in the country, Zaid explained.
In short, this is going to be the launch of Reformasi 2.0. However, they do not want to call it Reformasi 2.0 because the Reformasi Movement is associated with Anwar Ibrahim and has been ‘tainted’ due to its single-purpose agenda, which was to free Anwar from jail (plus the fact that the idea of a Reformasi Movement was ‘stolen’ from Indonesia).
Zaid is a bit hazy about the objectives of this gathering and just says that it is a gathering of those like-minded people who aspire for change. That may be true, that it is a meeting of those who aspire for change, but what is the objective of the gathering?
The gathering itself is not an objective. Gatherings are the means to reach an objective. You gather so that you can achieve something. Hence the gathering cannot be that objective. The gathering is merely to discuss what to do about meeting that objective,
Lim Kit Siang is more open about the intention of the 27th March gathering. The only way to save Malaysia, said Kit Siang, is for the country to have two political parties. And Kit Siang asks Malaysians to watch the coming weeks to see something major happening in the country.
So that is the real intention of the gathering of 27th March. It is to test the waters to see how receptive the Team B in Umno is towards the idea of forming a new coalition or alliance with the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan. As Zaid said, the PAS President has not been invited to this gathering because, according to Zaid, Hadi is opposed to change.
What Zaid means when he says ‘opposed to change’ is that Hadi is perceived as too supportive of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak (and Hadi has never hidden this fact). So they do not want any pro-Najib people at this gathering. It has to be only those in the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) and Pakatan Harapan (and PAS is not in Pakatan Harapan).
And that is why Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, and all those in the ANC (plus those Umno people who may be opposed to Najib) have been invited while Hadi and PAS have not.
DAP knows that to capture Perak they need the Malay votes — and they have said so. However, they are not too sure whether the PAS-splinter party, Amanah, can do that job. And if their chances of capturing Perak is questionable, unless they can get the Malay votes, then what more if they wish to capture Putrajaya and form the Federal Government?
Amanah has not proven as much a success as they had hoped and expected. Amanah could not even get more than 500 people to attend the first anniversary rally of Anwar’s incarceration. And it looks like Amanah is also not able to increase its membership, especially to get those from PAS to leave the party to join Amanah.
In short, there was no exodus of PAS members as they had originally envisioned and this worries DAP. If the PAS members stay with PAS and do not cross over to Amanah then there is a strong likelihood that Amanah would not be able to bring in the Malay votes that Pakatan Harapan needs. Perak, therefore, would remain in the hands of Barisan Nasional while their ambition of forming the next Federal Government would be reduced to a pipe-dream.
How, then, would the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan have any chance of forming the next Federal Government if Amanah cannot deliver the Malay votes? Well, then the Malay votes would have to be delivered by Umno — or rather the ANC in Umno. And for that to happen the ANC has to officially be part of the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan — either as a member of the coalition or it enters into an electoral pact with the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan.
And this is the purpose of the 27th March gathering. It is to feel out the members of the ANC to see whether they are open or receptive to a pact or alliance of some sort with the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan. The ANC will be transformed into a political party (just like ADIL that was launched in 1998 was transformed into Parti Keadilan Nasional or keADILan in 1999).
So, if the 27th March gathering is successful, the next step would be for the ANC to register a new political party. Since Amanah is not able to take away the Malay votes from PAS then the new ‘Parti Anti-Najib’ would have to take away the Malay votes from Umno. Only then would the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan be able to form the new Federal Government with probably a few more states added to the three they already own.
That is the ultimate plan. And with the RM3 billion that the ANC is budgeting, and with another RM1 billion from Penang and RM1.5 billion from Selangor, there would be enough funds to make sure that in 2018 Malaysia would get a new government after 60 years of Malay-Umno rule.
That is the change that they are talking about.
So the 27th of March gathering is very crucial to gauge how far they can go with this. They are hoping that not only those from the ANC, or those who oppose Najib, would attend, but that those from the NGO’s, associations, etc., would also come. And if it looks like there is a response then expect a new anti-najib political party led by Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin to burst onto the scenes soon.

Dr Mahathir to set up core group to oust Najib

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is planning to set up a core group to remove the current prime minister. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, February 29, 2016.Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is planning to set up a core group to remove the current prime minister. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, February 29, 2016.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he agreed with opposition parties PKR, Parti Amanah Negara and DAP on the need to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak as prime minister and would set up a core group to achieve this objective.
The former prime minister, who quit Umno today in protest against Najib, said he had no plans to set up a new political party but would look at starting a group.
"It has not yet been formed, (I hope) a core group can show their commitment by signing a declaration.
He did not say, however, if opposition parties would be part of this group.
But he acknowledged that there were different people voicing the same opinion on Najib separately, and this could cause confusion.
"We need to have a core group with a single objective, so that if anybody wants to consult or support or object, they can do so through this group of people who will form the core of citizens who want Najib to be removed."
When asked if he would be leading this core group, Dr Mahathir said he would be one of its members but would not lead the group.
When asked if recently suspended Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin would follow him, he said, "I hope so."
Dr Mahathir announced that he would leave Umno today at a press conference in Putrajaya, saying that it was no longer the Umno he knew as the party was now dedicated to keeping Najib in power.
The retired statesman has been a staunch critic of Najib for more than a year now and even attended the Bersih 4 rally last August, which called for the prime minister's resignation over alleged financial scandals.
Dr Mahathir said some people might say he was disappointed that his own son (Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir) was not prime minister but denied that this was true.
If it were, he said, he would have promoted his son while he was still in power.
"But you know very well that he could only enter politics after I resigned. I don't practise nepotism," he said.
He also disagreed with critics who blamed him for current weaknesses in the country's institutions, such as undermining of the judiciary and concentrating power in the hands of the prime minister.
"I don't accept this accusation that I undermined the judiciary.
"In my time, the judiciary could even find Umno illegal, do you think at present Umno will ever be found illegal by the judiciary?
"I don't think so because in the first place the attorney-general will not allow the case to go to court."
Dr Mahathir has hit out at Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali for not pressing charges against Najib despite investigations by anti-graft investigators.
He has also accused Najib of undermining democracy in the silencing of dissenting voices, whether the media, which reported critically on Najib's brainchild 1Malaysia Development Berhad, or individuals who lodged reports against the state-owned investment firm.
But critics had said Dr Mahathir himself had instituted such repressive measures during his rule.
The former prime minister said he had tried to find a reason to stay on in Umno but last week's suspension of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made him realise that the party was "incorrigible".
"Only supporters of Najib will have a chance to be a candidate in the next election.
"I love this country, this is my country, but this man doesn't care for the country, he only cares for himself.
"It is because of his doing, I decided to leave," he said.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianoutsider.com/malaysia/article/dr-mahathir-to-set-up-core-group-to-oust-najib#sthash.kXwQqExH.dpuf

‘Conflict of interest’ if I am charged, says Rafizi on Tabung Haji police report

Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli says charging him under a civil suit would take into account his position as a lawmaker to give fair comment based on qualified privileges. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, February 29, 2016.Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli says charging him under a civil suit would take into account his position as a lawmaker to give fair comment based on qualified privileges. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, February 29, 2016.
PKR's Rafizi Ramli said today that Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) should have initiated a civil suit action against him instead of lodging a police report if the allegations raised against the company was defamatory in nature.
The Pandan MP said he would challenge attempt to charge him in court, saying that it could be interpreted as "conflict of interest" because the attorney-general, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, currently sits on the board of the pilgrims fund.
"If Tabung Haji is hoping this 'coincidence' will ease prosecuting me in court, it will definitely be challenged by my lawyer as it can be construed as 'conflict of interest'," Rafizi said in a statement today.
He said charging him under a criminal act was also easier as a civil suit would take into account his position as a lawmaker to give fair comment based on qualified privileges.
"Furthermore, TH will need to prove in a civil suit that my comments are with malicious intent.
"All the proof, right to fair comment and qualified privileges do not exist under the criminal act. The prosecutor will only need to prove that I stated certain words.
"This is why I have noticed a tendency among Umno leaders and government agency to lodge police reports to investigate me under criminal law when it should be brought about as a civil suit."

TH reportedly lodged a police report yesterday, following the PKR secretary-general's accusation that the pilgrims fund had given corporate guarantee to its associate company TH Heavy Engineering Berhad (THHE).
Rafizi however said, he would give full cooperation to the police investigation.
He also urged Tabung Haji to initiate civil suit if any of his allegations on the pilgrims funds were found to be untrue or defamatory in nature.
"I am prepared to defend myself and present the facts in civil court."
Rafizi had previously said Tabung Haji risks losing RM1.4 billion due to continued investment in THHE.
He had also commented on the pilgrims fund's negative reserves, RM90 million failed investment in a bread company and investment into Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd shares which depreciated RM933 million.

Rebel Umno leaders to decide tonight whether to leave party

The Coalition of Branch Chiefs Malaysia members will hold an emergency meeting tonight to decide their fate with Umno after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad left the party. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, February 29, 2016.The Coalition of Branch Chiefs Malaysia members will hold an emergency meeting tonight to decide their fate with Umno after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad left the party. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, February 29, 2016.
The Coalition of Branch Chiefs Malaysia (GKCM), a group of Umno branch leaders demanding party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak's resignation, will hold an emergency meeting tonight to decide whether to remain in the party or leave, following the departure of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
GKCM vice-president Rushdan Mohamed said the news of Dr Mahathir quitting the party was serious and reflected the political situation in the country.
"We had a closed door meeting with Dr Mahathir a while ago and he assured us that he will always be with us although he has left 'Party Najib'.
"It is very sad that we have reached this state that the man who built this country has made a decision to leave the party."
Dr Mahathir announced that he would leave Umno today at a press conference in Putrajaya, saying that it was no longer the Umno he knew as the party was now dedicated to keeping Najib in power.
Dr Mahathir, who was prime minister and Umno president for 22 years until his retirement in 2003, has since last year been criticising Najib relentlessly over state-owned investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad and the RM2.6 billion donation.
This is the second time the former prime minister has quit Umno, the first time in May 2008, over unhappiness with Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the then prime minister who led Barisan Nasional to dismal results in the general election that year.

RON 95, 97 prices down, diesel unchanged

Pump prices for RON 95 will go down by 15 sen to RM1.60 per litre from RM1.75 previously.
While the retail price of RON 97 petrol will be reduced by 10 sen, to RM1.95 per litre from RM2.05 previously.
According to petrol retailers, this will take effect after midnight tonight.
The price for diesel remains unchanged at RM1.35 per litre.

'Right move by Mahathir to quit Umno'

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made the right move to leave Umno for the second time, Communications and Multimedia minister Salleh Said Keruak said today.
“This is probably for the best because when one’s relationship with the party or the party leader is no longer tenable, then it is pointless for one to remain in the party.
“Mahathir’s actions are hurting the party and for him to remain in the party while at the same time going against the party does not seem logical,” said Salleh in an immediate response to Mahathir’s announcement.
Writing on his blog, Salleh said Mahathir’s relentless attacks on Umno should have been done from outside the party.
“I am saddened by this episode not so much because he has, yet again, left Umno but because of the circumstances behind his resignation.
“No one can deny that Mahathir did a lot for the country in his 22 years as prime minister, although his term of office was not entirely free of blemish,” said Salleh in claiming that the recent series of events that led to Mahathir’s resignation would be remembered more than the good he has done.
Salleh also said that he hoped that Mahathir would not drag the country down to gutter politics.
“And with all sincerity I would like to wish Mahathir the very best for the future,” he said.
Mahathir had during a press conference at his office earlier today announced that he would leave Umno as the party is no longer what it used to be. -Mkini

FGV’s 2015 pre-tax profits slips to RM359.3m

Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd’s (FGV) pre-tax profit slipped to RM359.93 million for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2015 from RM957.64 million in 2014.
Revenue, however, rose to RM15.66 billion from RM15.25 billion in the previous year, it said in a filing to Bursa Malaysia today.
For the fourth quarter, the pre-tax profit declined to RM159.22 million from RM174.34 million a year ago, while revenue advanced to RM4.25 billion from RM3.91 billion previously.
In a separate statement, FGV Group president and chief executive officer Mohd Emir Mavani Abdullah said the reduced profit was mainly due to lower crude palm oil (CPO) prices and the weakening ringgit.
He said the CPO price dropped eight percent from RM2,410 per tonne in 2014 to RM2,210 per tonne in 2015, while the US dollar strengthened 20 percent against the ringgit.
“Our overall performance last year was influenced largely by the direction of global palm oil prices as the upstream segment contributed 75 percent to our revenue,” he said.
Mohd Emir said that industry players were expected to continue facing tough times in 2016 due to uncertainty in CPO prices.
“FGV expects CPO to trade between the RM2,200 and RM2,400 per tonne this year.
“We remain committed to our transformation plan and to strengthen our performance during this testing period.
“We have aggressively continued our replanting exercise for the past four years, executed our group-wide cost optimisation (which has seen positive results since September) and expanded our downstream activities to minimise reliance on our upstream business,” he said.
FGV’s announcement comes in the wake of its filing to Bursa Malaysia on Friday that its unit, Felda Global Ventures Downstream Sdn Bhd (FGVD) would be acquiring a 55 percent stake in Zhong Ling Nutri-Oil Holdings Ltd for RM976.3 million.
“We look forward to this earning-accretive deal as this is a strategic buy for FGVD. The group will be able to leverage on Zhong Ling’s over 20 years’ experience and its top 10 position in China's edible oil market of 1.4 billion people,” he said.
FGV plans to cash finance part of the deal through proceeds from the group’s targeted divestment strategy, he said.
At the close today, FGV’s share price stood at RM1.53, down four sen with 5,163,000 shares traded.